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Financial analysis:

Elite event planners had a revenue of around 15 million PKR in the last year, with around 70% from
event planning fees,25% from vendor contracts, and 15% from markups on event services. The cost
of goods sold was around 5.8 million PKR with 70% of gross profit margin. Operating expenses were
around 7.5 million PKR which results in an income of 2.3 million PKR.The net income of the year
recorded was around 1.5 million PKR.The cash flow statement shows a net cash inflow of 2 million
PKR.Key financial ratio shows a healthy profitability with a gross margin of 70% and an operating
margin of 15%.The liquidity position is strong, with a current ratio of 2.0 and a quick ratio of
1.5.While the budget analysis shows that the company manages its finances effectively, with keeping
costs under control and maintaining cash flow.

The owner of elite event planners is MR.Faisal,who has over 15 years of experience in event panning
and holds a degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management with a concentration in event planning.
He leads a team of experienced event planners who are specialize in corporate events, weddings,
and social events. All the team members has completed relevant certifications and has a proven
track record of successful events. Lead event designer, a vendor, management specialist, and a
project manager are included in the team. Vendor negociation,budget management, and event
design are the core competencies set by the team. Elite event planners strives to provide excellent
customer service and build strong relationships with our clients. The team works closely together to
ensure your event runs flawlessly and exceeds client expectations. The company provides ongoing
training and development opportunities to keep employees abreast of the latest industry trends and
best practices.

Implementation plan:
The Elite event planner’s event execution plan includes a detailed event timeline that outlines each
step of the planning process and includes deadlines and responsibilities. An event budget is created
and updated regularly throughout the planning process. Vendor selection is an important part of the
planning process and our team conducts extensive research and evaluates proposals before
selecting a vendor. The event design process includes concept development, design mock up and
client approval to ensure the event is in line with the client's vision. Logistics is an important aspect
of event planning and our The team plans transportation, preparation, clean-up, and security for
each event. Our communication plan includes regular updates for all stakeholders, including
customers, suppliers and employees. Risk management is a key consideration, conducting a
thorough risk assessment and developing plans to mitigate potential problems. Quality control is
also a priority, with regular checks throughout the planning process to ensure all aspects of the
event meet our high standards.

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