HRM Practices On Bashundhara Group

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A Term paper ON

Human Resource Management

Practices on Bashundhara Group.

Course Title: Human Resource Management

Course Code: HRM-611

Submitted To
Dr. Masud Rana
Associate Professor
Department of Human Resource Management
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Mymensingh

Submitted By
Nasir Talukder
ID: 201327119
Session: Summer-2020
Department of Human Resource Management
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Mymensingh

Date of Submission: 4th March, 2022

Table of Content
Chapter Contents Page

Chapter 1: Introduction 03

Chapter 2: Company Profile 04-06

Chapter 3: Human Resource Functions of Selected Company 07-10

Comparative Analysis of HR Practice of Selected

Chapter 4: 11-14

Chapter 5: Recommendation and Conclusion 15-16


Human resource is the best resource in the organization and without human
resource the organization is not possible to gain the success in the organization. Job
satisfaction is very important for the employees and employees are the big assets
among all assets in the organization. Human resources management activities are
very important for achieving the organization’s goals and maintaining the
competitive and cooperative advantage among the organization. HRM activities
refer to organizational functions directed at managing, balancing, developing and
maintaining the pool of human resource and ensuring that the human and physical
resources and the organizational activities are aimed at employed towards the
fulfillment of organizational goals and objectives and expectation (Schuler &
Jackson 1987). Human resource management activities are the essential tools for
management of people within the internal environment of an organizations,
comprises the activities, policies, strategy and practices are involved in planning,
organization, leading, commanding and co-ordaining and cooperating, obtaining,
developing, utilizing, evaluating, maintaining, balancing and retaining the
appropriate numbers of workers and employees and skill mix of employees to attain
the organization’s goals and objectives Presently organizations are competing
through implementing the unique HRM practices and due to the globalization and
modern changing pattern the organizations adopt the most up-to-date HRM
practices in order to accomplish the organizational goals. Best HRM practices are
always helpful and advantageous for both employee and employers; it plays an
important role in constructive growth of the organization.

Company profile

Bashundhara Group (founded by Ahmed

Akbar Sobhan and present Chairman began
in 1987 as real estate venture. Shafiat
Sobhan Sanvir is the Vice Chairman of
Bashundhara Group. After its first successful
project, Bashundhara invested in new fields,
Ahmed Akbar Sobhan
including manufacturing, industry and Born 15 February 1952 (age 70)

trading. More enterprises were established in Other names Shah Alam

Education University of Dhaka
the early 1990s; these included cement,
Occupation Chairman of Bashundhara
paper, pulp, tissue paper and steel Group
Years active 1978–present
production, as well as LP Gas bottling and
Spouse(s) Afroza Begum
Children 4 sons

On 4 February 2014, The Bangladesh Supreme Court ordered Bashundhara Group

officials to surrender before it on a tax evasion case filed by the caretaker
government. On 19 December 2011, Bashundhara chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan
was sued for 'fraud' by Mohammad Shahjahan over the price of land in
Bashundhara. Bashundhara received permission from Bangladesh Economic Zones
Authority to set up two specialized economic zones in Keraniganj, Dhaka,

All of the group’s activities are the common threads of change, flexibility and
fostering closer ties with the Government, the City Corporation and their clients. 4
Most of its projects have been success stories- this fact alone is enough to justify a
sense of confidence in the Group’s future.
Enterprises: The Group now has over sixteen major concerns. These enterprises are-

1. Bashundhara LP GasLtd

2. Bashundhara City DevelopmentLtd

3. Bashundhara Steel ComplexLtd

4. Bashundhara Industrial ComplexLtd

5. Bashundhara Steel and EngineeringLtd

6. Bashundhara Logistics Ltd

7. BashundharaFoundation

8. Bashundhara ConventionCenter

9. Bashundhara Dredging Co.Ltd

10. Bashundhara TechnicalInstitute

11. Bashundhara Food and Beverage IndustriesLtd

12. Sundarban Industrial ComplexLtd

13. Bashundhara Cement IndustriesLtd

14. East West MediaGroup

Location: Corporate Office : Plot # 125/A, Block# A, Bashundhara R/A,

Road No - 2 Baridhara, Dhaka-1229,Industrial Headquarters : Plot# 3,
Block# G Umme Kulsum Road, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229.

