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Learning with Technology:

Significance of having a Complete Computer Equipment based on the Perception of ICT Strand at Gov.
F.T. San Luis Nat. Agro-Industrial IHS.

A Quantitative Research

presented to the ICT Senior High School Department

Gov. Felicisimo T. San Luis National Agro-Industrial High school

Brgy. Kapatalan, Siniloan, Laguna

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in








Grade 12- ICT


Research Adviser


Background of the study

- Citation for Background of the Study
- the research title is change slightly, consider the changes

The main purpose of this study is to analysis the effectiveness of ICT integration in.
Specifically, this study aims to identify; (I) the effectiveness of complete equipment in ICT form
learning perspectives and (II) the effective elements of ICT integration in teaching in public
schools in Gov. F.T.S.L.N.A.I.I.H.S.
ICT is considered as one of the main medium in delivering knowledge to the future to
the teachers-to-students and students-to students interaction. Complete Equipment refers to
mean digital, infrastructure like computer, laptops, printer scanner, software programs and etc.
All this devices is the tools and techniques used in teachers-to-students and students-to
students interaction. The The research gap of this study is on how the user use a equipment in a
right way, that`s why we are researcher who want to study the significance of having a
complete equipment. We want to aim to achieve the knowledge in different significant and/or
affect for having a complete equipment at school of G.F.T.S.L.N.A.I.I.H.S. and also to know the
effectiveness of having that.
The researcher argue that there’s need to determine the advantage and/or effect for
having a complete equipment, we believe that what knowledge you are there’s a little point
that you need to know.
While ICT integration seeks to boost the level of quality, accessibility, and cost-
effectiveness of instruction delivery to students, as well as the advantages of networking
learning communities to address the problems brought on by present globalization. This study
aims to analyze teachers and students perceptions on effectiveness of ICT integration to
support teaching and learning process in delivering lesson with the use of technology. This
study contributing the knowledge, determining the advantage of knowing the helpfulness effect
of use a medium in delivering a every day lesson.

Statement of the problem (SOP)

This study aim to determine all advantage of having complete equipment in ICT strand at
Specifically it aims to answer the following questions.
1) What are the profile of the selected student in ICT Strand?
1.1) Age
1.2 Sex
1.3) Grade level and Section

2) What are the benefits of having a complete equipment in teaching in terms of :

3.1) Delivering teaching

3.2) Assessment teaching

3.3. Preparation real-life application

3. What is the level of significance of complete computer equipment based on the perception
of ICT Strand?

Significant of the Study

The result of the study will be great benefit to the following
Teachers: The significant of having complete equipment in ICT Strand for teachers it helps them
to be more effective and efficient with the help of this study, teacher can learn from other
teachers who have complete that own source of program. This will more knowledgeable about
teaching and learning techniques which help to improve their skills.
Students: This study significant for all student because it show that who have a complete
equipment in ICT Strand are most likely to have a better grades in better performance in class .
The reasercher contribute a information about the effect or significance of having a complete
School Administrator: Administration and management in generally mean “control and
verification of system and the process of organizing and managing resources of all kinds in
sufficient quantity and quality to ensure that set objectives are reached” (Sushmitha & Allan as
cited in Ghavifekr, Afshari, Siraj & Segar, 2018)
Future Researcher: The significance for the future researcher is to be able to study the history
and development of ICT strand that gave the information about

Scope and Delimitation

This research will be focusing on the significant of having a complete equipment in ICT
Strand. The researchers are trying to discover the benefits, effects, and advantages of having a
complete equipment in ICT Strand
This research only focuses on the Senior high school selected students and adviser
teachers of Gov. Felicisimo T. San Luis National Agro-Industrial Integrated High School which
means other academic and non-academic track will not be included in this study. The
respondents in this research paper are the chosen under the school of G.F.T.S.L.N.A.I.I.H.S. The
researchers use the stratified sampling technique in choosing their respondents. The
researchers choose the survey as a research instrument because the researchers believe that
using it, it will be more easier to gather data.


Profile of the respondents

according to:
1.1) Age Analysis of data through:
1.2 Sex Researchable question, survey,
Determine the significance
1.3) Grade level and Section interview and systematic analysis.
of having complete
This Study use a modern way of
equipment in ICT strand
Adopted Questionnaire gathering data(google form
from " Ghavifekr, S. & questionnaire)
Rosdy, W.A.W. (2015).

