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Annexure VT-JIF_ Virtual Training Joining Instruction Form

For Delegates of CQI-IRCA Training Courses

Purpose: JIF shall be prepared by BSCIC BIS. This form will setup the course information and its ethos &
values with the delegates who have decided to sign up with the course. This form will work in
parallel with Brochure and some of its contents will be accepted by students in CRF.

This Training course is solely conducted by BSCIC virtually with their direct trainer and under their direct

Training Scheme Click here to enter text.

Course Venue & Dates Click here to enter text.
Country Click here to enter text.

Mandatory Joining Instructions:

1. Delegate to mention Complete Name/ Email Id/ ID Proof No/ Contact Number/ Complete Address
properly in Course Registration Form (CRF).
Delegate to meet all the requirements of CRF for a successful course and its intended outcomes.

2. As a requirement of the course, delegate must have prior knowledge of the standard i.e.
Knowledge of the following management principles and concepts:

2.1 The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle.

2.2 The relationship between Occupational Health & Safety and customer satisfaction.

2.3 Commonly used Health & Safety terms and definitions and Management Principles

2.4 The process approach used in management system

2.5 The Model of a Process Based Management System, the structure and content of standard.

And successfully passing the pre-questionnaire on first day morning during registration process.

3. Objective of attending the training:

3.1 A Third-Party Assessor or Lead Assessor
3.2 Responsible for undertaking audits of suppliers/subcontractors
3.3 Responsible for implementing internal audits and audit programs
3.4 Responsible for implementing series of standards

4. Delegate to pay 100% payment in advance prior commencement of the training.

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Annexure VT-JIF_ Virtual Training Joining Instruction Form
For Delegates of CQI-IRCA Training Courses

5. Training will be of 40 hours for 5/7/9/12/14 days excluding lunch, tea, breaks & exam. 100%
attendance is mandatory in order to write the exam.

6. Once the training will be organized by trainer/ BIS an email will be sent to the delegate containing
URL of the virtual platform to join the session. Delegates to click on the URL and get themselves
registered for the training.

7. Virtual Platforms that can be used are Microsoft Teams, Zoom, GoToMeeting

8. In case of internet outage as a mandatory requirement all the delegates to have backup of their
internet like they should have secondary internet source like hotspot, internet connection or
secondary broadband with good bandwidth. It is mandatory if in case the primary internet doesn’t

9. Delegates to have mandatory laptop, with good resolution of webcam, Mic with noise cancellation,
Headsets, and necessary devices with good internet connectivity of above 12 MBPs.

10. In case of power outage as a mandatory requirement everybody should have secondary power
source such as inverter or UPS connected with internet and computer at their place so that
delegate have an electricity backup also.

11. BSCIC will inform the delegates about the equipments to be used during the training. As a
mandatory requirement BSCIC staff member will do a trial run and connect all delegates including
trainer prior to the training once in order to resolve their IT issues if any. So that they will not face
any issues during training.

12. BSCIC HQ will share all the training material to the delegates in soft via email.

13. If in case printing of any document is required like Standard copy, workbook etc. is required during
training then we will let you know prior to the training formally through email.

14. Tutor will act as Organizer and delegates as participants. Tutor (Organizer) to have full control on
the activities of the participants like screen sharing, audio, video.

15. Tutor will share their screen so that all delegates will be able to see which may include slides or any
pdf etc.

16. Once all the delegates are connected through virtual platform, they are required be login for
complete day to have 100% attendance and participation. This will continue all days.

17. 100% attendance is mandatory but in case if any delegate found absent during the training session
without any information or without any genuine reason for more than expected hours like more
than 3 hours then BSCIC will cancel their registration immediately from the training.

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Annexure VT-JIF_ Virtual Training Joining Instruction Form
For Delegates of CQI-IRCA Training Courses

Delegate to inform regarding their short-term unavailability to BSCIC prior to the session.

18. In case delegate have any doubt, they can raise their hand or drop a question in the chat box for
trainer and after completion of the topic delegate may ask tutor to clear their doubts by unmuting

19. In case tutor wants to share any material or any delegate wants to submit any document then
he/she can share through chat box and attach the document.

20. Workbook Exercises will be shared in word format. Delegate may complete exercises individually
and share their exercises with tutor for evaluation and continuous assessment.

21. At any time when required Tutor may request your webcam access to present exercises.

22. BSCIC will also do the recording of the sessions as per the recording policy during presentation of
exercises like mock role play, opening meeting, closing meeting etc.

23. In case of group exercises for e.g., when 4 students form one group and attempting one group
exercise then tutor may use breakout tool to form the groups and present group exercises.

24. Assessment of delegates will be done continuously on daily basis in case delegate fails in
continuous assessment then he/she is not allowed to write the exam and will also lead to re-joining
of complete course again.
Passing in continuous assessment will allow delegate to write the exam. After passing the exam
delegate will be honored with Certificate of Achievement.
Failing in written exam will lead to Re-sit exam within 1 year from the date of training course.

25. Examination will be conducted within 3 days of completion of training,

physically at a nearby center where BSCIC having its Exam Training Coordinator (staff) in that city to
have a physical Exam invigilation along with the;
Tutor who remains Present (physically or virtually through Skype) with BSCIC Exam Coordinator.
Use of Professional Proctoring providers for Assessment Services for Conduction of Computer
Based Exams with Remote Proctoring.
Through this way exam will be conducted online.

26. In case of plagiarism or copying from solution is found in the exam scripts, then “zero” mark will be
awarded to the relevant questions or section.

27. Only clear copy of the standard is allowed during the examination. No other material such as
delegate book, personal notes shall be allowed. Delegate’s carry bags and mobile phones shall be

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Annexure VT-JIF_ Virtual Training Joining Instruction Form
For Delegates of CQI-IRCA Training Courses

kept outside the training room otherwise far distant from the exam desks. Phone shall be kept
inside bag on switch off, airplane or silent mode.
For Online examination soft copy of the standard will be provided no hard copy of the standard is

28. Delegates can give their Daily feedback through chat box of GoToTraining or any other virtual
platform on Daily basis for immediate corrections and future corrective actions.

29. In case, CQI-IRCA through BSCIC or BSCIC itself will ask for any investigation post course post
certification, BSCIC will expect full cooperation from delegate.

30. BSCIC will directly courier certificate to delegates after receiving confirmation on names.

Name & Signature of Creator of JIF Click here to enter text.

Date of Creation

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