Employees: The Group has currently 8100 employees. Besides direct
employment they are going to generate some new system of employments.

Future Plan of Bashundhara Group

The era of information and communication technology has changed the

world with a whisker and now communication has emerged as the key to
trade and development. The rapid development of information and
communication technology has turned the world into a global village.
Moreover globalization and its all pervasive impacts on states and their
economies have made life more competitive, complex and technology
Now ‘staying competitive’ is the key to survival in today’s world of business
where quality rules and standard products and services sneak in shedding
physical boundaries. Now, the recent global recession and its impacts have
shown yet another challenge and the bitter side of the globalization.
But despite the global challenges and its impacts on local economy,
Bashundhara Group has kept on its forward march with visionary goal, best
use of its human resources and meticulous planning. Varied range of
products with ensured standard, quality services and most effective
managerial efficiencies have made the company a market leader in the
respective sectors of its operation.
But despite intriguing growth and business expansion, the company’s aims
and objectives remain the same – to serve people with maximum satisfaction
and keep on working for the greater welfare of the people and the country.
Still each and every Bashundhara Group companies care for their clients as
their obligation and customer satisfaction remains the key to their success.

Function of HR of Bashundhara Group

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection is a fundamental function of HR. It involves identifying
the need for a role, writing up job descriptions, defining the requirements of the
role and the skill set of the right candidate, setting salary budgets, advertising to the
right people, screening, interviewing, and selecting the best person for the job.

It might seem straightforward but this function is not just about finding people to
fill roles. If done correctly, by clearly defining job specifications and specifying the
employee profile, placing the perfect candidates in the right positions can
profoundly affect employee retention and create a happier workforce.

The recruitment process often includes “Onboarding,” also known as organization

socialization, which is usually facilitated and overseen by HR personnel. This is
where new employees acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and behaviors to
become effective members of their team.

Training and Development

HR Training and development is vital for addressing skill or training deficits

among employees and providing them with the necessary tools to strengthen their
skill sets, improve their confidence, and perform more effectively. Employers who
invest in their workforce in this way see distinct increases in employee satisfaction
and morale. They are seen to be valued and supported and more likely to feel
motivated in their roles.

Training employees also provides benefits to a company. Investing in an

employees’ development encourages employee retention and keeps recruitment
costs to a minimum. It also makes your company more attractive to potential
recruits who seek to improve their skills and provides them with more

Training is also important for industry changes and innovation, keeping employees
on top of the latest developments sustains the organization as a leader and top
competitor in its field.

Performance Management
Performance management is usually facilitated by Human Resources with the help
of line managers. It is a tool to monitor progress and evaluate employees’ work,
attitude, efficiency, and effectiveness.

A good performance management process includes quarterly or annual appraisals

or performance reviews. These enable one on one communication between
employees and line managers to set clear individual goals and team goals that align
with the strategic goals of the organization.

Performance management is an ongoing process that can include a variety of

integrated activities to form a performance management cycle. This includes
planning by setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-
bound) objectives and a Personal Development Plan to achieve said goals,
reviewing and assessing the progress of these plans, and developing the
knowledge, skills, and abilities of people to reach their goals.

Employee Relations

There are two primary functions when it comes to Employee Relations (ER).
Firstly, HR helps prevent and resolve problems or disputes between employees and
management. Secondly, they assist in creating and enforcing policies that are fair
and consistent for the whole workforce.

Good relationships lead to increased employee well being. Employee Relations is a

term that refers to an organization’s efforts to create and maintain positive
relationships between employees and their employers. ER is integral for
organizational performance, loyalty among staff members, and improved
engagement. It relates to line managers and their team members, both individual
and team relationships. Additionally, it refers to contractual and practical
relationships, as well as the personal and emotional dimensions of these

Employment Law and Compliance

Every HR practitioner should stay familiar and up to date with employment law
and ensure the organizational policies, procedures, and benefits comply with the
latest laws. Employment law is the legal framework within which the organization
must operate. There are a wide range of laws and regulations that cover a myriad of
human resource practices such as recruitment, performance management, employee
relations, compensation, and health and safety.