In a general of gathering data, this study use a IPO as a conceptual framework because IPO is
easy to identify the main plan for collecting data. The profile of respondent are indicated in Input
because this is the source for collecting data to transform into information. The process of this study is
come in instrument and this is study use a modern form of questionnaire, the researcher use this due to
their places. In output it is the results of this study.

Theoretical framework

Plato at the keyboard: Telecommunications technology and education policy John Carey The
ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 514 (1), 11-21, 1991 The pace
of adoption of distance-learning services has accelerated during the past few years due to more
reliable equipment, lower costs, and better design of learning materials. Many new applications for
distance learning emphasize low-end equipment with fewer bells and whistles, a new or extended use
for an existing technology or network, interactive learning components, and new partnerships
between public and private sector groups. In implementing new distance-learning applications, it is
important to emphasize the service to be provided, not the technology that provides it. Further,
teachers should be viewed as partners who are essential to the success of an application, not as
enemies of technology. From a policy perspective, telecommunications may be viewed as a highway
system that will serve a vital role in education and economic development during the next century. In
order to construct a comprehensive highway system, it will be necessary to organize many existing
telecommunications groups, such as public broadcasters, cable operators, and telephone companies.

This study is supported by the Gestalt theory, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang
Kohler (1920) defines that every stimulus in learning is perceived by humans in its most simple form,
also known as the Law of Simplicity.Learning is based on changes in the perceptual process; thus,
true learning, or insight, occurs when the individual perceives new relationships within the field
(Bell-Gredler, 1986).For example, if a person does not know how to use a specific tool, insight will
not come until he or she understands the relationship between the tool and its function. Following
that point of discovery, his or her perception of the object will be consistently linked to its usage.
Gestaltists’ holistic emphasis on perception, fields, and insight provided the basis for a number of
cognitive concepts, including schemata. Though behaviorism became the dominant movement during
the next few decades, Gestalt theory was the true beginning of cognitive psychology. Given the
emphasis on learning, Gestalt’ definition is the most suitable to the goals of this study, because this
study will look at Teaching and Learning with technology.

The basis of this research paper is the Gestalt Theory (Wertheimer, Koffka, and Kohler,
1920) which explains that humans perceive every stimulus in its simplest form, also known as the
Law of Simplicity. Based on learning, changes in the perceptual process; thus, True learning, or
insight, occurs when the individual perceives new relationships within the field (Bell-Gredler, 1986).
For example, if a person does not know how to use a specific tool, insight will not come until he
understands the relationship between the material and its function. Following that idea of discovery,
his perception of the object continuously linked to its usage. Gestaltists’ holistic emphasis on
perception, fields, and insight provided the basis for several cognitive concepts, including schemata.
Though behaviorism became the dominant movement during the next few decades, Gestalt theory
was the ideal beginning of cognitive psychology. Given the emphasis on learning, Gestalt’s
definition is the most suitable aim for this study because this study will look at Teaching and
Learning with technology.

Complete equipment in ICT strand means that you have all the necessary tools, materials and
resources at your fingertips. ICT, or information and communication technology, is the study of how
people interact with computers and other electronic devices. It includes a multitude of aspects, but at
its core is the concept that technology can be used to teach and learn in new ways. ICT teachers are
those who work with technology to make sure students have every resource they need to succeed in
their studies. This can involve anything from providing laptops to students or having them take part
in online courses or video chats with teachers during class time. ICT (Information and
Communications Technology) is the use of computers, telecommunications, and information systems
to support and enhance communication, learning, work and organizations.

Complete equipment in the ICT strand means that every student has all the necessary tools,
materials, and resources at their fingertips. ICT, or Information and Communication Technology,
study how people interact with computers and other electronic devices. It includes multiple aspects,
but at its core is the concept that technology can be used to teach and learn in new ways. ICT
teachers work and discuss with the help of technology to ensure students have every resource they
need to succeed in their studies. It involves anything from providing laptops to students or having
them take part in online courses or video chats with teachers during class time. Additionally, ICT
utilizes computers, telecommunications, and information systems to support and enhance
communication, learning, work, and organization.

Definition of Term

Assessment preparation for a real life. It is the stages that prepares you to the reality of life.

Complete Equipment. It is refers to material or tools from ICT strand.

Communication technology. interaction to other with digital tools.

