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One of an organization's most important resources is its human capital. Human resource
management (HRM) is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the
goals of each other are met. Over the years, highly skilled and knowledge-based jobs are
increasing while low skilled jobs are decreasing. This calls for future skill mapping through
proper HRM initiatives. Indian organizations are also witnessing a change in systems,
management cultures and philosophy due to the global alignment of Indian organizations.
Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization, the
jobs and functions within it. Competency mapping is important and is an essential activity.
Every well-managed firm should have well defined roles and list of competencies required to
perform each role effectively. Competency mapping identifies an individual’s strengths and
weaknesses in order to help them better understand themselves and to show them where
career development efforts need to be directed. Competency mapping is one of the most
accurate means in identifying the job and behavioral competencies of an individual in an
organization. Competency is a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform a job
effectively and efficiently. A Competency is something that describes how a job might be
done excellently.

This report draws attention to a fact that while mapping the specific skills of the operators in
Zydus Life Sciences Ltd., there was a gap between the actual and required performance. This
was the barrier affecting the individual development of the employees. From the analysis, it
was easier to identify the areas of low performance. These problems can be solved by
providing proper training and mentoring the operators, which in return will help them to
increase their skill and efficiency. In order to increase their growth graph, the operator’s skills
were analyzed and key competencies were identified. Questionnaire and tests can be
conducted to decrease the degree of biasness, which will help to create s similar opportunity
for every operator. Training programs can be arranged with defined periodicity to ensure that
the limitations don’t increase and later help the operators to work effectively and efficiently.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents___________________________________________________________________vi
List of Figures_____________________________________________________________________vii
List of Tables_____________________________________________________________________viii
1 Introduction__________________________________________________________________1
1.1 Definition & Meaning of Competency__________________________________________2
1.2 History and Evolution of Competencies_________________________________________5
1.3 Competence identification & Mapping__________________________________________6
1.4 Significance of Competency Mapping__________________________________________8
2 Literature Review_____________________________________________________________9
2.1 Findings from the Literature Review and Gaps identification for Dissertation work______31
3 Problem Statement and Objectives of the Study_____________________________________33
4 Project Methodology__________________________________________________________34
4.1 Technical Competencies____________________________________________________35
4.2 Questionnaire Development_________________________________________________36
4.3 Statistical Tools___________________________________________________________36
5 Activities to be carried out in the following semester_________________________________37

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 The Iceberg Model of competencies [31].............................................................................2

Figure 1.2 Competence identification and mapping process [32]..........................................................6

Figure 2.1 Year wise distribution of Papers reviewed...........................................................................9

Figure 2.2 Distribution of papers according to nature of study............................................................10

Figure 2.3 Distribution of papers according to sector..........................................................................10

Figure 4.1 Flow chart for Project Methodology...................................................................................34

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Literature Review of Competency mapping Implementation in Industries______________11

Table 4.1 Competency Chart_________________________________________________________35

1 Introduction
During recent years organisations have become more and more aware of the value of their
intellectual capital; the employees within the organisation. However, many organizations are
still not very well aware of how and why to use the potential within employees. Often
organizations find it complicated to identify the potential and skillset of their employees, and
even more to determine how this potential could be used in order to benefit of it as much as
possible. Many organizations are not convinced that employee motivation and commitment
could have a relation with both individual and organizational performance, and often
organizations prefer numeric measurements, such as records and results, over the so called
softer values.

The aim of this thesis is to help organizations to see clearly what the benefits are if and when
a competence-based management strategy is applied. The value of employee as individual
has been emphasized, and the focus is on employee well-being, motivation and personal
development. The thesis aims at providing the organization with tools for identifying,
assessing and developing individual competences; for both committing and motivating
employees, and improving organizational performance.

