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1. Which is an example of an open-ended question?

a. Who is the current president of the United States?

b. What concerns you most about your health?

c. What is your address?

d. Have you lost any weight recently?

2. Which is an example of a closed-ended question?

a. How have you been feeling lately?

b. How is your relationship with your wife?

c. Have you had any health problems recently?

d. Where are you employed?

3. Assessment data about the client’s speech patterns are categorized in

which of the following areas?

a. History

b. General appearance and motor behavior

c. Sensorium and intellectual processes

d. Self-concept

4. When the nurse is assessing whether the client’s ideas are logical and

make sense, the nurse is examining which of the following areas?

a. Thought content

b. Thought process

c. Memory

d. Sensorium

5. The client’s belief that a news broadcast has special meaning for him

or her is an example of

a. abstract thinking.

b. flight of ideas.

c. ideas of reference.

d. thought broadcasting.
6. The client who believes everyone is out to get him or her is

experiencing a(n)

a. delusion.

b. hallucination.

c. idea of reference.

d. loose association.

7. To assess the client’s ability to concentrate, the nurse would instruct

the client to do which?

a. Explain what “a rolling stone gathers no moss” means.

b. Name the last three presidents.

c. Repeat the days of the week backward.

d. Talk about what a typical day is like.

8. The client tells the nurse “I never do anything right. I make a mess of

everything. Ask anyone; they’ll tell you the same thing.” The nurse

recognizes these statements as examples of

a. emotional issues.

b. negative thinking.

c. poor problem-solving.

d. relationship difficulties.

Select all that apply.

1. Assessment of sensorium and intellectual processes includes which?

a. Concentration

b. Emotional feelings

c. Memory

d. Judgment

e. Orientation

f. Thought process

8. Assessment of suicidal risk includes which?

a. Intent to die

b. Judgment

c. Insight

d. Method

e. Plan

f. Reason


Select the best answer for each.

1. The client who is involuntarily committed to an inpatient psychiatric

unit loses which right?

a. Right to freedom

b. Right to refuse treatment

c. Right to sign legal documents

d. The client loses no rights

2. A client has a prescription for haloperidol, 5 mg orally two times a

day, as ordered by the physician. The client is suspicious and refuses to

take the medication. The nurse says, “If you don’t take this pill, I’ll get

an order to give you an injection.” The nurse’s statement is an example


a. assault.

b. battery.

c. malpractice.

d. unintentional tort.

3. A hospitalized client is delusional, yelling, “The world is coming to an

end. We must all run to safety!” When other clients complain that this

client is loud and annoying, the nurse decides to put the client in

seclusion. The client has made no threatening gestures or statements to

anyone. The nurse’s action is an example of

a. assault.
b. false imprisonment.

c. malpractice.

d. negligence.

4. Which would indicate a duty to warn a third party?

a. A client with delusions states, “I’m going to get them before they

get me.”

b. A hostile client says, “I hate all police.”

c. A client says he plans to blow up the federal government.

d. A client states, “If I can’t have my girlfriend back, then no one can

have her.”

5. The nurse gives the client quetiapine (Seroquel) in error when

olanzapine (Zyprexa) was ordered. The client has no ill effects from

the quetiapine. In addition to making a medication error, the nurse has

committed which?

a. Malpractice

b. Negligence

c. Unintentional tort

d. None of the above

Select all that apply.

1. Which elements are essential in a clinician’s duty to warn?

a. Client makes threatening statements

b. History of violence

c. Potential victim(s) are identifiable

d. Potential victim is easy to locate

e. Threat is not a delusion

f. Threat of harm is serious

2. Which elements are necessary to prove liability in a malpractice


a. Client is injured
b. Failure to conform to standards of care

c. Injury caused by breach of duty

d. Injuries must be visible and verified

e. Nurse intended to cause harm

f. Recognized relationship between client and nurse


Select the best answer for each.

1. Which of the following give cues to the nurse that a client may be

grieving for a loss?

a. Sad affect, anger, anxiety, and sudden changes in mood

b. Thoughts, feelings, behavior, and physiologic complaints

c. Hallucinations, panic level of anxiety, and sense of impending


d. Complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and loss of appetite

2. Situations that are considered risk factors for complicated grief are

a. inadequate support and old age.

b. childbirth, marriage, and divorce.

c. death of a spouse or child, death by suicide, and sudden and

unexpected death.

d. inadequate perception of the grieving crisis.

3. Physiologic responses of complicated grieving include

a. tearfulness when recalling significant memories of the lost one.

b. impaired appetite, weight loss, lack of energy, and palpitations.

c. depression, panic disorders, and chronic grief.

d. impaired immune system, increased serum prolactin level, and

increased mortality rate from heart disease.

4. Critical factors for successful integration of loss during the grieving

process are

a. the client’s adequate perception, adequate support, and adequate coping

b. the nurse’s trustworthiness and healthy attitudes about grief.

c. accurate assessment and intervention by the nurse or helping


d. the client’s predictable and steady movement from one stage of the

process to the next.

Select all that apply.

1. Rando’s six Rs of grieving tasks include

a. react.

b. read.

c. readjust.

d. recover.

e. reinvest.

f. restitution.

2. Nursing interventions that are helpful for the grieving client include

a. allowing denial when it is useful.

b. assuring the client that it will get better.

c. correcting faulty assumptions.

d. discouraging negative, pessimistic conversation.

e. providing attentive presence.

f. reviewing past coping behaviors.


Select the best answer for each.

1. Which is an example of assertive communication?

a. “I wish you would stop making me angry.”

b. “I feel angry when you walk away when I’m talking.”

c. “You never listen to me when I’m talking.”

d. “You make me angry when you interrupt me.”

2. Which statement about anger is true?

a. Expressing anger openly and directly usually leads to arguments.

b. Anger results from being frustrated, hurt, or afraid.

c. Suppressing anger is a sign of maturity.

d. Angry feelings are a negative response to a situation.

3. Which type of drugs requires cautious use with potentially aggressive


a. Antipsychotic medications

b. Benzodiazepines

c. Mood stabilizers

d. Lithium

4. A client is pacing in the hallway with clenched fists and a flushed face.

She is yelling and swearing. In which phase of the aggression cycle is


a. Anger

b. Triggering

c. Escalation

d. Crisis

5. The nurse observes a client muttering to himself and pounding his fist

in his other hand while pacing in the hallway. Which principle should

guide the nurse’s action?

a. Only one nurse should approach an upset client to avoid threatening

the client.

b. Clients who can verbalize angry feelings are less likely to become

physically aggressive.

c. Talking to a client with delusions is not helpful, because the client

has no ability to reason.

d. Verbally aggressive clients often calm down on their own if staff

members don’t bother them.

Select all that apply.

1. Behaviors observed during the recovery phase of the aggression cycle


a. angry feelings.

b. anxiety.

c. apologizing to staff.

d. decreased muscle tension.

e. lowered voice volume.

f. rational communication.

2. Which statements are examples of unacceptable behaviors under the

JCAHO standards for a culture of safety?

a. “According to your performance evaluation, you must decrease

your absenteeism.”

b. “Don’t page me again, I’m very busy.”

c. “If you tell my supervisor, you’ll never hear the end of it.”

d. “I don’t deserve to be yelled at.”

e. “I haven’t seen such stupid behavior since grade school.”

f. “I request a different assignment today.”









Theories of grieving


Bowbley phases


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