Delivering teaching. it refers the process of giving information to the listener particularly to ICT

Digital. It truly helps in the education for a better experience. Reading digital today is easier than the
traditional manner since using books is difficult for people. Digital is crucial in the ict strand because they
always use computers in their major.

ICT strand. information Communicatin technology, it is one of K12 curriculum under the TVL track
which is offer on Gov. FT.

Knowledge . knowledge are what people learn from the books and from the teaching of the people
around them

Learning process. it is stage of acquiring new understanding.

Learning with technology. it is the studying with the use of devices

Medium. It refers of what we use in delivering a knowledge/ lesson.


Arnseth Hatlevik (2012) defined that Integration of Information, Communication, and

Technology (ICT) in education refers to the use of computer-based communication that incorporates
into daily classroom instructional process. In conjunction with preparing students for the current digital
era, teachers are seen as the key players in using ICT in their daily classrooms. This is due to the
capability of ICT in providing dynamic and proactive teaching-learning environment.

Ghavifekr, Afshari & Amla Salleh, (2012) Stated that, As part of this, schools and other
educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live in “a knowledge society” need to
consider ICT integration in their curriculum.

In the present era of modernization Information Communication Technology plays a vital role in
every aspect of the society. It is often used in the education sector in order to enhance the quality of
education all around the world. Since Information Communication Technology has become an essential
part of our day to day lives its integration in education is inevitable and unavoidable (Ghavifekr, Afshari,
Siraj & Segar, 2013).

According to KSOU & CL, (2016), Nevertheless things have changed rapidly during the last few
years that the schools are also investing much money for the means of efficient and effective digital
communication. Both educators and parents are provided access to electronic communication.

A famous application used in schools these days for collect, store, process, analyze and
disseminate information is EMIS, the abbreviation stands for Education Management Systems (Ghavifekr
et al., 2013).

Stated by KSOU et al., (2016)These records include admission and withdrawal register,
attendance register, log book, the visitors’ book, staff and students’ personal files, cumulative record
folder, student progress reports, lesson plans/ notes, record book, staff attendance register, staff
transfer and leaving records, library records and inventories, stock register, cash register including
financial matters, pay sheets etc.

The rapid development of ICT has become one of the topics that students discuss in class the
most frequently during the past few decades. This is due to ICT's ability to create a lively and proactive
coaching and learning environment. In keeping with the modern virtual environment, teachers must
integrate ICT into their daily instruction and update their traditional methods with cutting-edge tools
and facilities. The effectiveness of ICT integration in education is the paper's main area of focus. This
study aims to determine the level of computer skills and knowledge of top college teachers within the
teaching and learning process (Ghavifekr, S., Razak, A. Z. A., Ghani, M. F. A., Ran, (2014)

The paper reviews on a specific strand of the effects of the English contribution to an
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development comparative study, ICT in Initial Teacher
Training, which aimed to broaden insights into how guides of preliminary trainer schooling put together
pupil instructors to apply data and communications technology (ICT) efficaciously of their teaching. The
paper extracts from the wider dataset the perspectives of practitioners who had been recognized as
being particularly ‘expert’ of their use of ICT, on what techniques and interventions are maximum
beneficial in growing instructors who're capable of use ICT to decorate gaining knowledge of of their
issue teaching, and additionally what it means ‘to be appropriate at ICT’ as a topic trainer (Haydn, T,

According to Chapelle, (2011), he/she stated that having a lack of adequate in ICT, One of the
main issues that schools, particularly in rural regions, are currently confronting is technology and
internet connection. For instance, research findings indicate that certain schools in Kenya have
computers, however this may only. The office only has one computer. The student-to-computer ratio is
high even in schools where computers are present. In Additionally, the report's findings showed that
parents support schools with ICT infrastructure.initiative or collective forcce.

Technical issues sought to become a significant issue and a major source of student annoyance
in the majority of schools and teachers can disrupt the process of teaching and learning. If there is no
technical support available,Teachers cannot temporarily use the computer since it needs repair
(Jamieson-Proctor et al.,2013). The Due of their fear of equipment failure, teachers will be deterred
from utilizing computers as a result are not given any help with the problem. According to Türel and
Johnson's (2012) study, technical issues become a significant obstacle for teachers. Low connectivity,
virus attacks, and printer issues are some of these issues. Functioning. There are a few exceptions,
though. Schools in nations like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom Malta and have acknowledged

