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GRADE: 8 SUBJECT: Agricultural

Lesson # 1
Topic: Manures
Sub-Topic: Types of Inorganic Fertilizers
Students will:
 Differentiate amongst the types of fertilizers correctly.
 Identify and describe the different samples of the types accurately.
 Discuss each type of inorganic fertilizer with minimal assistance.
Major Types of Inorganic Fertilizer

 Nitrogen is one of the three nutrients that botanist and soil

scientists categorize as primary nutrients; phosphorus and potassium
are the other two.
plants There are also secondary nutrients and so-called micronutrients that
need in smaller quantities.
As a primary nutrient in fertilizers, plants require nitrogen in
large amounts.
demandIn fact, nitrogen is the nutrient, or fertilizer component, that plants
the most out of all 16 essential plant nutrients.

Examples of Nitrogenous Fertilizer

 Urea has a high concentration of about 46.6% nitrogen.
 It is prepared as white granules or crystals.
 In the soil it is changed by the action of bacteria to nitrates.
 Plant roots absorb nitrates in solution.
 Urea is also used in small quantities as a source of nitrogen in
rations for ruminants.

Ammonium nitrate
 This simple fertilizer supplies about 23 to 35% of nitrogen.
 Because it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere readily,
farmers avoid using this fertilizer when its application is done by
its handling
Ammonium nitrate has been pelleted and coated to improve
and storage quantities.

Sulphate of Ammonia
 This fertilizer has a concentration of about 20% of nitrogen.
 It absorbs very little moisture from the atmosphere.
 The fertilizer is very soluble in water.
 Sulphate of ammonia supplies Sulphur to the soil also.
 Sulphur is another major plant nutrient.

Calcium nitrate
 A concentration of 15 to 20% of nitrogen exists in this fertilizer.
 It is a mixture of lime and ammonium nitrate.
 Calcium nitrate also supplies lime which reduces soil acidity.
Phosphatic fertilizers

the nutrient
Plants roots are stimulated to grow and develop in the soil when
is added.
produceIt improves seedling growth and assist plants to flower and
fruits earlier.
Supplies mainly phosphorous to the soil.
 Super phosphate is a popular phosphatic fertilizer.
Grades of Phosphatic fertilizers
Single super phosphate

which Phosphoric acid (P O ) is the chemical compound from

2 5
phosphorous is released into the soil.
Has a concentration of about 18 to 21% of available phosphoric acid.
 It also contains calcium sulphate.

Double super phosphate

There is a concentration of about 30 to 31% of available
acid in this fertilizer.
Triple super phosphate
 This type of superphosphate is popularly used by farmers.
 It is prepared as large gray granules which have a concentration
of 43% to 52% of available phosphoric acid.

Basic Slag
 Is a by-product of the iron-smelting industry.

Ammonium Phosphate
Rock phosphate

Potassic fertilizers
 Or potash supply mainly potassium to the soil.
 Potassium helps plants to store carbohydrates and to resist
some diseases.
Muriate of potash
 Contains about 60% of potassium oxide (k2o)

Sulphate of potash
 Contains about 50% potassium oxide
Magnesium fertilizers

in the form

These are chemical substances containing the nutrient magnesium
of magnesium cations (Mg2+).
Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4)
 The utilization rate of magnesium fertilizers decreases with
potassium supplies.

Calcium fertilizers

in absorbable
These are the chemical substances containing the nutrient calcium
calcium cations ('Ca2+) form.
The raw material of calcium fertilizers is lime found in nature.
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2 6H2O)
 It contains at least 15 per cent calcium.
 It is highly water soluble and can, therefore, be dissolved for
application as a foliar nutrient.
Sulphate Fertilizers

of absorbable
are chemical substances containing the nutrient sulphur in the form
sulphate anions (SO42-).
The sulphur requirements of plants are about two third of their
N, P and
Substantial sulphur supplies occur as minor constituents of various
K fertilizers.
 Fertilization with sulphur becomes necessary with increasing
removal from the soil with rising agricultural production especially in
plants with high sulphur requirements. e.g. mustard
1. Inorganic fertilizer which supplies mainly nitrogen are called_______’
2. Urea had a concentration of _______of nitrogen.
3. Explain the importance of nitrogen to plants.
4. Why is ammonium nitrate unpopular for usage by farmers?
5. How are phosphatic fertilizers best applied to the soil?
1. Weever, et al (1993), Agricultural Science for Secondary Schools in
Guyana, BK 2, Ministry of Education National Center for Educational
Resource Development, Georgetown, Guyana. Chapter 3, pages 87-

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