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National Higher School of Artificial Intelligence - ENSIA - Academic year 22/23

Analysis III First academic semester

Functions of several variables -I-

Exercise 1 Let u = (x, y) ∈ R2 , we note

kuk1 = |x| + |y| , kuk2 = x2 + y 2 , kuk3 = max (|x| , |y|)

Show that k.k1 , k.k2 , k.k3 are equivalent norms over R2 and represent the domains

Bkuk1 (O, 1), Bkuk2 (O, 1), Bkuk3 (O, 1)

Exercise 2 Show that the mapping k.k : R2 → R+ defined by kuk = x2 + xy + y 2 is a norm over
R2 equivalent to the usual one.

Exercise 3 Show that the union of a family of open sets is an open set. Deduce that an intersection
of closed sets is closed.

Exercise 4 Show that any open subset of R2 is the union of an open balls.

Exercise 5 Find the domain and range of each of the following functions :
1. f (x, y) = 3x + 5y + 2.
2. g(x, y) = 9 − x2 − y 2 .
3. f (x, y) = 36 − 9x2 − 9y 2 .

Exercise 6 Create a graph of each of the following functions :

1. g(x, y) = 9 − x2 − y 2 .
2. f (x, y) = x2 + y 2 .

Exercise 7 A profit function for a hardware manufacturer is given by

f (x, y) = 16 − (x − 3)2 − (y − 2)2

where x is the number of nuts sold per month (measured in thousands) and y represents the number
of bolts sold per month (measured in thousands). Profit is measured in thousands of dollars. Sketch a
graph of this function.

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