There are many employees that have been employed for several years in the same
organization in the same position, and these employees often find need to prove the
organization that they are capable for doing more than what they are currently doing. And
even more, the development need may not be only within the same department but they may
have competences to work also in some other departments and positions – equally well or
even better. There are two problems risen within. How do the organizations identify the
individuals capable and willing to do more that they are doing? How can the organization
reposition these individuals in the most efficient way, so that both individual and the
organization benefit for that? The curiosity for finding a solution for this problem has been
the initial starting point of the thesis.

1.1 Definition & Meaning of Competency
Today, when measuring organisation’s performance, its better results more and more are
refereed not to material resources, but to human resources and their competencies. Thus,
development of competencies has become one of the key priorities of the organisation.
Realizing this fact, organisations are looking for competent professionals and thus striving to
develop their current staff’s competencies. Undoubtedly, contemporary business companies
need professionals with desired competencies that would enable an employee to successfully
perform in ever changing business and economic environment.

The clearest concept of competencies is offered by (Pacevicius & Kekyte, 2008) – it is a

combination of professional knowledge, abilities and skills as well as an ability to apply them
following the requirements of work environment.

Figure 1.1 The Iceberg Model of competencies [31]

Competencies can be better understood with the help of Iceberg Model wherein Technical
competencies are at the tip – the portion above the waterline that is clearly visible (and
therefore easier to assess).

Behavioural competencies are below the waterline – they are more difficult to assess, and
often harder to develop. Behavioural competencies can be understood as manifestations of
how a person views him or herself (self-image), how he or she typically behaves (traits), or
motives him or her (motives). The iceberg model for competencies takes the help of an

iceberg to explain the concept of competency. An iceberg which has just one-ninth of its
volume above water and the rest remains beneath the surface in the sea. Similarly, a
competency has some components which are visible like knowledge and skills but other
behavioural components like attitude, traits, thinking styles, self-image, organisational fit etc.
are hidden or beneath the surface.

Suppose an organisation is promoting an open door policy which literally means that a
manager or supervisor would keep the doors of his/her chamber open to become accessible to
their subordinates and encourage sharing of opinions and feedback. A manager sitting at the
farthest corner of the office keeps his door open all the time, how does one evaluate whether
it is for fresh air, claustrophobia or an indication that his subordinates are invited to reach out
to him anytime. Therefore, intent behind a displayed action is necessary to understand the
action and its implication fully.

In more complex jobs, these behavioural aspects, motives and traits become more important
than the skills and knowledge required to do the job. Think of a soldier at the war front, he
knows how to use the weapon he is holding, but thinks that the war is unjust and refuses to
fire. In organisations, senior level hiring is therefore a time consuming and elaborate affair as
it becomes necessary to establish the alignment between the organisational and individual
motivation and aspirations.

Developing the two levels of competencies also takes different routes. The visible
competencies like knowledge and skills can be easily developed through training and skill
building exercises however the behavioural competencies are rather difficult to assess and
develop. It takes more time and effort intensive exercises, like psychotherapy, counselling,
coaching and mentoring, developmental experiences etc.

In the traditional method of hiring, most of the organisations looked at just the visible
components of competencies; the knowledge and skills, believing that the behavioral aspects
can be developed through proper guidance and good management. However, with major
shifts in the conventional methods of people management, the hiring process has also
undergone a change therefore a lot of emphasis is being put on the hidden behavioral aspects
as well to make a sound decision. Hence, a complete picture regarding the competence of a
person consists of both visible and hidden aspects and it becomes necessary to understand
both to arrive at identifying the best man for a job.

A combination of knowledge, skills, attitude and personality of an individual as applied to a

role or job in the context of the present and future environment that accounts for sustained
success within the framework of Organisational Values. Competencies include the collection
of success factors necessary for achieving important results in a specific job or work role in a
particular organisation. Success factors are combinations of knowledge, skills and attributes
(more historically calls KSAs that are described in terms of specific behaviours and are
demonstrated by superior performers in those jobs or work roles. Attributes include: personal
characteristic, traits, motives, values or ways of thinking that impact individual’s behaviour.

