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Spectrum Auctioning and had a few shortcomings: first, though

there was considerable privatisation of the

Licensing in Telecom Industry telecom industry, the service roll-out still

remained slow. This was apparently due
to the fact that the winners had shelled
out huge sums to win a circle and hence,
sivasankari S V, Mahim Sagar, D P Agrawal had financial crunches to provide faster
services. Second, various non-winners of

With the growing mobile he operations and functions of the the bidding process had complained of a
subscriber base and the Indian telecom industry were lack of transparency in the auctioning
monopolised by department of tel- process, while the winners complained of
introduction of newer
ecom (DoT) until 1994. The DoT set-up in high inter-circle interconnection costs
technologies like 3G, it is essential 1984, acted as the policymaker, regulator fixed by the DoT. These were believed to
to carefully regulate spectrum and operator for all those services that be the reasons for the slow service roll-outs.
amongst various telecom existed in the industry then. The alloca- In order to resolve the above issues and
tion of spectrum for different purposes to create a regulatory structure, the Tele-
operators. In India, where
was and is managed by the Wireless Plan- com Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)
the net worth of the telecom ning and Coordination (WPC) of ministry was set-up in 1997 and the New Telecom
industry is about $30 billion, of communications. Eventually, after Policy ’99 (NTP99) was announced. The
the revenue earned through almost 10 years since the establishment of focus of the NTP99 was telecommunication
the DoT, there arose a realisation that tel- for all and telecommunication within the
spectrum auctioning becomes
ecom services on demand at affordable reach of all. It offered a new scheme to the
quite significant. This article and reasonable prices combined with a bidders called the “migration package”,
focuses on the issues involved in world class standard for their quality of according to which the existing service
the allocation and auctioning of services must be provided as charted out operators could make a one-time payment
in National Telecom Policy 1994 (NTP-’94). called “entry fee” and subsequently pay a
spectrum in existing scenario for
NTP 94 recognised that the required licence fee, on a quarterly basis which is a
3G technology in India. resources for achieving these targets must part of their adjusted gross revenue (AGR).
also come through private investments Initially after the bidding process, the
and the involvement of the private sector winners were allocated a spectrum band-
is mandatory to bridge the resource gap. width, which was decided to be 4.4 MHz for
GSM operations (2x, i e, inclusive of uplink
1  Spectrum Auction in India and downlink) and 2.5 MHz (2x) for CDMA
In the year of 1995, spectral auctioning operations. Today, GSM operators hold a
began for global system for mobile (GSM) maximum spectral width of 11.2 MHz in the
cellular operations alone. According to the metros, 9.2 MHz in circle A, 8.2 MHz in cir-
National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP), cle B and 6.2 MHz in circle C. The maximum
frequencies 890-915 MHz and 935-960 in any circle for a GSM operator is 15 MHz.
MHz were earmarked for GSM operations. However, some GSM operators are demand-
Similarly frequencies from 824-844 MHz ing spectral widths as large as 22.5 MHz for
and 869-889 MHz were allocated for code their 2G network expansion besides their
division multiple access (CDMA) opera- separate spectral claims for 3G services.
tions by the WPC. As the first step towards In this scenario, there arise questions
GSM spectral auctioning of 2G services, regarding the efficiency with which these
India was divided into 21 circles – six operators are utilising their allocated
states forming six “A” circles, eight states frequency bands. GSM operators need to
forming eight “B” circles and 12 states use the spectrum they already have much
forming seven “C” circles. The four metros more efficiently, noting that they serve 3.9
– Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata – million subscribers per MHz, compared to
were considered as separate areas of opera- China, where mobile carriers serve 8.5
Sivasankari S V (
tions. This stage of auctioning of 2G spec- million subscribers per MHz. There are
and Mahim Sagar ( trum was called “direct auctioning” and also criticism concerning GSM operators
are at the Indian Institute of Technology, was conducted in two stages. Two quali- for cartelising and hoarding spectrum. As
Delhi. D P Agrawal (prof is fied bidders who quoted the highest prices a learning outcome from 2G spectrum
at the Indian Institute of Information for the circle emerged as the winners in auctioning, we believe for 3G spectrum
Technology and Management, Gwalior.
the second stage. This stage of auctioning auctioning and licensing the following key
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   january 17, 2009 17

