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Essay Type Class: 9th

Subject: Biology Chap ter 8 Total Marks: 30

(Section I)

Q#02: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks) i.
What are plasmodesmata?
ii. Differentiate between RER and SER. iii. How is
plant vacuole differing from animal? iv. Differentiate
between primary and secondary cell wall.
v. What are ribosomes? Write down the main function of it.

Q#03: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks)
i. Differentiate leucoplast and chromoplast. ii. What is active transport? Give one
example. iii. Compare xylem and phloem tissue. iv. Write down the function of lysosomes.
v. Discuss briefly the role of vacuole in cell.

Q#04: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks)
i. What is difference between microtubule and microfilament?
ii. Why is plasma membrane known as semi-permeable
membrane? iii. What is turgor pressure? iv. What is Golgi
v. Draw the labeled diagram of mitochondria.

(Section II)

Attempt the following two long questions. (4*2= 8 marks)

i. Differentiate between prokaryote and eukaryote in detailed. ii.
What is osmosis? Describe the effect of tonicity in plants.

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