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2810 Size) 7 2810 Gloves Suitable for Day or Evening. 16 Pieces Five new gloves, expertly cut to fit with freedom. View A, glove with turn- back flared cuff; view B, four-button length classic; view C, eight-button length; view D, above-the-elbow crushed glove; view E, short mitts. Views A, B, C Finger Sections Sections First Second Third Yardage for Views A & C B D E All 1A Co |All All Cotton Net Fabries_| Facing | _Fabrics or Lace 39.54" | 35.42” | 35.54” | 35.39" 35” ” w % Ye % GLOVE SIZES: 6 6% 7 7% REPRODUCED @ APATTERN! FR 2019 THE BUTTERICK COMPANY, INC, NEW YORK © TORONTO © SYDNEY reyes Reproduced @ 2015 BUTTERICK PATTERN CUTTING LAYOUTS — ARRANGE PIECES AS PICTURED Rae a aa cee eae rena ty ViEWS A and VIEW A CUFF FACING 35-42 INCH FABRIC 39-54 INCH FABRIC CUTTING INFORMATION Study these instructions carefully jefore placing tissue on fabric pin pattern together and try on, oa If any alteration in the length is necessary make it in the pattern—as illustrated at left. e + You will find it a convenience fo circle with pencil, cutting chert for view, pattem size ‘and width of fabric you have selected. 4. Place pattern pieces on right side of fabric unless fabric is folded. When pattern is given for right side of garment only, and cutting chart shows fabric opened out, be careful fo reverse patter pieces for left side a3 indicated on cviring chart by broicen lines. 5. Ail pattern pieces should be pinned to fabric before cutting. Pin directly on seam line perforations at right angles to pattern edge. Place pins close to retain exact line. 6. Compare the pieces pinned on the fabric with the cutting chart (instruction 3) to be sure you have overlooked neither pieces or their proper arrangement. 7. PATTERN PERFORATIONS Oo Medium triple perforations in- oOo dicate fold of fabric. Oo CO _ tine of large single perforations or small triple perforations in- © 0 © dicate grain of fabric and must parallel selvage. ‘Match all corresponding notches. DIAGRAM OF 16 PATTERN PIECES= 28 j 0 Views A, C Fabric Gratn Fabric Gratn View B SIMPLIFIED CUTTING ... DELTOR ... practical DRESSMAKING Fabric Gratn Views A, 8, © Sections First Second Third | | | | | Thumb Section Glove Thumb pica Sea Sections Finger | _ Sections ote s use Thumb = Section Palm Section Back Section CUTTING LAYOUTS — ARRANGE PIECES AS PICTURED —UNTFORM 35-39 INCH FABRIC | First Second Third VIEW D eee ie ac 2 PROVIDED | ~ 10] fh jf Say Le Mitt Fold Selvages Cut cuff facings Finger, Selvages for upper part Sections of pieces | and 2 as shown in layout: VIEW B 35-54 INCH FABRIC Fold _Finger Sect ions Selvages 8. MARKINGS ‘Mark all pattern perforations on the fabric th chalk or failor’s tacks. TAILOR’S TACKS (Use different colored thread for each size perforation.) Use long double thread; make \ two small stitches at each perfo- \\ ration, through both thicknesses of fabric, forming a loop as shown, Clip tong threads between each tailor tack; now seperate layers of fabric carefully and clip through centers of threads ¥ Nr? this leaves tufts of thread on =y\ ‘J/" each leyer. Remove pattern wes prior to working on gar- ment sections. 9. When piecing is necessary be careful to allow % inch additional fabric on both edges for seam cliowanes. 10. Shrinking: ure that woolens and wash- able fabrics are pre-shrunk before cutting, GLOVE SIZE 6 - 61/2~ 7 - 74/2 VIEW & 35 INCH COTTON RET OR LACE COMPARE PATTERN PIECES WITH DIAGRAM: BEFORE CUTTING Poh BUTTERICK PATTERN 2810 Paste each fabric section of any piece of tissue paper. Hachine -from edges, stretching slight ly. inch is allowed on al] edges ms, except as noted. efcre BASTING mitching corre sponding Ferforations ~ Smaii (o}. STITH oF SEW and. pRESs. GLOVES VIEWS A and € Seam Finish-See last column. CUR e \ \ Thunb jection -on ovside, crease lenoth= Iwise at sets of medium perforations. Sew close to creas size, miduay bet Clip ie at avint almost to small Fold Thumb part In half, gether. Join seams; end stitching at second ! perforation as shown. rT) cup. rang | i Glove--Clip in at points of opening 2lmost to small perforations as shown. PRACTICAL \ INSIDE Pin the Third Finger section to the Back. of giove between the Fourth and Third fingers, matching small single and triple perfora- tions. fuiness in finger section. Baste 1/8 in. from edges, rounding basting at the lower perforation. Now, baste the Second (Middle) finger section between Third and Second fingers, and the First section between the Secend