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Performance management

Performance appraisal process

Methods of evaluating employee performance

Company’s values alignment with performance appraisal

Employee branding initiatives

Performance appraisal process:

In general, the performance appraisal process at Soneri Bank may include the following steps:

Goal setting: At the beginning of the appraisal period, employees may work with their supervisors to
set goals for the upcoming year. These goals should align with the overall goals and objectives of the

Ongoing feedback: Throughout the year, employees receive regular feedback from their supervisors
on their performance. This feedback may be provided in one-on-one meetings or through a formal
review process.

Self-assessment: Employees may also be asked to complete a self-assessment of their performance.

This allows them to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and accomplishments over the course of
the appraisal period.

Formal review: At the end of the appraisal period, employees typically have a formal review with
their supervisors. During this review, the employee's performance is evaluated based on the goals
that were set at the beginning of the period, as well as any other relevant factors.

Performance rating: Based on the results of the formal review, employees may be assigned a
performance rating. This rating may be used to determine salary increases, promotions, or other
rewards and recognition.

Customer satisfaction: This KPI measures how satisfied customers are with the products and services
offered by the bank. This may be measured through customer surveys, feedback, and ratings.

Sales performance: This KPI measures the sales performance of the bank, such as the number of new
accounts opened, loans granted, and other financial products sold.

Employee productivity: This KPI measures the productivity of employees, such as the number of
transactions processed, calls answered, or emails responded to.
Compliance: This KPI measures the bank's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, such
as anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and data privacy laws.

Risk management: This KPI measures the bank's ability to identify and manage risk, such as credit
risk, operational risk, and reputational risk.

Efficiency: This KPI measures the bank's efficiency in managing resources, such as the cost per
transaction or the time taken to process a loan application.

Value alignment with performance appraisal

Soneri Bank, like many other organizations, places a strong emphasis on aligning its values with its
performance appraisal system. The bank's core values are customer centricity, innovation, teamwork,
professionalism, and ethical behavior. These values are incorporated into various aspects of the
bank's operations, including the performance appraisal system.

The performance appraisal system used by Soneri Bank may evaluate employees on their adherence
to the bank's core values. For example, the rating scales used in the appraisal may include specific
criteria related to customer service, innovation, teamwork, and ethical behavior. Employees who
consistently demonstrate these values may be rewarded with higher ratings, bonuses, or

Additionally, the bank may provide training and development opportunities to help employees align
their behavior with the bank's core values. For example, training sessions may focus on improving
customer service skills, fostering teamwork, or reinforcing ethical behavior.

Overall, Soneri Bank's value alignment with its performance appraisal system reinforces its
commitment to its core values and helps to ensure that its employees are working towards the
bank's strategic goals.

Employee branding:

Employee branding is an important aspect of talent management at Soneri Bank. The bank
recognizes that its employees are its most valuable asset, and it invests in building a strong employer
brand to attract, retain, and motivate talented individuals.

Soneri Bank's employee branding strategy may include the following elements:
Employee value proposition (EVP): The bank may have a clear and compelling EVP that
communicates the benefits and rewards of working at Soneri Bank. The EVP may be aligned with the
bank's core values and business strategy.

Employer branding campaigns: The bank may run employer branding campaigns to showcase its
unique culture, work environment, and employee benefits. These campaigns may be run through
social media, job portals, or other relevant channels.

Employee engagement programs: Soneri Bank may have employee engagement programs that
promote a sense of belonging and pride among its employees. These programs may include
recognition and reward programs, wellness initiatives, training and development opportunities, and
other initiatives that contribute to employee satisfaction and retention.

Diversity and inclusion: The bank may be committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace
where all employees feel valued and respected. This may be reflected in the bank's hiring practices,
training programs, and other initiatives.

Employer reputation management: The bank may monitor and manage its reputation as an
employer, both online and offline. This may include responding to employee feedback, addressing
concerns, and leveraging positive reviews to attract top talent.

Overall, Soneri Bank's employee branding strategy is aimed at creating a positive and engaging work
environment that attracts and retains top talent. By investing in its employees, the bank is able to
build a strong and sustainable business that delivers value to its customers and stakeholders.

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