aspects have to be thoroughly debated and its cue from Germany, which allocated Worldwide, the third generation licen­
detailed: (i) deciding the frequency band spectrum in smaller blocks and subse- ces were awarded either through a beauty
for spectrum allocation; and (ii) the mini- quently, the companies can be asked to bid contest or other auctioning methods such as
mum reserve price and auction design. again, depending on consumer response. sealed bidding, open bidding, simultaneous
This helped the industry to roll out the multiple round auctions and Vickrey
2  Spectrum Allocation for 3G operation faster as companies have to a­uction. The beauty contest is an auction-
Before a country may start the licensing shed less amount for spectrum and it also ing procedure, which is not wholly
for 3G services, it is important to identify helped the government in terms of reve- dependent on the pricing. With much
available spectrum. This requires ear- nue collection and safeguarding against s­imilarities to an actual “beauty contest”,
marking newer frequency bands and the monopoly. The lesson is that slow and here too, every contestant will have to
migration of incumbent users to other meticulous planning of spectrum alloca- convince the auctioneers of their ability to
bands. According to India’s NFAP (2002), tion is required, despite the pressure from provide services. Based on answers to
bandwidths ranging from 1920 to 1980 lobbies like Cellular Operator Association questions like – how wide the service area
MHz will be used for International Mobile of India (COAI) and Association of Unified will be, how fast and efficiently services
Telecommunication (IMT) 2000 services Telecom Service Providers of India (AUSPI) will be rolled out and what will be the cus-
(which include 3G) for uplink and 2110- tomer usage charges – a contestant will be
2170 MHz for downlink. In addition to this, 3  Auction Designs and Minimum selected as the winner of this “beauty
it will be required to allocate more bands Reserve Price c­ontest” and will be provided the licence.
in the wake of newer technology and Spectral auction is one of the major sources
services. In the recently held World Radio of revenue available to a government. With (i) Comparative International Scenario
Communication, under the aegis of Inter- a booming telecom sector and its net worth for 3G Auction: Some of the methods fol-
national Telecommunication Union (ITU), of approximately $ 30 billion, the contri- lowed by various countries and their profit­
more frequency bands were identified bution of communication sector to Indian ability rating is shown in Table 1 (p 19).
for IMT applications, viz, 450-470 MHz, GDP has increased from about 1.59 per cent The advantage of a beauty contest, when
698-806 MHz, 2.3-2.4 GHz and 3.4-3.6 in 2000 to 3.97 per cent in 2006. It compared to open auctions, is that the
GHz. However in India, the stakeholders becomes imperative for India to choose a operators will be able to work on 3G side-
such as defence, Doordarshan and police proper auction design to maximise govern- by-side, even as they keep on focusing on
expressed their concern about the use of ment revenue comparable to other coun- the provision of mobile services to those
the frequency bands 450-470 MHz, 698- tries like the US, UK, Germany, Switzerland, who are still unconnected and remain a pri-
806 MHz and 3.4-3.6 GHz for IMT. TRAI etc. At the same time, emphasis must be ority. Also, financial problems due to direct
also recommended the use of 450 MHz for given to safeguard the interests of telecom auctions (where bidders quote extremely
3G operations as the band has excellent operators and ensure the future growth of high prices) and major delays in rollout
propagation characteristics well suited for the telecom sector and not just keep in after 3G auctions, a scenario that occurred
coverage in rural areas. However, the DoT mind the profits from auctions. in Europe after 3G auctions, can be
has not approved of this idea yet and hence
the spectrum allocation for 3G services is INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AHMEDABAD (Coordinator)
getting delayed in India. A similar scenario REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING PERSONS FOR NAIP PROJECT
existed in the US when the US commerce (Assessment of impact of climate change on water-energy nexus
department and US Congress had post- in agriculture under canal irrigation system)
poned their 3G spectrum auction by two Research Associates and Senior Research Fellows:
years – from September 2002 to S­eptember Qualification: Master/PhD (or equivalent) in Hydrology, Economics, Engineering,
2004. The delay occurred so that the Science or equivalent. Relevant experience preferred.
F­ederal Communications Commission (FCC)
Tenure: Minimum one year, extendable based on annual performance
could take the time it needed to identify
the available spectrum and arrange for the
incumbent users to migrate to other slots. Age Limit: Senior Research Fellow: 35 years for men, 40 years for women
Research Associate: 40 years for men, 45 years for women
In a recent development on July 1, 2008,
(Relaxation of 05 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC candidates)
the DoT has informed TRAI that due to
non-availability of spectrum in 450 MHz Salary: Linked with the positions as laid down in the NAIP rules/
and 800 MHz bands, it is proposed that guidelines.
