Student 101022114446

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nickwu speaks a tho uasand WOAdA4

Desopkon oden

enLusy, eye - Soohing gaoltna: ObsLving matwu

kny uk buds huiiq soeutly, un isirg Kom
belind he tal nmowntains, tall hee touching the 4
Sun i , ive oith iti
a splashungsound jaauivg by A
deSo n g , tu noiss ehildAsn playiug a the ting

eidh I
wialto see
Hfut ater Z wake up. dast.
mondh I visited SARELA GARDEN As ICntersd b

2aden sqet tuckd 6 abeautiful buncth

Lavendenoiee- umd itámusky Stnell

doll _sDundH qasolen.

h ass elt aa Aolt as Cotton tactuallyditnt alt k

oaulksng n gkaas: Ac T alk.ed urther1 Saw diffestn

Le uens laomin ith laei subtlo caloua hey 20 tae

k C t catcdsiinTheysuct ese seettdes

e l l Hr cotd dew dio on fha plou Taegt

kewtaVE ztuivA a n d 4 a strbiptt eere hen I Cew

Acm Ainy kyi was qieyfaiting th

k tarec nddamly , T wo hut Oh. 4cuady

hadRipt nny homds onhe thhsana Hs o

S udhat I Saw w o u nsnmi zin bu ncn ak

darke ble o - d AoSeokich The u n g t was daunei

N oloaropl

e b4Skg bb ve tagt The stuay

uDAAmA tetan be baidatI gat on t hiidae

t a n k d splasing ths waterTh uat waa d i l i a

Hinking euk the ikam om eaka obhish

aluway t ew tke ekactlj i k he on lowi n

her oa1 m tofally k o p iIhtad

I a seund

bus buzzing wiich sest vhitated e but suddeudu

6t und o
C L e a , t u n s i urn o eaAA And big ha

rinsesded n m 0as Hha

a i a t Iforgot evny Huuq auel siaatad etyiin
e h e , fLol anliulan
The su
suhil hubind s houds.
jeLisapqad fos a

Wask Th d ioa
tnviAonvuyd wa in slode

celdk cdop nayatlh J / I Jorpe

cald b s clU It
he woke wos boddy
1 whi ths rain loy
pep nae f ter

quhaos L
in ta shTt wa

paimbow apuaud
Bus w bns
wishe T cold stay
Huw fo mu

hene. But wuly ,
ws pras
Foh e fo 4 ba dk
emorses and LeauifL
mbnnds mune eun in t

in kain, bkssrwira s Hoindo,

qden My mamanh
lwe mevny ud tsaurn 4louring
bennath H bridge, Hae nea bes buddluira juuAt
ho vicik hua ogpin: And 1 lo
mads nnu day.Twiah

tic wekh ik May AUah Tasla ypamt Supdna Muyaddol

Tautulelin Aaaa lusg 4-paussperbua bfa

Amakd 2721
obse vele m e

wit viyieverb as e

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