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Author Index

Abrams, L., 57, SO, 257, Aronson, E., 258, 336, Benware, c., 69, 195-199,
322-324, 326, 327, 340 346,349 258, 336, 340
Abramson, L. Y., 71, 150, Ash, M. J., 313, 349 Bergin, A. E., 273, 336,
224,335 Ashby, W. A., 285, 336 356
Adams, N. E., 281, 336 Ashford, 5.].,202, 354 Berglass, 5., 160, 346
Adelman, H., 78, 335 Atkinson, J. W., 6, 23, 33, Berkowitz, L., 321, 324,
Ainsworth, M. D. 5., 134, 214, 218-223, 225, 336, 337, 339, 346
173,335 228, 233, 236, 242, Berlyne, D. E., 5, 13, 14,
Alafat, K. A., 54, 92, 93, 321, 336, 350, 353 16, 22, 23, 25, 26, 33,
96,352 Ausubel, N., 48, 336 337, 345, 348
Alderman, R. B., 314, Averill, J. R., 37, 336 Bernieri, F., 35, 66, 67,
335,353 Avery, R. R., 130, 354 97, 98, 126, 127, 149,
Alegre, c., 100, 335 251, 252, 265, 303,
Alexander, F., 287, 335 347
Allport, G. W., 12, 335 Baer, D. M., 273, 277, Bertalanffy, L. von, 114,
Alon, S., 53, 347 285,356 337
Amabile, T. M., 35, 55, Bandura, A, 6, 8, 93, Bess, J., 340
64, 66, 67, 96, 98, 105, 140, 155, 214, Betley, G., 57, 80, 257,
149, 204, 236, 257, 223-225, 228, 242, 322-324, 326, 327, 340
324,335 278, 281, 286, 336 Bexton, W. H., 20, 337
Ames, c., 351, 354 Baron, R. M., 103, 336 Beyer, J., 281, 336
Ames, R., 351, 354 Baron, R. 5., 282, 355 Bialer, 1., 103, 337
Amitai, A, 83, 84, 347 Barrett, M., 103, 104, 337 Birch, D., 221, 336
Anderson, R., 48, 51, 60, Barron, F., 347 Blanck, P. D., 60, 100,
96,335 Bates, J. A., 251, 336 101,337
Angyal, A., 30, 33, 335 Baumrind, D., 147, 336 Blaney, N., 258, 335
Appel, M. H., 352 Beamesderfer, A., 170, Blasi, A., 8, 337
Argyris, c., 296, 335 336 Blass, T., 339
Arkkelin, D., 185, 351 Beavin, J. H., 88, 158, 357 Blehar, M. c., 134, 173,
Arkkelin, J., 185, 351 Beck, A. T., 170, 336 335
Arkowitz, H., 281, 282, Becker, W. c., 262, 347, Bloxom, B. M., 171, 345
347, 350 352 Boal, K. B., 299, 337
Arnold, H. J., 81, 335 Beery, R. G., 248, 338 Bogart, K., 279, 337
Arnold, M. B., 65, 229, Bell, R. Q., 269, 336 Boggiano, A K., 67, 79,
335 Bern, D. J., 158, 200, 206, 81, 103, 104, 124, 337,
Aronoff, J., 349 336 352


Bonner, J., 352 Chandler, c., 125, 126, deCharrns, R. (Cont.)

