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Second Exam

Reading Visual Arts (GE 20)

Name: Daniel C. Paclibar Jr. Code: 8195 Time: 2:30PM - 3:30PM Permit #:

Test 1: Define the following terms

1. Seeing and Sense - These are the only organs visible on your body's surface.
"Seeing" is sometimes used interchangeably with "observing" or "comprehending."
Sight and vision are crucial because they allow us to connect with our environment,
keep us secure, and aid in the maintenance of our mental sharpness.

2. Images and Sign - Images are descriptive language used to create you to
imagine whatever is going on; images are simply anything that appeals to any of the
five senses. A sign is something that indicates a message, such as a symbol used as
an abbreviation or shortening of anything, or a board that is publicly exhibited.

3. The Reality Function - Is the mind's ability to evaluate the reality of the external
environment and act appropriately, as opposed to acting on the pleasure principle.
The regulatory mechanism in traditional psychoanalytic theory that symbolizes the
demands of the external environment and forces the person to forego or alter innate
satisfaction or to postpone it to a more opportune moment.

4. Aesthetic Judgment - Aesthetic judgements are based on the ideal of beauty. is

one of the most important words in aesthetic philosophy. Our aesthetic judgments,
according to Kant, are subjective and developed in reaction to our observations of
the world around us. The faculty of judgment is rather nuanced in this case, and
many philosophers dispute on its meaning and applicability in everyday life. It can,
nevertheless, be considered a vital component of aesthetics.

5. Everyday Life as Narrative - Everyday narratives are the stories we tell each
other about ourselves and our daily lives. They may be about little matters (such as
gossip and idle chit-chat, or what happened to you when you went to the shop), or
they may be about more important matters (like how you faced imminent danger or
negotiated a poignant moral quandary).
Test II: Reading Visual

1. Judge the picture aesthetically, your judgment should be based from the
given definition of aesthetic judgment.

Art Piece

As what I have noticed in the picture above is that, the hands that are holding a light
are properly positioned in the center which takes the attention of the viewers. The
vignette effect also leads the viewers into the center, the vignette effect is the dark or
shadow effect that you can see surrounding the picture. It’s all about grabbing the
attention of the viewers.


This artwork tells its viewers that hope and happiness exists even when darkness
surrounds us. In the picture we can see that the hand is reaching out or is already
holding the light of hope and happiness, this tells us that we just need to reach out
our hand in order to see and grasp hope and happiness in our lifetime. This artwork
gives strenght to the people whom are in need of a fighting chance or whatever they
are battling with.

2. Cite a personal reflection of the given image as we continuously

facing a lot of challenges in the midst of pandemic.

Despite what we are facing right now we do still have hope that everything will go
back to the way it used to be just like the old days and this is what the picture is
telling us. It tells us that we need to get ahold of hope and do everything that we can
in our power in order to fix and get rid of this pandemic. As what I have noticed this
past few years and months is that out people are still holding a positive feeling and
vibe despite what we’ve been through. This hope that we are receiving, this hope that
keeps us alive everyday is a blessing from God that we need to cheerish and share
with our family, friends and neighbors.

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