1.2 History and Evolution of Competencies
A team of Educationists lead by Benjamin Bloom in the USA in mid-fifties laid the
foundation for identifying educational objectives and thereby defining the knowledge,
attitudes and skills needed to be developed in education. David McClelland, the famous
Harvard Psychologist has pioneered the competency movement across the world. His classic
books on “Talent and Society”, “Achievement Motive”, “The Achieving Society”,
“Motivating Economic Achievement” and “Power the Inner Experience” brought our several
new dimensions of the competencies. These competencies exposed by McClelland dealt with
the affective domain in Bloom’s terminology. The turning point for competency movement
was the article published in American Psychologist in 1973 by McClelland, wherein he
presented that traditional achievement and intelligence scores may not be able to predict job
success and what is required is to profile the exact competencies required to perform a given
job effectively and measure them using a variety of tests. Latter, McBer, a consulting firm
founded by David McClelland and his associate Berlew have specialized in mapping the
competencies of entrepreneurs and managers across the world. They even developed a new
and yet simple methodology called Behaviour Event Interviewing (BEI) to map the

1.3 Competence identification & Mapping
Competency mapping is the way of identifying key competencies in persons for an institution
or profession, required for effective performance. The individual’s level of competency in
each skill is measured against a performance standard established by the concerned
institution. Competency mapping can be accurately considered as identifying the profession
and an individual’s behavioral competencies for or in an institution.

Figure 1.2 Competence identification and mapping process [32]

The objective of competency mapping is to understand the competencies required to fulfill

the job role requirements and institutional performance. Competency mapping is followed by
competency diagnosis for assessing the existing competency profile of the institution with
respect to required competencies.Competency mapping is a practice through which one
assesses and determines one’s strengths as an individual worker and in some cases, as part of
an institution. Competency mapping usually examines emotional intelligence, and
individual’s strengths in areas of team structure, leadership, decision-making and the likes.

By and large mapping is frequently used as a process of activities in institutions to identify
domains of knowledge, skills and abilities that represent the persons of a respective body.
Institutions are using the guidelines to map the competencies. The mapping processes may
assist the institution attain a more complete understanding of transferability of skills from job
activity to job activity.

Competency mapping identifies an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in order to help

them better understand themselves and to show them where career development efforts need
to be directed. Competencies are derived from specific jobs within the organization and are
grouped into categories like strategy, relationships, innovation, leadership, risk-taking,
decision-making, emotional intelligence, etc.

1.3.1 Steps invloved in Competency mapping

The STEPS involved in competency mapping to identify the key competencies for an
organization and the job within the function:
1. Indentify the department for mapping.
2. Identify the Structure of the organization and select the grades & levels.
3. Job Description from individuals and departments.
4. Conducting Semi-Structured interviews.
5. Collecting interview data’s.
6. Classify the required Skill list.
7. Identify the skill levels.
8. Evaluate identified competencies and skill levels with immediate superiors and other
heads of concerned departments.
9. Preparation of Competency calendar.
10. Mapping of Competencies.

1.4 Significance of Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping is excessively used in the organization to determine the crucial
elements and activities. The basic reasons due to which the mapping of the competencies is
done are as follows:
 Once the competencies are determined, proper training can be provided to the
individuals to work more efficiently on the processes.
 Key performance areas can be improved by understanding the fields where there is a
gap between the actual and the desired results.
 If the competencies are determined for the given job, then the person whose career
planning phase is taking place can consider those competencies and can be ready for
the same.
 Through competency mapping, the individual is preparing himself for the next set of
 With the help of the competency mapping the individual can alter the style of work
where the gap exists.
 By overcoming the differences in the desired level and the actual status of
performance the individual can feel the increase in the self confidence and the
motivation level.
 Competency based approach can lead the individual to derive much efficient results
(with more accuracy) as compared to work in a noncompetency derived situation.
 Helps the individual to determine the areas where the development is required and
thus leads the individual to develop a self development plan.
 Competency mapping leads the individual to understand the actual position and the
gap from the desired status of work.
 Competency mapping plays a crucial role in career planning of the individual in the

2 Literature Review
The review of the studies conducted in the area of Competency Framework & mapping
implementation across industries has been conducted and the key findings from those studies
and the scope of further work suggested in the papers have been put in a tabulated form for
the ease of understanding in Table 2.1.

