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1. Tell me something about yourself that is not on your resume.

I am outgoing and I love adventure. I enjoy driving around on my motorcycle. Whenever

I visit new places I treat myself not just as a tourist but as a local as well. I love to mingle
with new people, talking and asking for directions whenever I get lost in some tourist
spots. I always feel at home in most places that I’ve been to.

2. How do you understand the Virtual Assistant role in a general context

For me, a Virtual Assistant is someone who works remotely and assists a client in different
administrative tasks. He/ She can be a great help to a client who needs to manage schedules, and
appointments or make phone calls whatever deem necessary to make the workload of the client
more productive.

3. Describe your regular day-to-day routine.

Typically, my usual day-to-day routine includes waking up at 9:00 A.M. After I make my bed, I
eat my breakfast while checking messages on my phone. From 9:00 AM onwards I’ll do a few
different things like house chores which includes doing the laundry and tidying up my room. I
usually finish my morning routine before lunch. I’ll relax a little by eating lunch and watching a
tv series or movie. The 12 noon to 6 pm slot is very flexible depending on the day or whenever
there is a need for me to go outside. I usually sleep at 6 PM because I wake up at 10 PM to go to
work. My schedule is different during weekends. I always unwind outside during weekends by
going out of town or visiting my parents’ house.

4. How do you understand the difference between a freelancing job and a formal office
As for me the difference between the two is the work setup. In the freelancing job you have the
opportunity to work remotely in the comfort of your own home or any place that you’re
comfortable working in while in a formal office setup, you are bound to work in a definite place
within a particular time frame.

5. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now, both in personal and professional contexts?
5 years from now I’m looking forward to improving some of the skills that I lack. I know that I
have achieved some of my goals. In those 5 years, I see myself in a good position with a stable
income and independence. A property of my own and a striving business as well.
6. How do you continuously challenge yourself when faced with repetitive tasks?
I think most jobs right now are considered repetitive. I guess the goals that I want to achieve in
the near future are my driving force to strive hard and achieved them. I am ambitious, and I
aspire to be a great member of this company.

7. How do you define the following: a. Common sense b. Working under minimal
supervision c. Remote work/work from home/work from anywhere
Common Sense refers to a sensible judgment regarding everyday matters. Our ability to know
and understand simple things known by nearly all people.
Working Under Minimal Supervision means a person who has the ability and skills to manage
his own time effectively and gain control of different projects or tasks assigned to them.
Work From Home – means working in a remote location or having a flexible working
arrangement outside the corporate office.

8. Do you have other ongoing jobs or projects currently?

Currently, I am working as a part-time virtual assistant. I manage the appointments of my client
on an everyday basis. I make sure that his schedule is correct so that he will be able to work

9. Are you familiar with the short-term rental industry (i.e. Airbnb, a. If your
answer is yes, describe how it works. b. If your answer is no, how do you understand it
based on what it’s called?
Yes, I am pretty aware of the short rental industry because I always use it on every travel that I
had. I often use these renting platforms whenever I travel locally as it contains the lowest rent
and accessibility.

10. Do you think “working from home / anywhere” is as productive as working in the office?
Why or why not?
Working from home for me is more productive than working in the office because when you
work from home you have the opportunity to manage your time and the flexibility to do other
things comfortably without being stuck in traffic and congested road. If you work from home
you can really ensure that the work that you will deliver will suit the needs of your client.

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