spectrum will be allocated only in the 2.1 Apply to: NAIP Project, Wing-12A, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur,
GHz band. Blocks of 2 × 5 MHz in this band Ahmedabad - 380 015, latest by 31st January 2009.
will be auctioned. Each bidder shall be Office Assistant:
allocated only one block in each telecom Qualification: B.Com, other conditions as above.
service area. India must take care in allo- Please see for details.
cating spectrum. Perhaps India can take
18 january 17, 2009  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly
Table 1: Spectral Auctioning Design (Various Countries) c­ollusion problems. The organisers of most
Country Method of Licence Distribution Key Aspects Year S&P* Profitability Rating
of the auctions after the UK’s auctions failed
Finland Beauty contest First country to award 3G licences.
to give enough attention to attracting entry
It was not price based. Four operators 1999 Average
Japan Beauty contest Three operators 2000 Excellent
and magnified their problems by permit-
France Beauty contest + auction $ 4.5 billion per licence for the first two ting joint-bidding agreements prior to the
licences and later auctioning for auctions. The German and Austrian auc-
remaining two licences 2001 Very good
UK Auction Five licences – four for established
tions demonstrated the vulnerability of
operators and only one for a new operator 2000 Very good ascending auctions to collusive behaviour
US Simultaneous multiple during the auctions and there were also
round auction Reserve price set to $ 10 billion 2004 Good
* Standard and Poor’s (S&P) is a division of McGraw-Hill that publishes financial research and analysis.
rumours of collusion in the ascending auc-
tions in Italy, the Netherlands and Switzer-
deterred. To develop a spectrum auctioning for example, four firms could win large land. All these problems were aggravated
plan for 3G we should refer to the countries three-block licences or six firms could win by the auctioneer’s failure to use the infor-
who have already auctioned 3G spectrum. smaller two-block licences. This contrasted mation from the UK auction to set sensible
For example, the UK ran the world’s first 3G with the previously discussed auctions in reserve prices. The auction design is not
auction in March 2000 for four licences. which all the licences were of a pre-­ something that is ready-made for all.
The problem faced was that there were also determined (though not always identical) The ascending design that worked very
exactly four incumbent 2G mobile phone size. As always, firms could win at most one well for the UK worked very badly in the
operators who had the advantages over any licence each. The 12 blocks were sold by a Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland. The
other bidders of existing 2G brand names simultaneous ascending auction, much like experience of the various countries in auc-
and customer bases to exploit and lower the previously discussed auctions. The tion provides valuable insight into the chal-
costs of building 3G networks as they point of the design was to let the number of lenges faced by regulatory agencies as auc-
already had a 2G infrastructure, which they winners be determined by the bidders who tioneers. Moreover, the auction serves as an
could back on. Therefore, the auctioneers might have information unavailable to the excellent example of why an allocation
were concerned that an ascending auction government about, for example, the engi- mechanism such as an auction needs to be
might deter other firms from entering and neering advantages of large versus small evaluated by more than a single outcome if
bidding strongly. So the government licences. But such an auction’s outcome is it is to be used for subsequent resource allo-
planned to run a hybrid of the ascending driven by bidder’s profits, not by consumers cations in the future. Thus, the experiences
(English) and sealed-bid (Dutch) auctions or social welfare. Since the bidding in the of these countries should be studied with
and called it an “Anglo-Dutch” auction. The British auction had already revealed a lot utmost interest by government and regula-
intention behind this was that the sealed- about bidder’s relative valuations of differ- tory agencies in India.
bid stage would induce some uncertainty ent licences, it would have been wiser to fix
about which four of the five finalists would the number of licences in advance. The auc- (ii)  3G Spectrum Auctioning Design for
win and entrants would be attracted by the tion also proved vulnerable to collusion India: The auctioning of 3G spectrum as
knowledge that they had a chance to make and entry problems: only seven bidders proposed by the DoT recently, called “con-
it to the final stage. So the sealed-bid stage participated. The entry of weaker bidders trolled ascending e-auctioning”, which
would attract entry and so also raise reve- was perhaps discouraged by the ascending emulates the 3G auctioning followed by
nue, while the ascending stage would mean design, as in other auctions after the UK’s. FCC in the US. In this method of auction-
less loss of efficiency than that might result Discussion on spectrum auctions can ing, the base price is fixed prior to the auc-
from a pure sealed-bid auction. never be complete without discussing the tion, depending on the metro and the cir-
The sealed-bid stage would also make Nigerian model (though it is 2G auction- cle. Based on the experience of successful