Bootzin, R. R., 262, 285, 132, 133, 338 194, 195, 204, 207,
337,346 Chems, A. B., 298, 339 249, 260, 270, 339
Borkovec, T. D., 282, 355 Christina, R., 343 Deci, E. L., 8, 10, 28, 31,
Bomstein, P. H., 285, 353 Clark, R. W., 23, 33, 233, 33, 38, 44-47, 49, SO,
Bowers, D. G., 296, 349 321,350 57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65,
Bowers, K. 5., 262, 350 Cole, J. K., 341 67, 69, 73-77, 80, 82,
Braden, I., 20, 346 Cole, S. G., 328, 353 84, 85, 91, 98, 100-
Brazier, M. A. B., 356 Collins, B. E., 130, 140, 102, 123, 127, 142,
Brehm, J. W., 22, 31, 70- 338 153, 156, 163, 167,
72, 85, 209, 210, 337, Condry, L 73, 257, 338 169, 170, 195-199,
357,358 Connell, J. P., 124, 132, 221, 229, 230, 238,
Brehm,S., 70, 209, 210, 133, 141, 142, 146, 239, 242, 245, 249,
337 167, 170, 245, 256, 253-255, 257, 258,
Brennan, T. P., 184, 337 260, 261, 265, 301, 266--269, 281, 301,
Bridges, L., 125, 126, 173, 303, 304, 338, 340, 303, 304, 315-317,
337,343 344, 354, 356 319, 322-324, 326-
Bridgman, P. W., 207, Cooper, E. E., 75, 203, 328, 336, 339, 340,
338 352 354,358
Bridwell, L. G., 231, 357 Coopersmith, S., 126, 338 Dejong, W., 55, 64, 335
Brockner, J., 203, 338 Costomiris, 5., 91, 352 DeLamarter, W. A., 93,
Brown, I., 110, 338 Covington, M. V., 248, 340
Bruner, J. S., 246, 247, 338 Dember, W. N., 23, 33,
259,338 Crowne, D. P., 166, 339 340
Bry, B. H., 264, 338 Crutchfield, R., 108, 339 Deutsch, M., 321, 340
Buckholdt, D., 258, 357 Csikszentmihalyi, M., 29, DeVellis, B. M., 110, 340
Bugge, I. D., 285, 353 33, 66, 122, 155, 318, DeVellis, R. F., 110, 340
Buhrmester, D., 141, 338 321, 322, 332, 339 Dewald, P. A., 287, 288,
Burkholder, R., 262, 3SO Cummings, L. L., 217, 340
Burnam, M. A., 37, 352 299, 337, 342 Dienstbier, R. A., 279,
Buss, A. H., 110, 168, 341 Curtis, B., 320, 339 340
Butkowsky, I., 202, 355 Di Vitto, B., 202, 340
Butler, R. A., 14, 15, 33, Dafoe, J. L., 95, 348 Doane, B. K., 20, 344
338 D'Amico, L. A., 258, 352 Dollinger, S. J., 60, 76,
Daniel, T. L.,76, 84, 339 93,340
Danielson, K. F., 357 Dorr, D., 352
Calder, B. J., 45, 47, 53, Danielson, R. R., 357 Dougherty, F. E., 171,
75, 76, 83, 84, 338, Danner, F. W., 28, 59, 76, 345
356 123, 125, 318, 339 Drabman, R., 262, 352
Caldwell, D. F., 299, 338 Dashiell, J. F., 13, 339 Driver, R. E., 327, 328,
Campbell, D. J., 47, 80, Davey, M. E., 54, 92, 93, 340
324,353 96,352 Dunham, P., 186, 340
Campbell, K. M., 47, 80, Davis, K. E., 189, 191- Dutton, J. E., 202, 354
324,353 195,346 Duval, 5., 109, 341
Carkhuff, R. R., 290, 356 Davis, L. E., 298, 339 Dweck, C. 5., 245, 341
Carmody, T. P., 285, 353 Davis, R. T., 15, 44, 339
Carone, D. P., 100, 338 Davison, G. c., 280, 339 Earl, R. W., 23, 33, 340
Carver, C. 5., 109, 110, Day, H. I., 337, 345, 348 Earn, B. M., 103, 341
286,338 Deaux, K., 326, 339 Ebbesen, E., 278, 350
Cascio, W. F., 47, SO, 61, deCharms, R., 7, 30, 31, Eden, D., 48, 341
100, 101, 339, 340 33, 38, 49, 108, 153, Eisenberger, R., 32, 341

Eison, J. A., 251, 341 Freud,S., 4, 6, 18, 19, Grolnick, W. 5., 68, 125,
Elkind, D., 118, 121, 122, 119, 286, 287, 342 126, 130, 142, 173,
341,342 Frodi, A., 125, 126, 173, 236, 249, 250, 259,
Elliot, E. 5., 245, 341 337,343 265, 337, 343, 354
Emery, J., 67, 352 Gruber, c., 339
Engle, J. 5., 26, 341 Gaiter, J. L., 125, 351 Guzzo, R. A., 299, 343
English, A. c., 130, 341 Gajdos, E., 281, 336
English, H., 130, 341 Galanter, E., 225, 235, 350 Haber, R. N., 23, 343, 345
Enzle, M. E., 79, 82, 94, Galbraith, J., 217, 342 Hackman, J. R., 296, 302,
194,341 Gallwey, W. T., 331, 342 343, 348, 355
Erikson, E. H., 128, 160, Ganz, R. L., 103, 336 Haddad, Y. 5., 102, 343
161,341 Garbarino, J., 67, 342 Haines, D. B., 258, 343
Esser, J. K., 76, 84, 339 Garber, J., 71, 85, 224, Halliwell, W., 316, 319,
Estes, B. W., 236, 350 335, 342, 350 322, 343, 354, 356
Evans, M. B., 262, 352 Garfield, S. L., 336, 356 Hallschmid, c., 51, 348
Evans,S., 260, 354 Garvey, c., 122, 342 Hamblin, R. L., 258, 357
Gately, M. J., 15, "44, 342 Hamner, W. c., 183, 186,
Gauvin, L. I., 319, 322, 343
Farr, J. L., 77, 341 356 Hansen, R. D., 194, 341
Fasnacht, G., 251, 348 Gedvilas, L. I., 354 Hanusa, B. H., 37, 355
Fazio, R H., 76; 341 Gibson, J. J., 151, 342 Harackiewicz, J., 51, 56,
Feather, N. T., 221, 336, Gill, M. M., 349, 351 76, 78--80, 82, 8S-91,
341 Ginott, H., 97, 342 224, 236, 343, 349
Fegley, B. J., 37, 341 Gist, N. F., 125, 351 Harlow, H. F., 5, 13--16,
Feingold, B. D., 182-184, Glanzer, M., 15, 342, 343 33, 44, 338, 339, 344
341 Glaros, A. G., 280, 339 Harlow, M. K., 13, 16,
Fenichel, 0., 19, 33, 341 Glaser, R, 352 344
Fenigstein, A., 110, 168, Glass, D. c., 37, 343 Harmon, R J., 125, 351
341 Glover, J. A., 184, 337 Harper, D. c., 37, 352
Ferritor, D., 258, 357 Goldberg, L: 5.,352 Harter,S., 28, 33, 59, 98,
Festinger, L., 22, 33, 341 Goldberg, M. E., 223, 343 104, 123, 124, 141,
Fiala, F., 68, 350 Goldberg,S., 124, 348 142, 245, 249, 250,
Field, P. B., 165, 345 Goldstein, A. P., 273, 254, 261, 344
Fisher, C. D., 60, 126, 341 277, 343, 346, 355 Hartmann, H., 4, 6, 19,
Fiske, D. W., 21, 33, 341 Goldstein, K., 36, 343 33, 119, 130, 137, 344
Flavell, J. H., 120--122, Goodman, P., 283, 289, Hartup, W. W., 348
258,342 290,352 Harvey, O. J., 345, 348
Folger, R, 78, 353 Gom, G. J., 223, 343 Hatano, G., 257, 345
Foster, L. W., 183, 186, Gottfried, A. E., 256, 343 Hebb, D.O., 20, 21, 33,
343 Grant, R. M., 60, 354 344
Fowler, H., 18, 342 Green, L. c., 256, 343 Hefferline, R., 283, 289,
Frank, J. D., 108, 274, Greene, D., 50--54, 64, 73, 290,352
342,349 76, 80, 95, 109, 184, Heider, F., 7, 30, 49, 153,
Franks, C. M., 273, 278, 185, 187, 201, 250, 163, 189-192, 194,
285,342 263, 264, 339, 343, 195, 213, 238, 344
French, T. M., 287, 335, 348,350 Helmreich, R. L., 221,
342 Greenleaf, D.O., 273, 306,344
Friedlander, B. Z., 345, 277,343 Helson, H., 23, 227, 344
358 Greenspan, S. I., 20, 118, Hendrick, I., 19, 33, 344
Friedman, I., 67, 347 120,343 Hennessey, B., 66, 344
Friedman, M., 170, 345 Grimm, L. G., 281, 346 Heron, W., 20, 337, 344