Though one of the most complex and critical functions of HR, rigorous adherence
to the relevant employment laws can help avoid any legal complications.
Employers and their staff can ensure that their processes are fair for all parties
involved, while also helping to eradicate discrimination and promote equality in the

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefits is likely every employee’s favourite HR function.

Compensation is the basic salary that is agreed upon with each employee. Company
benefits offered to employees can range from pay raises linked to appraisals, social
security, pensions, private health insurance, longevity perks, corporate discounts,
paid holidays, paid sick leave, childcare facilities, profit sharing, gym membership,
and many more depending on the priorities of the company and its employees.

Company benefits are a way to attract, retain, and reward employees. Job
satisfaction is directly linked to motivation, efficiency, and employee productivity,
so a good set of company benefits can increase morale and motivation in the
workplace. 9
Administration, Payroll & HR Systems

Developing systems, maintaining employee data, calculating taxes, prorating

working hours and holidays, and paying salaries are some of the administrative
duties that usually fall under HR. Some larger organizations may have a separate
payroll team that works together with the HR department.

HR administration is generally the first role HR professionals take on in their

careers and it is essential to understanding the rest of the HR functions. As they
say, the devil is in the details; without the meticulous data input, filing and
information gathering, none of the other functions would be possible.

Comparative Analysis of HR Practices of Bashundhara Group
Human Resource Planning in Bashundhara Group
Successful human resource planning is designed to identify an
organization’s human resource needs. BG’s people are their most important
asset. In Human Resources (HR), their culture is about empowering us, both
to contribute to their business objectives and to achieve our own personal and
career goals. They also keep an eye on the future, with their 'leadership
behavior’s initiative aiming to identify the next generation of leaders.

HR's overall function is to devise and implement strategies and policies to

ensure that they have the right people with the right skills. Within that, there
are numerous options for us. For example, it could be covering culture
change, leadership development, strategic talent management, coaching and
skills development or alignment of reward with performance. Following
factors are to be taken into consideration while planning for human
1. Strong interpersonal and leadership skills.

2. The ability to see the big picture while delivering on day‐to‐day goals.

3. A real interest in how people drive business.

4. The strength and integrity to take tough decisions.

5. An interest in coaching and developing people

6. Culture/Strategic Awareness

Factors Affecting Recruitment Process

The recruitment function of the organizations is affected and governed by a

mix of various internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are
the factors that can be controlled by the organization. And the external
factors are those factors which cannot be controlled by the organization. The
internal and external forces affecting recruitment function of Bashundhara
Group are stated bellow:
External Factors:
a) Image/ Goodwill: Image of the employer can work as a potential

constraint for recruitment. An organization with positive image and

goodwill as an employer finds it easier to attract and retain employees than
an organization with negative image. Bashundhara Group has built an
image which has made their recruitment process much easier to handle.

b) Political‐Legal‐Social Environment: Various government regulations

prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment have direct impact on

recruitment practices. Sometime government rules & regulations and labor
union restrict management freedom to select those individuals who it
believes would be the best performers.
c) Competitors: The recruitment policies of the competitors sometime have

an effect on the recruitment function of Bashundhara Group. To stay ahead

of the competition, many times BG had to change their recruitment policies
according to the policies being followed by the competitors.
Internal Factors:

a) Recruitment Policy: The recruitment policy of an organization specifies the

objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation of
recruitment program. It may involve organizational system to be developed for
implementing recruitment programs and procedures by filling up vacancies with
best qualified people. Though BG has its recruitment policy it does not follow as it
should follow.

b) Human Resource Planning: Effective human resource planning helps in

determining the gaps present in the existing manpower of the organization. Every
year BG determines the number of employees to be recruited and what
qualification they must possess.
c) Size of the organization: The size of the firm is an important factor in
recruitment process. If the organization is planning to increase its operations and
expand its business, it will think of hiring more personnel, which will handle its

d) Cost: Minimization of Cost is what every organization look for and recruitment
incur cost to the employer, therefore, Bashundhara Group try to employ that source
of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization for
each candidate.

e) Growth and Expansion: Organization will employ or think of employing more

personnel if it is expanding its operations.

