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Name: Chua, Beauty Grace I.

& Section: CPE103 11-1C

Labanza, Rain Raven B.

Chapter 1 By Pair Activity

A. How Diverse Is Your Class?

Chua, Beauty Grace I.

Primary Secondary

Age: 18 Work Experience: None

Gender: Female First Language: Blaan

Sexuality: Female Education: First Year, Tertiary

Ethnicity: Blaan Geographic Location: Sarangani


Spiritual Beliefs: Protestant Cognitive Style: Practical

Labanza, Rain Raven B.

Primary Secondary

Age: 18 Work Experience: Org. work/ Volunteer

Gender: Female First Language: Ilonggo

Sexuality: Heterosexual Education: First Year, Tertiary

Ethnicity: Ilonggo & Manubo Geographic Location: Gen. Santos City

Spiritual Beliefs: Seventh-Day Cognitive Style: Creative/ Artistic


1. What is the definition of diversity?
• Different social identities are referred to as diversity in the classroom. A
person's social identity is made up of their age, race, socioeconomic
status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, handicap,
and nationality. Our identities are overlapping and intersecting, and many
facets of them evolve throughout time.

2. Why is the diversity important in the present times?

• Many advantages exist for human growth in a diversified setting. The
ability to interact with a varied group of people can prepare you to be a
member of a global society, whether it is in your professional or personal
life. In addition to helping you become more accepting and aware of
various cultures, it may help dispel previously held preconceptions.

3. What are the two dimensions in Loden’s Wheel of Diversity? How can this
model be used?
• The fundamental, or core, and supplementary elements of diversity make
up the wheel, according to her. The categories give an indication of the
degree to which these variations affect a person's beliefs, expectations,
and quality of life.

4. Why are ability and disability considered another dimension of diversity?

• As variety encompasses the infinite range of an individual's distinctive
qualities, experiences, and talents, ability and disability are seen as
additional dimensions of diversity. Respect for and tolerance of variety
permit a celebration of individuality, which is what diversity entails.

5. How does diversity encourage innovation and problem solving?

• Diversity fosters creativity. It promotes the look for fresh data and
viewpoints, which improves judgment and problem-solving. Businesses'
bottom lines can benefit from diversity, which can also spark new ideas
and discoveries that transform industries.
6. What can non-acceptance of diversity do in organization?
• According to Harold Patrick and Vincent Kumar's study, a lack of
acceptance of diversity can lead to bias, ethnocentrism, stereotyping,
victim-blaming, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

A. Circles of My Multicultural Self

I am a sensitive person but I am NOT weak.

I am a woman but I am NOT a JUST A WOMAN.

B. Venn diagram of Similarities and Differences



• (5) Similarities and (5) Differences.

A. Read each paragraph and explain what you would do and why.
1. A parent asks to see you. He demands that you take out the crucifix
inside your classroom because the religion they belong to does not
believe in the crucifix. He insists that his child is being taught the wrong
values. How will you respond to the parent?

• First of all I'll apologize for having that impression that we disrespect his
child beliefs or value, or offend their family in anyway but also I'd like to
clarify that our school has a diverse culture where different children are in
one classroom. Therefore, to avoid further conflict I'll respect their beliefs
so we will remove the crucifix on that specific placement or area but will be
use on other events if other children would like to pray or the crucifix will
be put in an intended area or room for those specific believers, because
after realizing it is true not all child or parents will be please on the crucifix.

2. You plan a relay game for your class. While you are explaining the
mechanics of the game, one student raises her hand and says she can’t
do a particular task in the game because she has a prosthetic leg. How
will you respond to this situation?

• In this scenario as a teacher, I'd like to use modification. We won't change

entirely the game but will modify it by still including my PWD (Person With
Disabilitie/s) student. The student can tell me if she still wants to play and if
yes I'd ask her what position or role she'd be comfortable with, without
exerting her overall strength and with the use of her entire legs.

3. During a class election, Gina and Roy are running for the position of
Class President. What criteria will you base your decision on whom to
vote for?

• A president is a leader, and a leader knows his or her people. So it's wise
to choose someone that is people's smart. In that way he/she knows how to
listen to others and that's the best way to solve a certain problem in the
classroom or organization.
B. Create a poster (e-poster) that demonstrates the impact and
importance of acknowledging, respecting, and tolerating

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Title: "Stronger, Together"

• Together facing the future, we can build a strong, healthy and respectful environment
through accepting our uniqueness and finding strength within diversity.
Credits: Watercolor painting originally by Rain Raven B. Labanza, which edited and touch by
Fotor Online app to get this modernized texture of E art poster.

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