Hess, R K, 53, 83, 84,. Jones, M. R, 344, 347, Koestner, R (Cont.)

356 350, 352, 353, 357 268, 269, 301, 303,
Higgins, E. T., 348 Julian, J. W., 258, 346 322, 340, 347, 354
Hiroto, D. 5., 37, 344 Jung, c. G., 154, 346 Kohlberg, 1., 115, 347
Hoehn-Saric, R., 349 Kopel, 5., 281, 347
Hollon, S. D., 349 Kagan, J., 22, 27, 33, 228, Kopp, C. B., 135, 356
Holt, J., 247, 345 346 Koslowski, B., 257, 338
Holt, K, 35, 66, 67, 97, Kahle, J., 57, 80, 257, Kotsch, W. E., 171, 345
98, 126, 127, 149, 251, 322-324, 326, 327, 340 Krakow, J. B., 135, 356
252, 265, 303, 347 Kahn, R. 1., 294, 346 Kramer, N. A., 54, 92, 93,
Holzman, P. 5.,349 Kanfer, F. H., 93, 105, 96,352
Hom, H. 1., 51, 345 136, 140, 273, 279, Kreisel, P., 314, 357
Honig, W. K, 340 281, 286, 343, 346, Krepps, P. E., 93, 340
Hovland, C. L, 345 355 Kriegel, R., 331, 342
Hull, C. 1., 4, 12, 13, 18, Kaplan, H. B., 170,346 Kruglanski, A. W., 53,
34,214,345 Karniol, R, 51, 75, 76, 78, 67, 83, 84, 201, 347
Hull, J. G., 76, 357 202, 346, 354 Krusell, J., 47, 61, 100,
Hunt, D. E., 337, 345, 348 Karoly, P., 105, 278, 346, 101, 340
Hunt, J. MeV., 16, 23-26, 347 Kuhn, T. 5., 13, 347
33, 123, 127, 134, Kast, A. D., 101, 102, 346 Kun, A., 202, 347
225-228, 235, 242, 345 Katz, 1., 338, 339 Kuypers, D. 5., 262, 347
Kauffman, M., 266, 268,
Imber, S. D., 349 269,340 Lacey, H., 8, 355
Inagaki, K, 257, 345 Kazdin, A. E., 262, 346 Lampert, M. J., 273, 336
Inouye, D. K, 110, 338 Keller, F. 5., 180, 346 Landers, D., 343
Irwin, F., 232, 345 Kelley, H. H., 189, 190, Landy, D. A., 195-199,
Isaac, W., 15, 17, 33, 345 192, 193, 195, 201, 340
Iso-Ahola, A., 318, 345 321,346 Langer, E. J., 30, 37, 208,
Izard, c., 28, 33, 171, 345 Kelman, H. c., 137, 346 347,353
Kendall, A. J., 250, 356 Lanzetta, J. T., 22, 33, 348
Jackson, A., 319, 320, Kendall, P. c., 349 Lathin, D., 57, 64, 257,
323,357 Kernis, M. H., 172, 347 281, 317, 358
Jackson, D. D., 88, 158, Kiesler, C. A., 69, 347 Laughlin, P. R., 258, 348
357 King, K B., 174, 347 Lawler, E. E., 294, 296,
Jackson, 1., 60, 100, 101, King, P. E., 101, 358 348,355
337 Kingsley, R G., 285, 347 Leak, G. K, 279, 340
James, W., 6, 11, 36, 226, Kirk, G. E., 345, 358 Le Compte, M., 253, 348
345 Kirschenbaum, D. 5., Lee, D. Y., 51, 348
Janis, L 1., 165, 345 278,347 Lens, W., 76, 79, 349
Jeffrey, R W., 281, 336 Kite, W. R, 197, 347 Lepper, M. R, 50-55, 64,
Jelsma, B. M., 269, 345 Klein, R P., 124, 358 73, 76, 80, 95, 109,
Jenkins, c. D., 170, 345 Kneer, M. E., 354 140, 145, 146, 184,
Jennings, K D., 125, 351 Kobasa, S. C. 0., 304, 185, 187, 201, 250,
Johnson, D. W., 258, 345, 347 263, 264, 335, 339,
346 Koch,S., 17, 32, 337, 347, 343, 348, 350
Johnson, J., 76, 357 356 Leuba, c., 33, 348
Johnson, R, 258, 346 Koestner, R, 35, 66, 67, Levenson, H., 167, 168,
Johnston, E. J., 238, 340 73, 78, 80, 82, 85, 88, 348
Jones, A., 20, 346 89, 96-98, 108, 126, Levine, D., 337, 345, 346,
Jones, E. E., 160, 189, 127, 149, 170, 251, 357
191-195, 207, 208, 346 252, 256, 265, 266, Levine, F. M., 251, 348