A total of 30 research papers collected from databases like ResearchGate and Science direct,
have been reviewed. These papers include literature reviews, case studies, conceptual and
descriptive papers and survey based studies from the year 2011-2022. The gaps identified in
these works and the main factors responsible for success of Competency mapping are enlisted
in the section 2.1.

The distribution of papers according to the years has been shown in Fig 2.1.

No. of Papers reviewed vs. Years


No. of Papers

4 4
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


Figure 2.3 Year wise distribution of Papers reviewed

The distribution of papers reviewed according to the nature of study is shown in Fig 2.2.

No. of Papers reviewed


No. of Papers reviewed

Literature Review Descriptive/Conceptual

Case Study Survey 42%

Figure 2.4 Distribution of papers according to nature of study


Manufacturing Hotel & Retail Sector Automobile Others

Figure 2.5 Distribution of papers according to sector

Similarly, distribution of papers based on the sectors in which the study has been conducted
is shown in Fig 2.3.

Table 2.1 Literature Review of Competency mapping Implementation in Industries

Sr. No. Reference Title Purpose/Aim/Issues Results/ Findings
discussed and future scope
1. R.Yuvaraj Competency To analyses the skill The survey instrument
(2011) mapping-A level of Workmen in was developed from a
drive for the organization, so literature review of job
Indian that the training competencies and was
Industries needs can be found refined to three content
out. To provide an areas namely knowledge,

insight to the staff's ability and attitude.
multi-skill level. Consistently, permanent
employees were rated by
their immediate line
supervisor about their
performance. The gaps for
the need identified are
focused by giving
appropriate training. The
training may vary
accordingly, On-Job
training & Off-Job
2. S.Praveen, Competency To identify the The present study has
Dr. R. mapping of competency gap that been attempted to identify
Karuppasa the exists between the gaps in the competency
my (2012) employees in employee’s current levels of Manufacturing
the performance level professionals working in
manufacturin and the expected two Manufacturing firms
g companies level of the at Coimbatore. A total of
with special employees. 20 dimensions have been
reference to used to assess the
Coimbatore- performance level and
A study identify the gaps. It is
found that the
performance levels of
Jagannath Industries (JI)
employees are higher
when compared to the
employees of VJP
Aluminium Foundry
(VJPAF). The gaps are
found to be high among

the employees of VJPAF
in most of the dimensions.
These could be developed
by giving training and
personality development
classes for the employees.
3. Deepti Competency To describe a linear The study identified that
yadav, mapping of competency model 72.22% of the engineering
Krishnaji Engineers in for engineers, with a units were not
Nalawade the list of competencies implementing & also
(2012) Engineering according to their unaware about
Industry of type and requirement competency mapping.
Satara, level in a job. 60% of the units were at
Maharashtra initial stage in
competency mapping
implementation & out of
those, 70% of the units
considered training and
development programs in
competency mapping.
4. K.Rajesh Competency To identify the There is an association
Kumar, mapping in competencies between knowledge of
Dr.M.Sivak hotels with available among products & services,
umar respect to hotel employees. To understand customer’s
(2013) Madurai study the importance feelings, effective
of competency communication,
mapping in Hotel persuading skills &
Industry. dealing with all types of
customers. Male
employees have to
improve their skills in
terms of sensitivity
towards events &