collusion harder. The UK auction team ing). The reason is that the Nigerian GSM 3G auctions in certain countries, the DoT
made a deliberate strategy of being the auction, by virtually all reports, was con- has proposed that the reserve price for a
first to auction and the fact that planning sidered to be a success. The final licence block of 2 × 5 MHz in the 2.1 GHz band
continued for three years before the actual price of $ 285 million per licence was sub- should be 0.5 per cent of GDP, which in the
year of auctioning, served as add-on time stantially more than the government had case of India, would come to $ 0.5 billion
for a sustained marketing campaign to expected to raise. The Nigerian GSM auc- or about Rs 2,100 crore, which is twice that
attract entrants. The version of an ascend- tion surpassed virtually everyone’s reve- recommended by TRAI. Thus, the reserve
ing auction that was used was widely nue expectations and raised more revenue price will be as seen in Table 2 (p 20).
judged a success; nine new entrants bid per capita than the 3G auctions in the The DoT has proposed that when the
strongly against the incumbents, creating Netherlands and Italy. number of bidders left is equal to the
intense competition and record-breaking A key determinant of the success of the number of blocks of spectrum being auc-
revenues of 39 billion euros. European telecom auctions was how well tioned, in any service area, the auction will
Whereas Germany auctioned 12 blocks their designs attracted entry and discour- end. All the bidders will have to match the
of spectrum from which bidders could cre- aged collusion. The sequencing of the bid of the highest bidder. In case they do
ate licences of either two or three blocks, a­uctions exacerbated the entry and not match, then that block would be
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   january 17, 2009 19
Table 2: Proposed Reserve Price for 3G Auctions in India design, for 3G services in India, must be environment. Auctioning of spectrum is
Circle Reserve Price (Rs Crore)
reviewed with at most care. one element of the telecom ecosystem; the
Mumbai, Delhi and Category ‘A’ 160
actual aspects will be the   deve­lopment of
Chennai, Kolkata and Category ‘B’ 80
4  Conclusions the infrastructure and support system for
Category ‘C’ 30
From the regulatory and policy perspective, the roll-out of the 3G services.
offered to the next highest bidder at the spectrum auctions ensure efficient usage by The 3G spectrum auctions to be held in
highest bid price. If any block is left allocating it to those entities that value it India will have a great impact in the coun-
vacant, then the block would be reauc- the most, while also generating revenues try’s booming telecom industry. Though a
tioned. This would ensure that all success- for governments. However, auctions may best auction design would lead to maxim-
ful bidders pay the same amount for the lead to unexpected outcomes as, for exam- ise the revenue earned by the government,
same 3G spectrum blocks. ple, when regulatory agencies have inade- it is important that the auction design safe-
A comparison of the proposed Indian 3G quate market information, there may be a guards interests of all the stakeholders. The
auction design with that of other countries mismatch between expected and actual main factors of concern are the telecom
is essential to help us frame better designs bidder behaviour or auctions may be poorly industry, its subscriber growth, average
for auction. The proposed framework for designed. The key challenge before regula- r­evenue per user, tele-density and the cus-
3G auctions in India projects a minimum tory agencies is to design auctions in such a tomer. On the issue of new and foreign
0.5 as the ratio of revenue from spectrum way as to meet the objective of fostering operators, entry is an apprehension that
allocation to GDP. Also, with 260 million competition while, at the same time, ensur- operators, especially those who missed out
mobile phones and a mobile teledensity of ing that bidders can effectively use the on the latest round of 2G licences, will drive
over 80 per cent, if US could generate $ 10 spectrum for their business. The pressure up the bidding price in their eagerness to
billion, India, with over 230 million mobile lobbies like COAI and AUSPI will try to pres- get into the market. This will result in
phones and mobile teledensity of 22 per sure the DoT and TRAI on spectrum alloca- (a) high tariffs for the 3G services, and
cent and a scope of exponential growth for tion as well as reserve price but the DoT (b) deprive the existing operators from pro-
a decade, clearly argues a higher spectrum must do extensive analysis before actually viding the 3G services. Thus, while design-
pricing. The Indian ministry of finance, detailing key aspects of auction design, it is ing the 3G auctions for India, the DoT and
which is expected to take a share from the also vital to realise that the telecom indus- TRAI must keep in mind the interest and the
revenue earned through 3G auctions, try can be a growth driver for the country, future of telecom industry and hence must
hence, wants higher fees for spectrum. provided its growth is monitored and r­egu­ sketch an optimum framework for auction
Thus, it is highly vital that the auction lated in a systemically designed regulatory design which need not be the best.