Lewin, K, 6, 36, 213, McGregor, D., 295, 350 . Mims, V. (Cont.)

214, 219, 220, 238, McIntyre, R M., 77, 341 108, 170, 256, 301,
239,348 McKeachie, W. J., 258, 322,354
Lewis, M., 124, 348 343 Mischel, W., 278, 350
Lewis, T., 53, 347 McLoyd, V. c., 51, 76, Mitchell, T. R, 218, 351
Liberman, B. L., 280, 349 350 Montessori, M., 123, 247,
Liem, G. R., 281, 349 McMullin, D. J., 59, 350 351
Likert, R, 296, 349 Maddi, S. R, 21, 33, 341 Montgomery, K. c., 13,
Lindzey, G., 346 Madsen, K B., 337 15, 16, 33, 351
Locke, E. A., 55, 56, 236, Maehr, M. L., 268, 349 Monty, R A., 257, 352
349 Magill, R A., 313, 349 Morgan, G. A., 124, 125,
Loeb, A., 279, 337 Mahoney, M. J., 105, 351,358
Loevinger, L 20, 36, 115, 182-184, 329, 341, 349 Morgan, M., 76, 202, 203,
120, 121, 133, 164, Malone, T. W., 248, 349 351
337,349 Mander, A. M., 75, 91, Morris, J. H., 299, 338
Loewenstein, R. M., 130, 357 Mosher, R, 315, 316, 352
137,344 Manderlink, G., 56, 90, Mossholder, K W., 55,
Lomonaco,S., 124,358 224, 236, 343, 349 56,236,351
Lonky, E., 28, 59, 76, 103, Manoogian, S. T., 48, 51, Murray, E. J., 100, 335
123, 125, 318, 339, 60,96,335 Murray, H. A., 218, 351
349 Margolin, B., 83, 84, 347 Mussen, P. H., 341
Look, S. c., 94, 341 Margolis, R B., 94, 185, Myers, A. K, 15, 17, 33,
Lopez, E. M., 300, 349 281, 349, 351 351
Lopez, M., 273, 277, 343 Marlowe, D., 166, 339 Myers, M.S., 296, 351
Lord, R G., 77, 203, 352 Marrow, A. L 296, 349 Mynatt, c., 94, 185, 281,
Loveland, K. K, 50, 76, Martens, R, 321, 349 349,351
349 Martin, J. A., 60, 349
Lowe, C. A., 184, 341 Martin, M., 262, 350
Nadeau, C. H., 354
Lowell, E. L., 23, 33, 233, Maslow, A. H., 36, 164,
Neill, A. 5., 247, 351
321,350 230,350
Nentwig, C. G., 280, 351
Lowin, A., 297, 349 Mawhinney, T. c., 186,
Newcomb, T., 351
Luchins, A. S., 68, 349 350
Newell, K M., 354
Lucker, G. W., 258, 349 Maxwell, F. R, 51, 345
Nezlek, J., 67, 98, 249,
Luschen, G., 321, 349 Meichenbaum, D. H.,
253, 254, 340
Luyten, H., 76, 79, 349 262,350
Nicholls, J. G., 136, 344,
Meindl, J., 203, 353
McArthur, L. Z., 202, 340 Meissner, W. W., 288,
Nisbett, R E., 50, 52, 73,
McCarthy, B., 58, 355 350
76, 184, 201, 207, 208,
McCauley, c., 110, 340 Metcalf, J., 37, 353
250, 346, 348
McClelland, D. c., 23, 33, Meyer, D. R, 13, 16, 344
Nissen, H. W., 13, 14,
218, 219, 233, 321, Meyer, H. H., 301, 350
350 Miller, G. A., 225, 235,
Notz, W. W., 299, 351
McCullers, J. c., 35, 68, 350
Nunberg, H., 6, 119, 274,
149, 236, 350 Miller, L. B., 236, 350
McDougall, W., 16, 26, Miller, N. E., 15, 17, 33,
27,350 351, 358
McFall, R M., 278, 350 Miller, S. M., 37, 350 Oakley, T., 185, 351
McGlynn, R. P., 258, 348 Miller, W. R, 282, 350 O'Connell, E. J., 258, 351
McGraw, K 0., 35, 68, Milton, 0., 251, 341 Okano, K, 75, 351
84, 149, 173, 204, 236, Mims, V., 67, 73, 78, 80, Oldham, G. R, 302, 343
257, 258, 350 82, 85, 88, 89, 96, Olds, L 25, 351