listening. Organisational
Citizenship Behaviour
needs to be improved in
employees below 20 years
and above 50 years.
Training program on
Customer Satisfaction,
understanding customer’s
demands and expectations
need to be imparted.
5. Dr. B. Investigating To map the Most of the foundry line
Sripirabaa The competencies of the operator’s educational
et. al Competency operators working in status is below SSLC but
(2014) Mapping the organization. To their performance is good
Among The identify and because of the experience
Operators In overcome and even it can be
An Auto competency gap of developed by providing
Component the operators. To good training. The
Organisation. identify the methods operators in the machine
used to train the shop who have less years
employees. of experience are meeting
the standards as they are
from ITI and had their
diploma and strengthened
with theoretical and
practical knowledge. The
Quality control operators
are meeting the standards
and half of the operators
are below standard since
the educational status
infers that most of the
operators are below SSLC

and SSLC and few of
them are diploma

6. Dr. S. Competency The main objective It can be consolidates as

Vasantha Mapping - of this study is to master sheet for all the
(2014) Employee conceptually analyze employees, and filtering
Evaluation the method and by Master skills vs.
Sheet importance of Current function vs.
competence mapping Multiple Capability.
through various According to the results
literatures, and to restructure the personnel
identify the for all the departmental
competency gap function and make a
based on Employee system for continual
evaluation score card monitoring for further
Training need and
Motivation for the
individual for success of
the organization.
7. R. An Empirical To study the impact Some employees feel that
Sugumari, Study on of competency they need more soft skill
S. Rupa Competency mapping on programs to perform the
Andal Mapping: individual and team work effectively. The
(2014) With Special growth. To study the company shall organize
Reference to impact of career development
Farida Competency programme frequently at
Classic Shoes mapping on training regular intervals to
Private provided to the improve their efficiency.
Limited, employees. The management shall
Ambur. regularly implement the
360 degree feedback
system to increase the

performance level of
8. Swati Skill and To find gap between The Skill Matrix process
Bankar, M. Competency the actual and helped to analyse the gap
D. Kakade, Mapping: A required between the actual and
Sonam Tool for performance of the required skills for a
Kashilkar Training operators in Turbo particular area of
(2014) Need Gears India Pvt. Ltd. operation. The ratings
Identification To identify the areas obtained have helped to
through Six of low performance. deploy an employee to a
Sigma. particular level in the
concerned operation. It
has also be beneficial for
taking corrective actions
to enhance the skills of the
employees and thus
leading them to a higher
level. This in short will
lead to an increase in the
number of skilled labour.
9. Zulfiqar Competency To study the Most of hotels throw the
Murtaza Mapping in importance of opportunities to their
(2015) Hotels with competency employees to express their
Reference to mapping in hotel opinions with their boss
Jammu Industry. To when in disagreement and
Kashmir examine the impact the hotels spelled out in
of demographic detail clearly about job
characteristic (age requirements and
and gender only) on instruction to their
the employee employees. However,
perceptions toward employees were not sure
the organizational whether they could tell
behaviour in the about the disagreements to

hotels in Jammu and anyone that they want to
Kashmir. tell. Thus, it can be opined
that the hotel operators
should encourage and
create the good norms or
values in the organization,
which will make
organization (hotels) a
better place to work thus
increasing employee
retention and thus
boosting the industry. The
managers of resort
operators should improve
on the factor of listening
skill from their
subordinates when they
are in disagreement and
they should try to
decrease their social
distance from less
powerful people.
10. Chandan Need for To understand the Every institution wants to
Maheshkar Competency competencies become a leader in their
(2015) Mapping required to fulfill the functional domain; in the
Scale to Map job role same way an institution
the requirements and should have individual’s
Competencie institutional defined job roles and
s of performance. competencies needed for
University Competency doing the job effectively.
Teaching mapping is followed University Teaching
Personnel. by competency Competency mapping
diagnosis for scale will make an

