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Literature prose and poetry ’.

. 1. Prose It is a literary piece which is written in the pattern of ordinary spoken language and within
the common flw of conversation. It is derived from the Latin word prosa which means

2. Prose is a literary device referring to writing that is structured in a grammatical way,

with words and phrases that build sentences and paragraphs. Works wrote in prose
feature language that flows in natural patterns of everyday speech. Prose is the most
common and popular form of writing in fiction and non-fiction works.

3. Prose can be fictional or non-fictional, heroic, alliterative, village,

polyphonic, prose poetry etc.

4. The prose is an ordinary writing style in literature, which encompasses

characters, plot, mood, theme, the point of view, setting, etc. making it a
distinctive form of language. It is written using grammatical sentences,
which forms a paragraph. It may also include dialogues, and is sometimes,
supported by images but does not have a metrical structure.

5. The prose is an ordinary writing style in literature, which encompasses

characters, plot, mood, theme, the point of view, setting, etc. making it a
distinctive form of language. It is written using grammatical sentences,
which forms a paragraph. It may also include dialogues, and is sometimes,
supported by images but does not have a metrical structure

6. Poetry is something that arouses a complete imaginative feeling, by

choosing appropriate language and selective words and arranging them in
a manner that creates a proper pattern, rhyme (two or more words having
identical ending sounds) and rhythm (cadence of the poem).

7. Poetry is something that arouses a complete imaginative feeling, by

choosing appropriate language and selective words and arranging them in
a manner that creates a proper pattern, rhyme (two or more words having
identical ending sounds) and rhythm (cadence of the poem
Element of poetry

1.Structure and form

3.rhyme and rhyme scheme
4.sound and rhythm
7.figurative language and poetic device
9.tone and mood

Structure and form: Poetry comes in a variety of forms and in each form
follows a specific structure. For example, the sonnet form containing a set
structure is different from odes. A free verse poem does not have the metrical
regularity, which can be found in a blank verse poem.

Meter:  is the definitive pattern found in verse. Some of the important metrical
feet in English poetry Poets utilize these metrical feet to create a pattern,
which is called a metrical pattern or metrical scheme. Some of the important
metrical patterns

Rhyme and rhyme scheme: rhyme is the repetitive pattern of sounds found in
poetry. They are used to reinforce a pattern or rhyme scheme in specific
poetry forms such as ballads sonnets and couplets the rhyme scheme is an
important element the common types of rhyms used in poetry

Sound and rhythm:sound and rhythm are other important elemnts of poetry
the sound of a poetic

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