ICT integration in education generally means technology-based teaching and learning process
that closely relates to the utilization of learning technologies in schools. Due to the fact that students
are familiar with technology and they will learn better within technology-based environment, the issue
of ICT integration in schools, specifically in the classroom is vital. This is because, the use of technology
in education contributes a lot in the pedagogical aspects in which the application of ICT will lead to
effective learning withthe help and supports from ICT elements and components (Jamieson-Procter et
al., 2013)

What as a mentioned, There are a variety of reasons that make ICT use in classroom teaching and
learning possible. beginning with policy, continuing with addition of all ICT hardware and software
facilities, and ending with readiness and the ability of the instructor to incorporate it into the teaching
process (Agbatogun, 2012).

Chien, Wu, and Hsu's (2014) study revealed that schoolchildren are experiencing high as the
new generation is born and raised with technologies, there are expectations for ICT integration in the
classroom.could be described as the phenomena of the digital native. The students' expectations are
higher the younger they are about using ICT in the classroom. It also demonstrated that ICT integration
is mostly based on individual self-perception-defining variables. Additionally, this study demonstrates
that teachers' and students' use of ICT both within and outside of the classroom, with technology use
outside the classroom being more common for bothclassroom. They discovered that insufficient
confidence, lack of technical expertise,and teaching attitudes lessen the emotion.

Research was done by Zanjan and Ramazani (2012) to compare the impact of teaching English with The
effects of traditional methods and educational software on student growth The study's findings showed
that notNot only is the employment of educational software in the classroom beneficial, but it also
improves students' growth.than the standard procedure. It was also discovered that employing
educational software to teach English is encourage students' learning motivation.

Information and communication technology (ICT) development has advanced at an astounding

rate. Teachers are both experts in teaching material and the primary implementers and integrators of
ICT in education (Ju Joo et al., 2018; Shonfeld et al., 2021). The ability of instructors to employ
technology in the classroom depends on their own level of preparation (Hatlevik, 2018). Self-efficacy in
using ICT to teach lays the groundwork for student comfort in the classroom.

Christophersen et al., (2016, p. 2) stated that “teachers’ self-efficacy is about their beliefs and
confidence of being capable of carrying out good teaching in the classroom. Zee and Koomen (2016)
stated that there has been much research over the past 40 years investigating the relationship between
teacher self-efficacy and the use of technologies in the classroom, revealing that the usage of ICT in
teaching is closely related to teachers' ICT self-efficacy.

According to research findings (Karaseva, 2016), teachers' self-efficacy is influenced by their

information search literacy. There may be differing levels of ICT self-efficacy for teachers depending on
whether it is connected to ICT skills or ICT usage for instructional reasons, despite the fact that their ICT
self-efficacy for instructional use is tied to their general ICT skills.

Teo (2014) and Hatlevik (2017) revealed a positive association between self-efficacy regarding
using digital tools and the use of ICT for teaching purposes. So et al. (2012) confirmed a positive
relationship between pre-service teachers’ use of computers and their ICT self-efficacy.


Ghavifekr, S. & Rosdy, W.A.W. (2015). Teaching and learning with technology: Effectiveness of
ICT integration in schools. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES),
1(2), 175-191.

Ghavifekr, S., Afshari, M., & Amla Salleh. (2012). Management strategies for E-Learning system as the
core component of systemic change: A qualitative analysis. Life Science Journal, 9(3), 2190-2196.

Chapelle, C. (2011). Computer applications in second language acquisition: Foundations for teaching,
testing and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Zee, M., & Koomen, H. M. Y. (2016). Teacher self-efficacy and its effects on classroom processes, student
academic adjustment, and teacher well-being: A synthesis of 40 years of research. Review of
Educational Research, 86(4), 981–1015.

Karaseva, A. (2016). Relation of internet self-efficacy and online search performance of secondary school
teachers. Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sciences, 231, 278–285.

Teo, T. (2014). Unpacking teachers’ acceptance of technology: Tests of measurement invariance and
latent mean differences. Computer & Education, 75, 127–135.

Hatlevik, O. E. (2017). Examining the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy, their digital
competence, strategies to evaluate information, and use of ICT at school. Scandinavian Journal of
Educational Research, 61, 555–567.

So, H.-J., Choi, H., Lim, W. Y., & Xiong, Y. (2012). Little experience with ICT: Are they really the Net
Generation student-teachers? Computers & Education, 59(4), 1234–1245.

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