Olds, M., 25, 351 Quinn, R., 293, 353 Rubenstein, J. L., 161,
O'Leary, K. D., 262, 347, 358
352 Ruble, D. N., 79, 81, 124,
Olley, J. G., SO, 76, 349 Rabin, A., 349 337,348
Olson, B. c., 328, 353 Ragan, J., 322, 324, 325, Russell, J. c., 60, 354
O'Reilly, C. A., 299, 338 327,357 Rutman, I. D., 279, 337
Orgel, A. R., 97, 352 Ramey, C. T., 250, 353 Ryan, E. D., 316, 317, 354
Orlick, T. D., 315, 316, Ransen, D. L., 203, 353 Ryan, R. M., 9, 33-35, 49,
352 Rapaport, D., 5, 118, 348, 54, 62, 65--68, 70, 73,
Ouchi, W. G., 297, 298, 353 78, 80, 82, 85, 88, 89,
352 Raynor, J. 0., 220, 336, 92, 94, 96--98, 101,
353 102, 104, 107-110,
Reeve, J., 328, 353 126, 127, 130, 136,
Pabich, P., 314, 357 Reid, G., 61, 318--320, 356 141, 142, 146, 149,
Pallak, S. R., 91, 352 Reihman, J., 103,349 153, 159, 163, 167,
Paulhus, D., 175, 352 Reis, H. T., 60, 100, 101, 169, 170--173, 225,
Pearce, J. W., 202, 355 238, 337, 340 229, 236, 245, 248-
Pederson, F. A., 161, 358 Reiss, S., 52, 184, 185, 256, 259-261, 265-
Pennebaker, J. W., 37, 353 269, 301, 303, 304,
352 Relinger, H., 285, 353 315, 319, 322, 325,
Perlmutter, L. c., 257, Reznick, J. S., 48, 51, 60, 327, 328, 338-340,
352 96,335 343, 347, 352, 354
Peris, F. S., 156, 283, 289, Rickers-Ovsiankina, M.,
290,352 226, 230, 353 Sadowski, C. J., 256, 354
Perry, F. A., 258, 346 Riter, A., 67, 83, 84, 347 Saegert, S., 37, 347
Peters, T. J., 296, 352 Roberts, G. c., 354 Sagotsky, G., 95, 348
Phillips, B. W., 258, 352 Robinson, D., 260, 354 Sakamura, J., 69, 347
Phillips, J. S., 77, 203, 352 Rodin, J., 30, 37, 347, Sandelands, L. E., 53, 83,
Piaget, J., 113-115, 117, 353,355 84, 202, 354, 356
119-121, 123, 352 Rogers, c., 36, 113, 162, Sansone, c., 90, 343
Piccione, A., 185, 351 247, 248, 259, 288- Saudargas, R. A., 262,
Pinder, C. c., 48, 73, 74, 290,353 352
77,84,352 Rosen, R. c., 280, 339 Schaeffer, M. A., 37, 352
Piper, V., 2SO, 353 Rosenfield, D., 78, 258, Schafer, R., 10, 130, 354
Pittman, T. S., 52, 54, 58, 349,353 Scheflen, K. c., 296, 355
67, 74-76, 91-93, 96, Rosenman, R. H., 170, Scheier, M. F., 109, 110,
184, 185, 203, 352, 345 168, 286, 338, 341
355,356 Rosenthal, R., 46, 353 Schorr, D., 30, 355
Plant, R., 54, 109, 110, Rosenthal, R. L., 262, 350 Schroeder, H. M., 345
169, 260, 352, 354 Ross, J. M., 79, 82, 341 Schuldenfrei, R., 8, 355
Pokorny, A. D., 170, 346 Ross, M., 51, 52, 75, 76, Schultz, T. R., 202, 355
Porac, J. F., 57, 64, 80, 78, 202, 346, 353, 354 Schulz, R., 37, 355
84, 203, 257, 281, 317, Ross, R. G., 321, 354 Schunk, D. H., 224, 225,
322-324, 326, 327, Ross, R. R., 262, 3SO 336
340, 353, 358 Roth, S., 72, 354 Schwartz, A. J., 98, 169,
Premack, D., 13, 186, 353 Rothenberg, B. 6., 258, 253-255, 340
Pribram, K. H., 225, 235, 354 Schwartz, B., 8, 355
350 Rothstein, M., 51, 75, 76, Scott, T. H., 20, 337, 344
Pritchard, R. D., 47, 80, 354 Scott, W. E., 46, 185, 186,
324,353 Rotter, J. B., 8, 103, 154, 355
Puccetti, M. c., 304, 347 166--168, 214, 223, 354 Seashore, S. E., 296, 349

