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Everything You Need To Know About

1. Introduction To Malware
2. Virus
3. Worm
4. Trojan
5. Ransomware
6. Adware And spyware
Introduction to Malware
Malware, short for malicious software, is any
program or code that is created with the intent of
causing harm to a computer system or network. It
can take many forms, including viruses, worms,
Trojans, ransomware, adware, and spyware.
The goal of malware creators can vary from
simply causing chaos and disruption to stealing
sensitive information, extorting money, or using
the infected system as part of a larger botnet for
further attacks.
Malware Partition
A virus is a type of malware that infects a
computer by attaching itself to a legitimate
program or file. When the user runs the infected
program or opens the infected file, the virus
activates and begins replicating itself, often
spreading to other systems via email attachments
or shared files.
Some viruses are relatively benign, causing little
more than annoyance, while others can be
extremely destructive, deleting files, corrupting
data, and even rendering the infected system
A worm is a self-replicating type of malware that
spreads through a network without any user
interaction. Unlike a virus, which requires a user
to execute an infected program or file, a worm
can spread autonomously by exploiting
vulnerabilities in network protocols or
Worms can cause significant damage to networks
by consuming bandwidth, overloading servers,
and creating backdoors for other types of
malware to enter.
A Trojan, also known as a Trojan horse, is a type
of malware that disguises itself as a legitimate
program or file in order to trick users into
downloading or executing it. Once installed, the
Trojan can perform a variety of malicious actions,
such as stealing personal information or installing
additional malware.
Trojans are often spread through phishing emails
or social engineering tactics that convince users to
download and install seemingly harmless
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a
user's files and demands payment in exchange for
the decryption key. It can be delivered through a
variety of methods, including email attachments,
drive-by downloads, or exploit kits.
Ransomware attacks can be devastating for
individuals and organizations alike, often resulting
in the loss of important data and financial losses
due to the demanded ransom.
Adware and Spyware
Adware and spyware are types of malware that
are designed to collect information about a user's
browsing habits or display unwanted
advertisements. Adware may track a user's search
history and display targeted ads, while spyware
can steal sensitive information like passwords and
credit card numbers.
Although adware and spyware are generally less
harmful than other types of malware, they can
still be a nuisance and compromise a user's
privacy and security.
Thank You!
By Preetish Kumar sethi

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