assessing the institution able to discover
existing competency individual’s strengths and
profile of the deficiencies in order to
institution with help stakeholders of the
respect to required university teaching
competencies profession to understand
them better and to draw
development plans for the
11. Tilottama Competency To measure the level It was found that
Singh, Mapping: A of competency of the competency related to
Snigdha Strategic HR employees. To know communication, task
Malhotra Tool towards is there a significant proficiency and
(2016) Effective difference between adaptability have no
Skill experience of the significant difference
Mapping In respondents and between experience of the
Global their various respondents and their
Market competencies. To competencies on
provide suggestions communication, task
and proficiency and
recommendations to adaptability which means
the company that irrespective of the
accordingly. experience gained the
respondents possess the
above competencies.
Moreover the employees
need to focus on building
up competencies in
various areas so as to
increase their contribution
to the organization.
Moreover clearly defined
role responsibilities and

areas of improvement
encourage greater
responsibility and
professionalism among
member of the
12. Deepti Applying To understand the A few gaps or shorts
Sinha, Competency competency coming were also
Sachin mapping in mapping in today’s identified. Through the
Sinha, the IT sector business process of interview, it
Kalpana environment and its was identified that
Singh prevalence in IT employees could be
(2016) Sector. To slightly improved in terms
understand the of their communication,
influence of knowledge level & Team
demographic orientation. The
variables on organization needs to set
Competency more specific goals in
mapping. order to improve the
achievement orientation
of employees. The
feedback mechanism of
the organization has to be
such that employees take
their feedback positively.
13. P. Nagesh Employee To analyze the The competencies of all
et. al Competency employee the 12 employees of the
(2017) Mapping competency at Training and
Training & Development Department
Development of a manufacturing
Department of a company in Mysuru were
Typical successfully mapped. On
Manufacturing an average, the employees

company in Mysuru. have higher actual values
To identify the when compared to the
competency gaps expected values. Thus, the
among employees of efficiency & the
a Typical competency of the
Manufacturing mapped department are
company. high.
14. Santhoshk The effect on Create a map of Section Head is being a
umar R, Competency competencies for higher position; the
Hemal Raj mapping in each section / desired level of
(2017) Manufacturin Hierarchy in Behavioral Competency’s
g industry manufacturing is 4. So those in Level 2
assembly industries. Getting and 3 may have to be
vicinity with the Assessment done trained. Considering the
reference to for each of the role severity of lower levels in
krishnagiri holder against the different competencies,
district Tamil relevant mapping to ‘Business Excellence’ and
Nadu-A find out his level in ‘Team Work and
study each competency. Collaboration’ may be
Make an analysis to given priority in the
find out the gap and training calendar. For
consolidate it to use Front Line Executive, the
in Training Need desired level of
Identification. Behavioural
Competency’s is 3. So
those in Level 1 and 2
may have to be trained.
Considering the severity
of lower levels especially
in Level 1, among
different competencies,
‘Business Excellence’
may be given priority in

the training calendar.
15. Thamarais A study on To study and assess Based on the analysis it is
elvi P, Competency the competency of found that, the
Visagamoo mapping in the employees in the respondents have medium
rthi D, Manufacturin MSME Sector of the competencies in
Sridevi K B g MSME state. To find out the creativity/innovation and
(2018) Sector in most and least leadership skills. Five
Tamil Nadu possessed core competencies
State competencies of the essential to run a
employees in MSME successful business such
of manufacturing as communication,
industries at Tamil creativity/innovation,
Nadu State. decision making,
leadership and teamwork
of MSME employees of
manufacturing sector in
Tamil Nadu are
16. S. A study of To measure the skill The response of
Yogananth, competency level of pump and respondents on the various
Dr. G Alex mapping of motor industry parameters of relationship
Rajesh employees in employees. To management is 4.066 with
(2018) pump and explore the needs of the standard deviation of
motor employees to 0.694 shows that the
manufacturin develop their skills employees are quite good
g sector with for effective and in maintaining cordial
special efficient job relations with customers.
reference to performance. Employees of pump and
Coimbatore. motor industry are quite
competent in
communication skills as
the mean score is 2.53 and
SD 0.71. The leadership