Segall, M., 13, 351 Staddon, J., 340 Vallerand, R. J., 61, 65,
Seligman, M. E. P., 37, Staines, G., 293, 353 315, 318-320, 322,
71, 85, 150, 159, 224, Staw, B. M., 45, 47, 53, 354,356
335, 344, 350, 355 75, 76, 83, 84, 338, Vance, R. J., 77, 341
Selye, H., 294, 355 356 Van den Haag, E., 321,
Sensenig, J., 70, 337 Steffen, J. J., 59, 350 354
Settlage, P. H., 15, 44, Stein, c., 67, 347 Vasta, R., 203, 338
339 Stephan, c., 258, 336 Vaughn, B. E., 135, 356
Shabtai, L., 83, 84, 347 Sternberg, B., 51, 263, Vroom, V. H., 6, 155,
Shanfield, H., 202, 355 264,343 214-219, 221, 222,
Shapira, Z., 59, 84, 125, Sterritt, G. M., 345, 358 225, 228, 236, 242,
222, 223, 236, 340, Stokes, T. F., 273, 277, 297,356
355 285,356
Shapiro, D., 5, 6, 10, 20, Stone, A. R., 349
36,288,355 Straub, W. F., 354 Wahba, M. A., 231, 357
Sheinman, L., 67, 98, 169, Strupp, H. H., 273, 356 Walker, E. L., 23, 24, 357
249, 253--255, 340 Stuart, R. B., 346 Wall, S., 134, 173, 335
Shelton, J. L., 278, 355 Studstill, O. L., 60, 354 Wankel, L. M., 314, 315,
Shostrom, E. L., 165, 355 Suedfeld, P., 345 317, 356, 357
Sidman, M., 186,355 Sushinsky, L. W., 52, Waterman, R. H., 296,
Sikes, J., 258, 336, 349 184, 185, 353 352
Simon, H. A., 234, 238, Swann, W. B., 58, 74, 76, Waters, E., 134, 173, 335
355 356 Watson, J. B., 12, 179,
Simon, T., 58, 355 Syrnyk, R., 51, 348 357
Singer, J. E., 37, 343 Watzlawick, P., 88, 158,
Singerman, K. J., 282, 355 357
Taylor, C. W., 347
Skinner, B. F., 7, 34, 105, Weinberg, R. S., 319, 320,
Teasdale, J. D., 150, 335
179, 180, 355 322-325, 327, 357
Tennant, L. K., 316, 356
Smith, M. c., 202, 355 Weiner, B., 168, 214, 357
Tero, P. F., 141, 356
Smith, R., 57, 64, 238, Weiner, M. J., 75, 91, 357
Terrell, c., 339
257, 281, 317, 340, Welker, W. L., 13, 16, 357
Tharp, R. G., 262, 350
358 Werner, H., 114, 357
Thelen, M. H., 60, 76, 93,
Smith, R. E., 320, 339, Wertheimer, M., 339
356 Wetherill, K. V., 54, 92,
Thibaut, J. W., 321, 346
Smith, T. W., 52, 75, 184, 93,96,352
Thomas, J., 245, 356
185, 203, 352, 355 Wheeler, B. L., 172,357
Thomas, J. R., 316, 356
Smith, W. E., 55, 91, 92, White, R. W., 5, 6, 14,
Thompson, C. E., 317,
96,355 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 32,
Smoll, F. L., 313, 320, 33, 118, 121, 142, 357
Thorndike, E. L., 7, 12,
339, 349, 356 Wicklund, R. A., 22, 109,
179, 180, 356
Snapp, M., 258, 336 341, 357
Thorne, G. L., 262, 350
Sokolov, E. N., 227, 356 Wilkinson, H. J., 20, 346
Tolman, E. c., 6, 36, 213,
Solomon, D., 250, 356 Williams, B. W., 187, 188,
214, 218, 220, 356
Solomon, S. K., 37, 353 357
Trapp, J. T., 337
Spector, P. E., 306, 356 Williams, J. M., 354
Truax, C. B., 290, 356
Spence, J. T., 236, 306, Wilson, G. T., 273, 278,
Tsujimoto, R. N., 280,
342, 344, 356 285, 286, 336, 342,
Spence, K. W., 342 347
Turkel, S., 293, 294, 356
Spiegel, N. H., 173, 266, Wilson, T. D., 76, 357
268, 269, 337, 340 Winett, R. A., 281, 357
Sroka, S., 91, 352 Valins, S., 280, 339 Witte, G., 264, 338

Wodarski, J. S., 258, 357 Wundt, W., 154, 358 Zeevi, G., 67, 347
Wohlwill, J. F., 121, 342 Zeigarnik, S., 44, 68, 226,
Wolpe, J., 285, 357 Yarrow, L. J., 124, 125, 238,239
Wolstein, S., 5, 358 161, 351, 358 Zeiss, A. R, 278, 350
Wood, N. L., 314, 335 Yetton, P. W., 297, 356 Zimbardo, P. G., 15, 358
Woodward, H. R, 256, Yoshimura, M., 48, 358 Zinser, 0., 101, 358
354 Young, J. G., 101, 358 Zohn, C. J., 285, 353
Woodworth, R S., 12, 26, Zucker, R, 349
27,127,358 Zajonc, R S., 202, 358 Zuckerman, M., 57, 64,
Wortman, C. S., 31, 72, Zaksh, D., 83, 84, 347 208, 257, 281, 317,
358 Zax, M., 352 358
Subject Index

Accommodation, 117, 157, 159, 330 Causality orientations (Cont.)

