(POA) Manifesto of The United Democrats

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The Australian Democrats and the Safe & United Party of Australia Merged Manifesto

Economic Policy

● The Democrats will support taxation cuts for middle and lower earners.
● The Democrats will raise the tax threshold to ensure low income earners don’t feel the
squeeze especially if they are out of work.
● The Democrats will support an overhaul of the windfall tax and create a windfall tax
with teeth.
● The Democrats will work with states to remove stamp duty and replace it with a Land
Value Tax of 3%.
● The Democrats will support a tax break for small businesses and the creation of the
“microbusinesses portfolio”.
● The Democrats will add a 50% boost to Commonwealth Rent Assistance to help ease
the squeeze on Australians living in rental stress.

● The Democrats will make 90% of wage Increases tax deductible.

● The Democrats will bring back the Mining Super profits tax.

● We will immediately halt the privatisation of all Australian assets, and bring critical
Australian industries back into our own hands.
● We will repeal negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount in its entirety.

● Democrats will provide over $2 Billion in subsidies to ensure parents can send their
kids to school.

Climate Change
● The Democrats will Invest in up to 20 new clean energy projects.
● Ask for a Royal Commission into the Great Barrier Reef and the effects of climate
change on the reef.
● The Democrats will push for net-zero by 2040 and a full renewable grid by 2030.
● The Democrats will push for a 66% emission cut by 2030
● The Democrats will block the Scarborough Gas Project and the Narrabri Gas Field and
seek to halt all gas exploration by 2030.
● The Democrats will seek to phase out all coal mines by 2025 and replace every coal
mine and power station with a renewable project.
● The Democrats will invest in free TAFE for renewable energy industries
● The Democrats will overhaul the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
● The Democrats will upgrade the electricity grid to fix energy transmission and make
electricity cheaper.
● The Democrats will ban fracking
● The Democrats will push states and territories to remove Luxury Car Tax from electric
vehicles and provide subsidies.
● The Democrats will subsidise solar panel installation in line with the state and
● The Democrats will be Attempting to move all capital cities to fully renewable energy
by 2035.
● The Democrats will be spending $20 billion upgrading our grid to support renewable
● The Democrats will also support copper, lithium, and cobalt mining in Australia in order
for rare earth metals to fuel the green transition for EVs.

● Democrats will cut 2005 greenhouse gas emission levels by 60% by 2030, with a goal
of fully completely net zero emissions by 2040.

● Democrats will invest in electric car chargers all across Australia, and incentivise
petrol stations to converting their pumps into chargers.

● Democrats will invest in more coral research funding to save the great barrier reef, as
well as more research into litter disposal methods.
Foreign Affairs

● The Democrats will push for membership into ASEAN.

● The Democrats will open Australia up to Asia and hope to become a key player in the
Asian Region.
● The Democrats support free trade and will seek to implement several key free trade
● The Democrats will push to bring Julian Assange home and support whistleblowers
● The Democrats will restructure Australia’s foreign aid and seek to reconcile with our
Pacific Island Partners.
● The Democrats will lift foreign aid spending to 4% of the budget.
● The Democrats will work to reduce tensions between the People’s Republic of China
and the United States.

● The Democrats will purchase 20 advanced diesel-electric submarines instead of 8
nuclear submarines which will save $80 billion and grow our submarine fleet.
● The Democrats will invest in more anti-ship missiles to help defend our shores and
save $10 billion that was to be used on armoured vehicles.
● The Democrats will end the waste in defence spending and spend it on equipment we
● The Democrats will also add defence equipment to a revised foreign aid plan.
● The Democrats will take all recommendations from the Veterans Royal Commission.
● The Democrats will bolster the veterans budget and work with states to find ways to
solve problems veterans have after combat.
● The Democrats are committed towards strengthening our defence force through the
purchase of 6 Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Model Fighter Jets to strengthen our
air presence and air force capabilities.

