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Directed By: Lance Ceasar Biene


The story started in class where the leading character is not paying
attention. When the school bell rings they immediately went to catholic church
to attend some errands of his friend. After that, the three boys were planning
an after-school outing to a remote river. When they got into the river, the
leading character is still very problematic and anxious. His mother is not
texting and calling him for a long time which is very unusual to him. He is
worried and scared of what might happen to her mother in Manila, if it’s okay
or not there. Going back to the river outing, this was also the test of their
friendship. The trip soon takes a turn when a mystery washes ashore
unearthing a hidden agenda and inciting chaos among friends. They saw a
dead body covered with plastic and the leading character saw a wallet full of
money on the pocket of the dead body and was too desperate to hide it
because he thinks that this will be the answer to his problem and that is to go
to Manila and find her mom. Unfortunately, something happened to their other
friend which all because of the leading character, their friend died.

What I have learned in the story is that throughout our life, it is bound
that there are periods of challenges that we must face, but the real challenge is
how we grow and learn from overcoming them. My life, in particular, has been
filled with countless, tiring ups and downs. It felt like I was in an endless roller
coaster of obstacles. However, It depends on us on how we take it, just like in
the story he take his problem negatively which pushed him to do bad things. As
we mature from being children into adults, we will continue to face countless
hurdles that only get bigger and more consequential. Thankfully, life isn’t a
game where we can only have one chance. Even when we stumble a thousand
times, we can still manage to get back up and redeemed our selves and
change for the best version of ourselves.

To sum it up, Life was never meant to be easy. Instead, it was meant to
be a journey with many quests that we have to complete no matter how hard
the obstacles are. Like a roller coaster, everyone's life has ups, downs, and flat
spots. We can't stop this roller coaster because it's part of the way life works.
We learn through the cycle of life that even our failures are better than our
successes. Life doesn't punish us for the bad things that happen to us, but it
does reward us for the good things we do. We shouldn't see problems as a
burden, but rather as a blessing and a step toward our future success. We can
grow and get stronger when we face problems. Everyone has a story behind
their face. A story about how they dealt with their own problems, just like
everyone else does. There will always be obstacles in our way in life. But each
of us has a choice: to grow and learn from our mistakes, or to stay the same.

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