GCW Group Activity Lesson 7

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What Religion are You in?
Your group must choose one religion (Buddhism, Christianity-Catholicism,
Christianity-Protestantism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, ect.) Do not duplicate
other groups’ choices. Surf the web and research the history and basic tenets of
your chosen religion. Then you must describe the following. Make sure to submit
your output in your google drive folder allotted for SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY.

Think it through…

What is your chosen religion’s concept of good?

Hinduism’s concept of good is Henotheism (literally “one God”) better defines the
Hindu view. It means the worship of one God without denying the existence of other
Gods. Hindus believe in the one all-pervasive God who energizes the entire universe. It is
believed that God is both in the world and beyond it.

What is your chosen religion’s concept of evil?

'Evil' is the state when good is not present or ignored. It also refers to the
necessary 'bad' things required for cosmic balance. Hindus believe in karma or “Intentional
HINDUIS action”. Most Hindus believe that much of the suffering they endure is a result
of their own actions.

What are the steps you need to become good and prevent becoming evil?
At times, life can be extremely stressful. Responsibilities, unfulfilled desires, troubled relationships, and
numerous needs or demands strain your emotional health and cause your mind to wander. All of these
stressful events can make you vulnerable and lead you to influences and choices that can lead to evil in your
daily life. In different contexts, the term "evil" can mean a variety of things. Some refer to it as the "devil"
or "negativity." How will you defend yourself against evil?
If you seek God's protection, you will discover that the bible contains a good, free plan. God provides all
of the information you require to live a happy and secure life. However, we all know that there are many
evils in the world. Evil follows no set path. It comes through whatever medium is most appropriate for its
purpose, and then it tries to seduce you to be evil. However, no evil is ever more powerful than God's will
to overcome it. With effort, even man can overcome temptations. According to the Bible, doing God's will
gives you the ability to protect yourself and those you care about from evil in your daily life.
Afterwards, conduct a research on your chosen religion’s relationship with politics, if any. In what ways is
it engaged in politics? Why did its leaders decide to be involved in politics?
In the class official’s group chat, discuss the result of your research with other groups to determine the
similarities and differences between religions. Finally, compare the religion’s relationship with politics.

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