Visiting Scholars Program 2009

Overview: The Visiting Scholars Programme (VSP) has been instituted in IGIDR as part of its outreach activities with the objective of supporting high quality research
being conducted by Ph.D scholars and Junior Faculty Members of colleges and universities in India and abroad. The scholarship will enable up to five selected scholars
to spend three months at a stretch at IGIDR anytime during April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010, to work on a concrete research proposal that can be satisfactorily completed
during the three-month period.
Eligibility: At the time of application, applicants should possess a Masters degree in any field and be registered for Ph.D. on a topic broadly involving any area of
economics including energy and environmental policy. Applicants are required to submit a curriculum vitae (CV), a research proposal and two letters of recommendation.
One of the letters of recommendation should be from the concerned Ph.D supervisor in the case of a Ph.D student, and the principal of the College/University in the
case of a Junior faculty member. Recommendation letters should clearly give the contact details of the recommenders. Candidates should clearly mention in the application
the preferred three-month period of stay at IGIDR.
Research Proposal: The proposal should involve economic issues including those related to energy and environment. It should be strictly within 1,500 words, and its
scope should be such that the project can be completed in three months. Proposals in both theoretical and empirical issues will be considered. The research proposal
should be accompanied by a signed certification by the applicant as well as by the concerned thesis supervisor/principal, stating that the research proposal is original
work of the applicant.
Selection will be based on a joint evaluation of the CV, letters of recommendation and the quality of the research proposal submitted at the time of application. Proposals
will be evaluated on the basis of a double-blind refereeing process.
Emoluments: Selected scholars will be paid Rs. 9000/- a month towards scholarship, reimbursed to and fro three-tier AC train fare, and provided free accommodation
on campus for a stretch of three months. Foreign scholars residing outside India, however, will have to bear the transportation expenses on their own.
Requirements: Selected scholars will be required to submit a progress report of the research project at the end of six weeks and a complete research report along with
a seminar presentation of the research findings at the end of the three-month stay. Failure to submit a progress report on time may lead to the termination of the
scholarship programme. Once the research project is completed and published, the scholar should acknowledge IGIDR in an appropriate way.
Application Deadline & Notifications: Applications can be sent electronically or by post to reach IGIDR by January 31, 2009. Letters of recommendation should
be sent by the concerned persons directly to IGIDR via email/post. The subject head for email and top of the envelope for post should indicate APPLICATION FOR
VISITING SCHOLARS PROGRAM 2009. Selected applicants will be notified via email/post by February 15, 2009. Those selected will have to accept the offer latest
by February 28, 2009.
Address for Communication: Visiting Scholars Program 2009,
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR)
General A. K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (E), MUMBAI 400 065, INDIA
Email: ; Telephone: +91-22-28416200

20 january 17, 2009  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

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