Achievement behavior, 218--221 development of, 160--162
Achievement motivation and work, 304-306
and work, 306 and self-determination, 163--164
Active organism, 4, 8, 11 and therapy, 276
Affect, 26-34, 233--235 Causality orientations scale, 163--175
Affective arousal theory, 23, 233--234 Causality orientations theory, 10, 149-
Amotivated behavior, 150, 241 175
Amotivating, 63 Causality, perceived, 49, 57, 62
internally. See Internally amotivating Challenge
Anxiety reduction, 14, 19 optimal, 32-33, 59, 123--124, 318
Assimilation, 117 Choice, 6, 31, 57-58, 154-155
Attachment patterns, 173--174 Classroom climate, 249, 252-256
Attitude change, 68--69 and intrinsic motivation, 249
Attribution and learning, 256
actors and observers, 207-208 Classroom structure, 250-252
augmentation principle of, 193, 201 Client-centered therapy, 288--290
covariation principle of, 192-193, 201 Cognitive evaluation theory, 9, 43--112
discounting principle of, 193--194, 201 propositions of, 62-64, 107
of motivation, 194-200 and sports, 315-321
to self and others, 206-208 Cognitive flexibility, 68
and therapy, 280-284 Cognitive growth cycles, 118, 121
Attribution theory Cognitive theories,. 6-8, 36-38, 189-190,
interpersonal, 190-194 213--215
of self, 200-208 inadequacies of, 228
Augmentation principle, 193, 201 Competence
Autonomy orientation, 154-157, 290 perceived, 58--61, 63, 123--125
and work, 304 in the classroom, 254-256
Autotelic, 29, 66 and psychotherapy, 278--279
Awareness and sports, 318--321
in therapy, 290--291 Competition, 56-57, 321-329
direct, 323--325
Behavior therapies, 285-286 and ego-involvement, 325-326, 328
indirect, 322-323
Causality orientations, 152-154, 231 informational and controlling, 322, 325
and behavior, 172-174 and learning, 257-258


Competition (Cont.) Emotions

sex differences in, 326-329 and causality oritentations, 171-172
Conceptual learning, 258-260 Energization of behavior, 3, 7, 11, 26,
Contingencies of rewards, 72-83 202-203, 226-227, 230
Control Expectancy theories, 215-225
locus of, 102-103, 166-168, 306 Exploration, 13-17
need for, 3~31 and uncertainty, 22-23
perceived, 37 Extrinsic motivation
psychology of, 36-38 and development, 129-147
self. See Self-control and education, 245, 261-265
and self-determination, 3~31, 37-38
Control orientation, 157-159 Feedback, 59-61, 91-93, 124-125
and work, 304 in education, 252
Control-determined behavior, 149-150, and individual differences, 103-104
228,241 and sex differences, 99-102
Controlling, 63 in sports, 318-321
internally. See Internally controlling Flow, 28-29, 318, 332
regulation Freedom
and intrapersonal regulation, 105-111 the cognitive view, 209-210
the meaning of, 95-96 Functional autonomy, 12
Covariation principle, i92-193 Functional significance, 64, 107
Creativity, 66-67 amotivating. See Amotivating
intrinsic motivation and, 66 controlling. See Controlling
Curiosity, 122 informational. See Informational
and learning, 245
Gestalt therapy, 290
Goal selection, 235-236
Deadlines, 55
Goal-directed behavior, 235-239
Defiance, 69-70
Depression, 17~171
effects on intrinsic motivation, 55-56,
and causality orientations, 1~162
and performance, 236
and the environment, 122-127
~nd extrinsic motivation, 129-147
and intrinsic motivation, 2~251
and intrinsic motivation, 12~122
and learning, 260
the nature of, 113-116
structural aspects of, 114-115
Helplessness, 71-72, 159, 224
Differentiation, 116-118
and amotivation, 71-72
of motives, 127
Human needs. See Need(s)
Direction of behavior, 3, 227
Humanistic therapies, 288-290
Discounting principle, 193-194, 201-203
Dissonance reduction, 22, 238
Identification, 137-138
Drive naming, 15-18
Impersonal orientation, 159-160
Drive theories, 4-5, 12-18
and work, 304
Drives, 4, 232
Independent ego energy. See Ego
energy, independent
Effectance motivation, 5, 19, 27-28 Informational, 63
Ego development, 164 internally. See Internally informational
Ego energy regulation
independent, 5, 19-20 and intrapersonal regulation, 105-111
Ego involvement, 108-110, 325-326, 331 the meaning of, 96-98

