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Australian Teal Party Manifesto


The Member for Flinders

Leader of the Australian Teal Party

The Teal party will provide for Australia, We will always make Australia prouder and
work with other parties to create a prouder patriotic Australia.
I am committed to deliver the commitment and the fight for the cause for
Australia to Thrive for the betterment for Australia’s future
The Teal Party will be contesting all 151 seats at the next Federal election,
This country deserves real change.

The Australian Teal Party is founded in response to the failures of the Government's
actions on Climate change,
most recently the disastrous event in the Great Barrier reef

And both major parties are forgetting the Australian people while
focusing on themselves.

The Failed two party system has to be broken,

Everyone here in this country knows the two party system has failed
A Revolving door in the Liberal National Party and failing promises from the Labor
Party is certainly putting a burden on our country.

We cannot afford the Establishment to ruin Australian lives again,

- Break the two-party system
- Universal healthcare
- Unite the Australian people
- Fight for Reforestation
- Reduce Carbon Emissions by 2030
- Introduction of electric vehicles
- Fight for First Nations rights
- Prevent further Nuclear legislation
- Ending Regime change wars
- Australian Made jobs
- More wages
-Investing in cures for cancers and diseases
Gender and racial equality
- ending student debt
- climate friendly transport
- ending the abuse of refugees

Our policies are achievable, but to make them happen we need

your support.
Your vote is powerful. You can use your vote to tackle the
climate crisis and make housing affordable for everyone.


Multinational online gambling companies are running riot in Australia.

In states like Victoria there is a 10% tax on the revenue made from
Victorian customers, with the majority of the funds being sent back to
support more gambling via propping up the horse racing industry.

The Teals will double the rate to 20% and direct all revenue from the tax to
public services.

The Teals have also found ways to save money by stopping unnecessary and
harmful spending.

We can save by immediately:

● Ending state funding for native forest logging.

● Ending state government support for coal and gas.
● Stopping private schools from getting more than their share of public
money, by capping their funding at 100% of the school resource
● Halving expenditure on consultancies in the public sector.

We will also make sure any increases in debt are for important investments,
such as building public and affordable housing and renewable energy
infrastructure – rather than unnecessary and polluting toll roads.

There are also billions of dollars hidden in the budget that the government
hasn’t told Australians what they will spend it on yet. We will use these
funds for tackling climate change, building affordable housing and
providing public services.

Who else is sick of Australia’s endless political scandals?

Dirty deals with property developers, factional infighting,

bullying and branch stacking, public money rorted for party
politics, lobsters with mobsters – the list goes on.

Politicians should work for all of us, not just big donors and party

Your vote is powerful. We no longer have to sit by and accept dodgy

politicians and the same old poor standards: together we can restore
integrity to Australian politics.

With more Teals in Parliament we’ll hold the next government to

account by introducing the strongest integrity, transparency and
anti-corruption standards.
Corporate lobbyists have too
much influence over our
Politicians and staffers are supposed to
work for us, but too often they’re more
interested in their own careers, or the
interests of the powerful corporate
lobbyists that have access to them.
Most of the time the public aren’t even allowed to know who politicians are

A lack of any real rules or consequences allow MPs, ministers

and their senior staff to get away with behaviour that wouldn’t
be tolerated outside of the political bubble.

The Teals have a Bill ready to go that will:

● Establish an Independent Parliamentary Integrity Commissioner

with real powers to sanction MPs and public officials who create an
unsafe workplace, act disrespectfully, or fail to work in the public’s
best interests.
● Strengthen ‘revolving door’ rules, and prevent ministers and staffers
moving straight into lobbying or related private sector roles.
● Require all ministers and the Premier to proactively disclose their
diaries and meetings.
● 1. Human-induced climate change poses one of the greatest threats to
our world in human history and requires urgent local, national and
global action.
● 2. We are already experiencing dangerous impacts of climate change;
urgent, deep, and broad action is required to avoid catastrophic
● 3. The amount of greenhouse gas already in the atmosphere
necessitates urgent emission reduction and drawdown of greenhouse
gases as well as prompt adaptation to climate change.
● 4. Early action to reduce greenhouse emissions is cheaper and fairer
than delayed action.
● 5. Climate change policy should be based on the best available
● 6. Climate change policy should inform and frame all other policies.
● 7. Australia is one of the world’s largest per-capita emitters of
greenhouse gases with a large percentage due to the burning of brown
● 9. The lack of effective global (or Australian) climate action must not
prevent Australia from taking immediate and comprehensive
● 10. Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures should not
discriminate or treat anyone unfairly on any basis including gender,
age, race, ethnicity, vulnerability, religion, disability, sexual
orientation or membership of a minority group.


● Mitigation
● 1. Net zero or negative emissions as soon as possible, including
drawdown of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere, in a way
that is environmentally responsible and socially fair.
● 2. Development and implementation of a detailed plan to end
Australia’s reliance on fossil fuels by shifting to a low carbon
● 3. Australia is positioned, through innovation, to capitalise on the
new jobs, skills, technologies and markets available in a low carbon
● 4. Transition support for all regions, businesses and communities
adversely affected by measures that reduce climate change.
● 5. Regulation of the phasing-out of existing coal-fired power stations
and the banning of new fossil-fuel based power stations.
● 6. A ban on the exploration and development of new fossil fuel
resources including but not limited to coal seam and other forms of
unconventional gas.
● 7. Complementary mitigation measures developed and implemented
in collaboration with other governments where possible.
● 8. Assistance to the Agriculture and Forestry sectors to reduce
emissions from ruminant livestock production and land clearing and
other sources.
● 9. Maximise effective and sustainable carbon farming,
bio-sequestration and other drawdown methods.
● 10. Australia’s stationary energy sector affords realistic opportunities
for emission reduction that are low cost, and with high impact. As
well, other sectors need to reduce emissions including but not limited
to transport, industrial processes, agriculture and forestry.
● Adaptation
● 11. Government support for adaptive actions to protect the
environment and key public assets, and to manage major public risks.
● 12. The implementation, through public and private action, of the
Australian Climate Change Adaptation Plan, and ongoing review with
community and expert involvement.
● 13. Assisting the Agriculture sector to adjust to reduced water
availability and to make itself more energy self-sufficient.
● 14. Ensuring that coastal zone planning regulations allow for
expected impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels, storm
surges and extreme weather events.
● 15. Adaptation measures that take account of those groups
disproportionately impacted by climate change and resulting
disasters and emergencies

The Teals plan to wipe student debt &

ensure everyone can access a free,
world-class education from early
childhood, through school to TAFE and

Education is too expensive. From early childhood,

through to school, TAFE & university, education
should be for free, no matter who you are.

● Liberal National and Labor have allowed too much funding to go to

private education and training institutions.
● Your Vote Is Powerful. If just a few hundred people change their vote,
we can kick the Major parties out, and put the Teals in balance of
● The Teals plan includes free, high quality early childhood education
and public schools that meet everyone’s needs.
● We will abolish student debts, and restore the TAFE system which
has been privatised by Liberal National and Labor.
● And, we need to ensure that teachers, trainers, support staff,
academics and early childhood educators are paid properly.
● The Teals plan is for genuinely free education, for everyone.
Authorised P Wang-Hughes Teal Party Melbourne 3000

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