Forms of Recruitment

The organizations differ in terms of their size, business, processes and practices. A
few decisions by the recruitment professionals can affect the productivity and
efficiency of the organization. Organizations adopt different forms of recruitment
practices according to the specific needs of the organization. There are two forms
of recruitment; centralized and decentralized forms of recruitment:

a) Centralized forms of recruitment: The recruitment practices of an

organization are centralized when the HR / recruitment department at the head
office performs all functions of recruitment.

Benefits of the centralized form of recruitment are:

• Reduces administration costs

• Better utilization of specialists

• Uniformity in recruitment

• Interchangeability of staff

b) Decentralized forms of recruitment: Decentralized recruitment practices are

most commonly seen in the case of multinationals operating in different and diverse
business areas.

Sources of Recruitment

Job openings can be filled internally or externally by the HR department. When job
openings cannot be filled internally the HR department fill it from external sources,
i.e. from paper Ads, job agency, educational institutions etc. Bashundhara Group
(BG) prefers outsourcing its employee.

Constraints Faced by BG

Every organization faces some barriers during the recruitment process. HR

professionals of BG are not apart from that. The biggest challenge such
professionals face is to source or recruit the best people or potential candidate for
the organization. While asking them several questions about barriers about
recruitment they have pointed out some factors which are stated below.

• Lack of motivation: Recruitment is considered to be a thankless job. Even if the

organization is achieving results, HR department or professionals are not thanked
for recruiting the right employees and performers.

• Adaptability to globalization: The HR professionals of Bashundhara group are

expected and required to keep in tune with the changing times, i.e. the changes taking
place across the globe. So sometime it becomes little bit difficult for the HR
department to align themselves with the frequent change taking place around the

• Process analysis: The immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the
main concerns of the HR in recruitment. The process should be flexible, adaptive
and responsive to the immediate requirements. The recruitment process should also
be cost effective. 14

Effective recruitment and selection process can give an organization a competitive

edge over its competitors by saving both time and cost. Bashundhara Group recruits
Major part of its employee form external source, especially form Newspaper Ads
which cost them much. However, we have recommended some ideas that might help
them to improve their recruitment and selection process:

Outsourcing firm: The Company may draw required personnel from outsourcing
firms. The outsourcing firms help the organization by the initial screening of the
candidates according to the needs of the organization and creating a suitable pool of
talent for the final selection by the organization as per their needs.

Poaching/Raiding: “Buying talent” (rather than developing it) is the latest method
being followed by the organizations today. Poaching means employing a competent
and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same
or different industry; the organization might be a competitor in the industry. A
company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages
and other terms and conditions, better than the current benefit and compensation

Using HRIS: HRIS or human resource inventory system, is a online portal or data
bank that helps one organization to find the right people for right positions in the
right time. BG can maintain a well equipped HRIS.

Some other recommendations for Bashundhara Group (BG) are given below.

• In case of recruitment and selection process BG extensively use daily newspapers

advertisement. But it should go for online and arrange program in educational
institution to attract qualified people their entry and re‐entry period.

• The application form of BG is time consuming and isn’t easy to complete, so it

should be easy to complete.

• BG should consider different factors like cost of living, taxation, family

requirements etc. in recruiting people.
The globalization of business is forcing managers to struggle with complex issues
as they seek to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. Bashundhara Group is one
of the largest Group of Companies in Bangladesh. They enjoy outstanding
recruitment and selection practices in each successful employee hired. So, their
hires are better “fits” in their work groups. They also share values, traits and
behaviors that are highly regarded for success in the organization. They reach the
qualified applicants through the use of innovative recruiting channels.
Traditionally, employers have focused on assessment methods that are highly
correlated to the content of the job, hence most able to predict ability to perform
the required duties and tasks. However, organizations have come to realize that
success of the candidate hinges on more than just the ability to carry out tasks and
duties well. The foundation of superior performance lies in the synergy created by
a close fit with the work group and with the organization’s culture. No process is
complete without an evaluation of its success. So to crown all, it can be said that
successful human resource planning system helped Bahundhara group to achieve
one of the leading places in the business area of Bangladesh significantly


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