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V for Vendetta

Advanced English
Aria Suzuki
The Graphic Novel V for Vendetta details and context

The graphic novel V for Vendetta covered interesting

● Identity themes that demonstrated our world's key aspects
right now. Such as media literacy, identity and gender
● Gender disparity disparity.

The media (in V for Vendetta) greatly influenced

● Characters society, using propaganda to cover the inner
workforce and showing only men could be involved in
the government organisation.
● Setting
The media and gender disparity made the characters
think about their identity and beliefs because the
● Art government makes all choices and freedom.
- Symbolism, colours and
setting These issues are happening to our generation, and I
believe the author/s wanted to make the readers think
about these topics.
V for Vendetta film adaptation details and context

The film adaptation was slightly different from

the graphic novel. It gave the viewers symbolism,
● Historical Events language techniques and perfect
-Nazi, America and War
Music have helped the viewers to connect with
● Use of language techniques the characters and provided the ability to be
involved in the film.
● Symbolism The viewers can furthermore understand that
there was history involved in the movie, such as
● Government organisation "The Nazi" and "The gunpowder plot."
Demonstrating that history was a part of a
● Dystopian convenient cultural mechanism of a nation
trying to cover its evil political policies.
● Use of high technology
V for Vendetta showed the possible outcomes of
what OUR society could be in the next few years.
Film Director James McTeigue mini biography
● An Australian film and television director.

● Born on Sydney's North Shore and grew up in

the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

● Been an assistant director on many films,

including Dark City, the Matrix trilogy and Star

● He became involved in the film industry in the

late 1980s.

● In 2005 McTeigue made his directorial debut

with V for Vendetta, written and produced by the

Alan Moore mini biography

● Alan Moore was born in November 18, 1953, in

Northampton, England.

● He is an English writer (and actor) known primarily

for his work in comic books.

● Moore entered the publishing industry in the early

1970s, working as a writer and artist.

● He broke into the mainstream with stories for Doctor

Who Weekly and the science-fiction anthology series
2000 AD.

● In one of his projects V for Vendetta (1982–86), Moore

gave the characters near-infinite power in the hands
of a ruling political party and cast an erudite
terrorist in a Guy Fawkes mask as the protagonist.5
Alan Moore's response to the film
adaptation of his graphic novel

● Alan Moore, various anarchist groups and

political internet sites (such as the World
Socialist Web Site) rejected the idea of putting
the graphic novel into the film. As it was not
faithful to the original graphic novel or it was
failing as a political film.

● In an interview, Alan Moore has also said that

the comic and film explored fascism and
anarchy. His interest in anarchy and fascism
gave the viewers a grasp on this film and
comic, opening up a new thought towards
Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot of 1605
Historical, political, social, cultural contexts of the time the Graphic novel was published

Remember, remember the 5th of November... 1982

● Guy Fawkes and Catholic conspirators ● Argentina invades the Falkland Islands / Malvinas
attempted to blow up Parliament. But they ● The unemployed population in the UK rose above three
failed in the attempt and the assassination of million for the first time since the 1930s.
● President Ronald Reagan announces economic
King James I of England.
sanctions against Libya.
● After the failure of the Gunpowder Plot, laws
● Pierre Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, announces
against Roman Catholics were immediately the Constitution Act.
increased in severity. ● In the US, the Supreme Court rules that all children are
● The attempt was to provide hope and an entitled to public education, regardless of citizenship.
opportunity for the English Catholics to take ● President Reagan announces a war on drugs.
over the country. ● China announces that its population has reached over 1
● The principle of conspirators. billion people.
● Guy Fawkes Day is still celebrated with ● Sixty are killed after a gas explosion in an Israeli army
bonfires, fireworks, and the carrying of "guys" headquarters in Tyre.
through the streets. ● Michael Jackson releases his album, Thriller.
Screenplay writers Lilly and Lana Wachowski

● Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski are

American film and television directors, writers
and producers.

● The sisters are both trans women.

● The sisters worked in writing and directing

throughout most of their careers (such as in The

● The sister's graduated from Whitney Young High

School, known for its performing arts and
science curriculum.

p.s couldn't find much

Some definitions

Conservatism Neo-Conservatism Liberation

Conservatism is a type of political Neoconservatism refers to things Liberation is the freedom from
belief that supports priority on that are pro-American nationalist limits on thought or behaviour.
traditions and relies on the interests in the global happenings. It is the movement seeking
individual to maintain the society. Such as pro-democracy,
equal rights and status.
nationalism, and anti-communism.

Anarchism Individualism Collectivism

Anarchism is a person or a Individualism is the habit or Collectivism refers to a society,
group that rebels from any principle of being independent a culture, or an economy that
authority and ruling power. and self-reliant. values groups over individual

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