● The Democrats Will also Upgrade the Australian Army’s on ground abilities with the
purchase of 14 Nr.1 Leopard 2A7 from Germany to support our deployment

● Democrats will subsidise Black Sky missiles with the hope that eventually Australia
may become a global missile manufacturer. This will provide significant boosts to the
Australian economy as well as strengthening our role in the 21st century as a pacific
military power.

● Finally Democrats will commit to recruiting 50,000 new ADF personnel to improve our
manpower abilities.

● The Democrats will reform the Agricultural Visa to allow more migrant workers from
the Pacific Islands to come to Australia.
● The Democrats will establish a lottery system that will allow Pacific Islanders to come
to Australia to work with a Visa.
● The Democrats will reform the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Seasonal Worker
Program to have the Commonwealth Government cover travel costs.
● The Democrats will allow Visa holders of the Pacific Labour Mobility Scheme to bring
their families to Australia..
● The Democrats will allow the Murugappan family to return to Biloela.
● The Democrats will allow people from foreign countries currently in war a temporary
visa until the commencement of a ceasefire between both countries.
● The Democrats will continue to keep Australia open to immigrants looking to join
Australian society.
● The Democrats will set up better travel mobility streams with ASEAN nations.
● The Democrats will improve and enhance regional healthcare.
● The Democrats will improve and enhance Indigenous healthcare by providing $371m
to self-determined, community-led First Nations health services to increase their
capacity to care for the community.
● The Democrats will add dental health care to Medicare.
● The Democrats will add mental health care to Medicare.
● Expand the Royal Flying Doctor Program.
● Deliver 60 Urgent Care Clinics.
● Increase the screening program from 25 to 80.
● Cutting medications costs on the PBS.
● Boost workforce incentives for regional and remote GPs.

● We will provide GST-free sanitary products for women.

● The Democrats will introduce a laptop rebate scheme giving students better access to
● The Democrats will introduce 26 weeks of paid parental leave.
● The Democrats will introduce 2 years of free preschool before school.
● The Democrats will introduce a National Consistent Registry for all early childhood
education teachers.
● The Democrats will introduce needs-based funding for government schools.
● The Democrats will raise the status of teachers to attract high achievers to become
● The Democrats will develop a scholarship program for students seeking to become
● The Democrats will invest in disadvantaged schools.
● The Democrats will pull all government funding from private schools.
● The Democrats will remove NAPLAN with assessments that show how to close the
gap between students.
● Democrats will completely abolish university tuition fees and wipe student debt. This
has been done before and done again.
● The Democrats will break up media giants Newscorp, Fairfax and Kerry Stokes Media.
● The Democrats will protect and properly fund the ABC.
● The Democrats will support a full overhaul of the NBN.
● The Democrats will create a program that will close regional blackspots.
● The Democrats will protect press freedom and investigate the AFP raids on numerous
journalists and media companies.
● Democrats will invest more money into increasing the pension to the median income.

● Democrats will create an aged care sector, to ensure all elderly Australians get the
proper, accessible, well funded care they need.

● Democrats will invest $500 Million in the aged care sector, as a base for funding to
nursing homes, as well as aged care in hospitals, ambulance services, and medical

Social Justice
● The Democrats will criminalise conversion therapy.
● The Democrats will protect LGBTQIA+ rights.
● Protect human rights within the power the federal government has.
● Continue to protect the safety of women in the workplace.
● The Democrats will push for a Royal Commission into women's workplace safety.
● The Democrats will support a referendum on an Indigenous Voice to the Constitution.
● The Democrats will pressure states and territories to raise the age of criminal
responsibility from 10 to 14 years.
● The Democrats will support self determination for Indigenous Australians.
● The Democrats will close the gender pay gap by establishing a commission into
Women’s Economic Security Statements to look into it.

Signed By:

Adam Bandt MP Katie McCusker Randy Facalding

Former Leader of the Leader of the Former Leader of the Former
Former Australian Australian Democrats Safe & United Party of
Democrats Leader of the United Australia
Member for Melbourne Democrats Deputy Leader of the
Member for Sturt United Democrats
Senator for Tasmania

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