Ease in the slight and First fingers, matching correspond ing perforations as shown. Finish seams. OUTSIDE i q it it Joining the Finger Section to the Palm of Glove--Fold Glove in half, having wrong sides of Fabric together. Pin side edges to- gether, and the palm side of the Glove to the Free edge of the Finger Sections, match- ing the corresponding sma!! perforations as DRESSMAKING 3 cup ese es alee OUTSIDE a Cle on ok pe—cur 4 Vi NS 2m | | | Glove--Clip in at points of opening to small perforations as shown. Pin Thumb Section to Stove, wrong sides’ together matching corresponding smali single ‘and double perforations as shown. Sew 2 scant 1/8 in. from edges. Finish seam, — Tucks--Crease at lines of medium perfo- rations. Sew close to creases. INSTRUCTIONS Join Back and ‘Palm Thumb Sections to. gether, right sides of Fabric facing;ter: \ minate a scant 1/8 in. inside slash and in line with small perforations underneath. | Pin Thumb Section to Glove, right sides together, corresponding small single per- forations matching, placing seams in Thumb \ Sections at perforations as shown. 1 Sew a,scant |/8 in. from edges.———— Finger Sections Without Darts--Joining Sections to Back of Glove-- See Views A and C; omit instructions for Darts and join Sections to Glove, right sides of Fabric to- gether; ease in slight fulness imFinger Sect ions. Joining Finger Sections to palm Side of Glove--See Views A and C, but stretch Finger Sections to fit. Crease along ai! seans on outside, finely overtand. INSIDE INSIDE Narrowly hem upper edge, turning 3/8 ind Note: In Jersey, turn in 3/8 in. and catch-stitch raw edges in place. OUTSIDE 7), OUTSIDE Pin Thumb Section to Glove, wrong sides together, correspond ing perforations match- ing. Finish seam, Finger Sections with Darts--on inside, jart each Finger Section at tines of smail perférations as shown, Press darts to one end. ae i ‘CLIP’ \d Joining Finger Sections to the Back of Glove--Carefully observing sketch, clip the fingers, almost to the lower small perfora- tions, as shown, shown Baste, using the method suggested for Back of Glove. Continue basting around tip of First finger. Finish to natch seams. OUTSIDE View A--Join seams \yy Glove pattern piece). Apply to upper edge of Glove, right sides of Fabric together, stitching 3/8 in. from upper edge. Turn Facing to inside. Turn in raw edge and blind-stitch in place. in Cuff Facing (cut Note: in Jersey omit turn and catch-stitch raw edge in place. Turn Glove to outside to form Cuff. PGE INSIDE INSIDE 2 2 “Siew C--Narrowiy hem upper edge, turning 3/@ in. wote: in Jersey, turn in 3/e insand catch stitch raw-edge in place. VIEW B Seam Finish--See last colum. Thumb Section--Clip in at end of slash almost to small perforation. Fold Section in half, wrong sides to- gether. Seam end and side, stitching a scant: 1/8 in. from edges; terminate a scant 1/8 in. inside slash and in line with small perfo- rations underneath, Finish seams. doining Finger Sections to Glove-See Views A and C~ nom INSIDE | INSIDE 4 } \ ay Narrowly hem upper edge of Glove, turning 3/2 in. Hote: {n Jersey, turn in 3/8 in.and catchy — stitch raw edges in place. VIEW D Seam Finish--See last column. Palm Section--Ciip Thumb opening almost to smal! perforation as shown. Clip in at corners of extension on Back of Glove a scant 1/8 in. join palm Section to the Back of Glove. right sides together; leave free between first two snai! perforations for Thumb open- ing; terminate at small perforation at top of First Finaer as shown. press seams open. Thund--Paim Section--Clip to small perforation at end of slash. VIEW E INSIDE SS OUTSIDE Thumb--Fold in half, right sides of Fabric together. Baste and stitch inside seam a scant |/8 in.fron e2ges. Add a second stitch- ing just outside. Turn to right side. Join Thunb to Hitt, small double perfo-| rations matching, placing seam at single small perforation. Stitch close to seam on Join side edges of Mitt to- gether, right sides of Fabric facing. Md second stitching just outside first. Narrowly hem all edges of Hitt, \ turning 3/8 in. OUTSIDE Band C. Sew seams, wrong sides together, 1/8 in. \ Seam Finishes--Views A, from edges. Finely overhand raw edges. ———— os / INSIDE View D--Sew seams, right sides together ‘a scant 1/8 in. from edges to allow for over~ handing seams on outside. OUTSIDE HH Bi3d et a) ba THIS PAGE PRINTS ON A4 LETTER 8.5" X 11" PAPER ONLY!! M00 & @ ° THIS PAGE PRINTS ON A4 LETTER 8.5" X 11" PAPER ONLY!!

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