Informational classrooms, 24S-249 Intuitive appraisal, 65, 229

Informational environments
in psychotherapy, 291 Jigsaw classroom, 258
Informational feedback in organizations,
307-308 Limit setting, 9S-99, 126-127, 251-252
Inner experience in sports, 330--332 Learning, 256-261
Inputs of information, 229-231 spontaneous, 261
Instrumentality of outcomes, 216-218 Locus of causality, perceived, 7
Integration, 119, 138 and internalization, 131
Interest, 2S-29 and locus of control, 166--168
Internal boundaries, 118 and psychotherapy, 279-284
Internalization, 130--140 and self-determination, 111-112
and the environment, 14:>-147 and sports, 315--318
and integration, 13:>-140 Locus of control. See Control, locus of
Internallyamotivating, 110-111
Internally controlling regulation, 106- Maintenance and transfer of treatment
111, 210, 225, 283, 331 gains, 277-284
Internally informational regulation, 106- Management
111, 210, 225, 330 theories of, 295--298
Interpersonal contexts, 88--99, 125--127 Manager training, 306-310
and the communicator, 9S-99 Managers' orientations, 302-304
in education, 252-256 Mechanistic theories, 3
and performance-contingent rewards, Motivational theories, :>-7
88--91 Motives, 231-235
and positive feedback, 91-93 nonintegrated, 239-241
at work, 302-304
Intrapersonal regulation, 105--111 Need(s), 3, 26-33, 156, 230
Intrinsic motivation for competence, 5, 26-28, 32
and anxiety reduction, 14 organismic, 156, 290
the behavioral perspective, 185--188 for self-determination, 5, 29-32, 38
and choice, 57-58 substitute, 239-241
and competition, 56-57, 321-329 Non-self-determined behavior, 239-241
and deadlines, 55
defined, 32-35 Objective self-awareness, 109
and development, 120-122, 127-129 Operant theory, 7--8, 180-181
and drive naming, 15--19 Optimal arousal, 18, 20-21
and education, 245--261 Optimal challenge. See Challenge,
and evaluation, 55 optimal
and feedback, 59---61 Optimal incongruity, 22-26, 225--228
free-choice measure of, 34, 46-47, 328 Optimal stimulation, 20-26
history of, 5, 11-40 Organismic congruence, 156-157
and learning, 256-261 Organismic integration, 114, 116-120
and needs, 26-34 and education, 264--265
and optimal incongruity, 22-26 and internalization, 13:>-140
and secondary reinforcement, 14 and psychotherapy, 274-276
and sex differences, 99-102 Organismic integration theory, 9, 11:>-
and surveillance, 54-55 148
undermining of and self-perception, Organismic needs. See Needs,
201-206 organismic
and self-perception, 201-206 Organismic theories, 3-4, S-9
Introjection, 135--137 Origin-pawn, 30-31

Overjustification effect, 201 Self-awareness, 109

private, 109
Participation in decision making, 297 public, 109-110
Perceived causality. See Causality, Self-consciousness, 110, 168-169
perceived private, 110, 168
Perceived competence. See Competence, public, 110, 168
perceived Self-control, 105-106, 134-135, 283
Perceived control. See Control, perceived Self-derogation, 170
Perceived locus of causality. See Locus Self-determination
of causality, perceived and control, 30-31, 37-38
Personal causation, 30 defined, 38-39
Phenomenology, 7 history of, 5-6, 35-38
Play, 122, 314 in organizations, 294-295
Psychoanalytic psychology, 4, 6, 18-19, and perceived causality, 49, 111-112
118-119 and psychotherapy, 283
Psychoanalytic therapies, 286-288 and sports, 315-318, 330-332
Psychological freedom, 210-211 at work, 294-295, 306-310
Psychotherapy, 273-292 Self-determination theory, 9-10, 41-175,
generalization of effects, 277-284 229-241
and organismic integration, 274-276 Self-determined behavior, 149, 228, 231-
Reactance, 31, 69-72, 150, 209-210 Self-esteem, 67-68, 165
Reflective judgment, 65, 229 Self-handicapping strategies, 160
Reinforcement, 6, 180-182,223-224 Self-perception theory, 200-211
Rewards Self-regulation
and attributions, 195-200 in children, 140-143, 264-265
competitively-contingent, 74, 80-81 Sex differences, 99-102, 326-329
contingencies, 72-82 Social anxiety, 169
and attributions, 198-200 Social learning theory, 223-224
in education, 246-248 Socialization, 129
effects on intrinsic motivation, 44-54 Spontaneous learning, 260
expectancy of, 52-53 Sport
and learning, 257 defined, 314
monetary, 44-48 Stimulus deprivation, 20
performance-contingent, 74, 77-80, Supporting autonomy, 67-68, 98-99,
88-91 169-170, 253-254, 302-304
in psychotherapy, 279-280 Surveillance, 54-55, 109
and response rates, 181-182 Synthetic function, 119-120, 286-287
salience of, 52
self-administration of, 93-94
in sports, 315-317 Task difficulty, 221-223
structures, 72-82 Task involvement, 108-109, 331
at work, 298-301 Tasks
task-contingent, 73, 75-77, 79-80 the nature of, 81-85
task-noncontigent, 73-75 Teacher behavior
factors affecting, 266-270
Satisfaction of needs, 237 and performance standards, 267-268
Secondary reinforcement, 12, 14 Teachers' orientations, 252-256
Self-actualization, 164-165 Tissue deficits, 17-18
Self-attributions, 200-208 Token-reinforcement programs, 261-264

Token-reinforcement programs (Cant.) Uncertainty reduction, 22-23

and intrinsic motivation, 263-264
TOTE, 225-226, 235-237
Type-A coronary-prone behavior pat- Valence of outcomes, 215-218
tern, 170 Volition,4,6

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