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° Laboratory activities are playing a substantial role in supporting Scientific

learning fields by enabling student to obtain practical skills through experiments
and by giving them the chance to have more profound understanding of the
content. Although laboratory activities are expensive and time consuming. Virtual
laboratory activities can save money, time and export.allowed users to conduct
expenments individually andto repeat them multiple times if needed.



What Concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics

1. Recognize the definition of Action Research and Its application in the field of

2. Recognize the essential features of an Action Research

3. lean about the vanous model and how to conduct Action Research

4. Recognize the various Action Research processes.


OBSERVE the problem

• Many barriers affect science teaching activities and reance

students inventive skills in Saudi Arabia, such as the limited

time of Science lessons, teacher's schedules and a large number

of students in the laboratory, which leads to their inability to follow up othe

PLAN Plan of Achon

• The primary goal of developing the USL was to facilitate science education by
shifting the entire environment from reality to virtual. this transition includes the
replacement of heavy equipment with graphical tools that are easier and faster
move thanks to drag and drop features.

REFLECT Reflection

• In this paper, a virtual lab has been developed as an alternative to science labs
in Saudi Arabian middle schools in order to improve science teaching. The virtual
science lab (VSL) is an arabic-language web based sustem that allows students to
conduct laboratory experiments in a safe and interactive.chvironment.

ACT Implementation

• A pretest was conducted with five second-year middle school student prom
different schools in Jeddah to evaluate the efficiency of using the VSL and to
measure its differences from HOLs. Researchers supervised the students as they
used various computers. Prior to beginning the computer test, the students were
asked about their knowledge and understanding concepts of certain science
experiments taught in HOLS.



As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing?

Yes, As a future educator conducting a research is helpful for our future and also
reflect on our performance and learning materials and methodology, in order to
improve them.

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher.

• AR creates opportunities for teachers to help students grasps abstract Concepts.

By using the interaction and experimentation that AR technologies offer, teachers
can enhance classroom experiences, teach new skills Inspire student minds, and
get students excited about exploring new academic interests.



- During a discussion, how can we encourage group work and collaboration

- How can we encourage students to actively participate in the discussion.

- How can we assist students in engaging in a hands-on activity.


- By assigning them a task in which each member must contribute and collaborate
with the other members of their group.

- By asking the students what their thoughts or opinions were on the topic

- By experimenting, learners can apply what they have learned in the lesson to
master their experimenting skills.


Because some skills require a hands on activity. We must keep in mind how
Cutical it is to master the necessary skills. We can't just assume that teaching
learners the theory and concept will result in them learning the skills.


my action will come later, given enough time in FS2 or during my teaching
Learning Episode 5 –

Preparing the LearningEnvironment:

What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conductive learning

environment in the following conditions?

1. Bulletin Board Display -In Bulletin Board Show in the event that the tutor
needs offer assistance on the plan or putting up a few declarations of
updates within the bulletin I would happily donate thoughts and help on it.
2. 2. Small Group Discussion -In a little gather talk, we compelling
conversation around setting up rules and controls in giving rules and
controls in a virtual classroom ismuch simpler, they understudies ought to
plan their tablet, computer, or any contraptions and their modules that
we'll be utilizing in a web course. Too will remind them to communicate
with the instructor on the off chance that they are encountering web
association issue, and in conclusion, a straightforward update to unmute
their receiver on the off chance that they are in a virtual lesson like zoom
and in case they are aiming to talk and quiet it whereas they are tuning in.
They ought to utilize the chat box or utilize the raise hand emoji in case
they needed to conversation or inquire something.
3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom ( meet or Zoom)-
Since most of us presently is online stage, I will prescribe to my
collaborating instructor to utilize google classroom participation tracker to
record the assembly and take screenshot after the lesson session for
NoteLearning Environment 1:  What have you noticed of the class bulletin
board? What message or theme does it convey? The bulletin sheets in their
school gives the student a exact information on each subject like
Arithmetic, Filipino, Chemistry, etc. I moreover watched that they have
registry bulletin board in their school. I too taken note that they have
bulletin board fordeclaration, pictures in each movement, overhauls and
more. What Makes it attractive to the learners? They utilized
craftsmanship materials such as cartolina and uncommon papers to provide
more fascination to the understudies. There are too utilizing covering,
which is truly valuable since their covering is obvious sufficient to the
understudies. They put curiously and learned subjects in arrange that
understudies will really pulled in which can trigger their minds and
curiousity like within the field of sciences. Does it Helps to the learning
process? The purposeful is to illuminate understudies approximately
subjects and their diverse exercises in school. How? By putting data that are
not address by theinstructors and can examine by each understudy
Learning Environment 2:  If the teachers are using a distance of learning
through the modules, where is most likely the learning space of the
students? Most of the students their space for learning is in their
consolation of their domestic but a few are exterior the boulevards due to
need of signals for their web and afew are in computer shops.

 Can you describe? Domestic for benefit understudies since they have space or
room where they can consider and more critical they have Wi-Fi framework,
whereas others are exterior the road since they don't have get to to Wi-Fi they
are utilizing Data’s of cellular phone that gives them get to to web whereas other
pay to utilize someone’s Wi-Fi and computer set like in Computer Shops. How
Can you as a teacher help to make such environment conductive for learning? I
will always make beyond any doubt to have an plan where in everybody go to the
online class considering a few are not benefit sufficientto have the assets and get
it their shortcomings since of their accessible resources


As a teacher, in which of the two situation would you prefer to manage for
learning? Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.-
Of course I would select Learning Environment 1 but due to the circumstance and
implementation of the modern typical within the curriculum I have to be select
the Learning Environment 2 - In case the school is utilizing online remove learning
methodology some time recently I have a web course, I will require to find a video
conference instrument that empowers me to put through with my students.
Anything apparatus I use or select, I still ought to spend time learning how to
utilize iteffectively.


Based on my Noticing and analysis, I realized that-It can be unpleasant to grasp

the advanced insurgency and move to online classroom sessions. It’s impressively
more troublesome to create online class exciting. This school year, there's a
parcel to learnand numerous challenges to overcome. Whereas online classrooms
have self-evident confinements, they also give a virtual portal to

unused learning openings. Learning encounters that are more open, intuitively,
and set out we say, curiously that they have ever been. It as it were needs a
advanced mentality, the proper devices and a laser-like center. The mystery as
continuously. In the event that you won’t be able to grant inclusion to an
compelling learning encounter you can’t capture your online learner’s

Write Action Research Prompts


What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning

The effects of students learning-Students having a problem with internet

connectivity in rural areas.


What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?-By helping students to

answer their questions about the discussion orany related learning
PLANHow should I do it? -By Having group message or personal messages, they
can ask me for help and I will help them as long as I know how I will solve it.

Check for Mastery1. B2. D3. D4. C 5. D

“ My Conducive Learning Environment ”

A positive and conductive learning environment is exceptionallyfundamental for

understudy development since it advances scholasticvictory and positive learning,
on the other hand it cannot happen by itself itmust be nurtured.To make a sound
learning environment for understudies, numerousvariables must be considered.
First the establishment of an excellent

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