skills among employees
are good as the responses
of the respondents are
3.665. The task
proficiency needs to be
increased from average so
as to perform their regular
activities in the industry.
The communication needs
to be improved to
maintain cordial relations.
17. P.Thamara A Study on To study and assess From the above research
iselvi, Competency the competency of study it is analyzed that
D.Visagam Mapping in the employees using the data of the employees
oorthi, Manufacturin mathematical identified for the study
A.Shobana g MSME modelling in the have medium level of core
(2018) Sector using MSME sector. To competencies in
Mathematical find out the most and creativity/innovation and
Model least possessed leadership skills.
competencies of the Therefore, the MSME
employees using sector can bring and
mathematical implement a culture of
modelling in MSME open and on-going
of manufacturing communication that will
industries in suit all the levels. The
Coimbatore district. leadership skills of
employees in industry can
be developed through
motivation and
encouragement with
intrinsic and motivational
factors. This will assist
them to participate in

personality development
programs, Simulation
training conducted within
and outside the industry
by related industries.
18. Smithesh A study on To ascertain & The personal profile of the
G, Dr. A. Competency understand the respondents shows that
Shameem mapping and contribution of executives feel that
(2018) its impaction Competency competencies have high
deliverables Mapping in the impact on the appraisal
with respect Performance process. It also denotes
to the Realty Appraisal process that irrespective of the
Sector respect to the realty qualification, respondents
sector. To know the felt that competency
role of competencies mapping has high impact
in the selection and on appraisal process. As
the hiring process aforesaid, in the age
respect to the realty category respondents
sector. below 30 years feel that
competency mapping has
a high impact on the
appraisal process. There is
a large difference between
the acceptances of the
high level impact between
the age categories. HR
should determine the role
and the job fit using the
competencies. HR should
create the awareness and
importance of anticipating
the competencies required
for the future.

19. J. Rohit, P. Competency The present study The study on competency
Singh, Mapping of was conducted in mapping consisted of two
S.Satyapriy the four Indian Council critical dimension i.e.
a, Extensionists of Agricultural Emotional Intelligence
V.Sangeeth Working in Research (ICAR) (EI) and professional
a, N. V. Krishi zones of Krishi competencies. The
Kumbhare Vigyan Vigyan Kendra’s demographic profile of the
(2019) Kendra’s in (KVK) selected by respondents indicated that
India. simple random about 62 per cent of the
sampling without respondents were in the
replacement to map age category of 35 to 50
the present level of years. Therefore, they
competencies of the were in their mid-career.
extensionists. This is the best time for
providing the mid-career
advancement training for
them. Regarding the
mapping of the EI
competencies, the result
of the study showed that
the extensionists had
average level of EI, which
can be enhanced further.
20. Dr. Ruchi “A Study Of To analyses the skill Employees believe that
Goyal Impact Of level of workmen in they are doing the job
(2019) Competency the organization, so according to their job
Mapping In that the training profile. They finish every
Contemporar needs can be found. work assigned to them
y The study can also within the time limit,
Organization give an idea to the which shows that they are
” In Select staff's multi-skill competent, though many
Indian level. of them need guidance
Textile from their superiors

Industries. sometimes. Few believe
that they need training to
perform their job which is
contradicting to their
competency level, since
the type of work they
were performing at the
time of their joining and
today have changed.
21. Shobha Competency To identify the The job-related
Bhardwaj, Mapping critical competencies competency assumed by
Ajay Jain, Based on helpful for SME’s in the manager affects the
Namita Identifying their enhancement of productivity of the
Gupta, the Impact productivity and company. Also, Pearson
Praveen over the effective correlation value of 0.370
Kumar Productivity performance. To represents the positive
Pandey of SMEs. helps the employee strong relationship
(2019) in exploring and between the job
enhancing their competency and the
skills for their productivity of the
growth. company. This means the
competency framework of
the organization is
working onto the
expectations. But, the
competency mapping
must be strengthened to
maximize the result
comparative to the present
22. Dr. V.S. Competency The first aim is to The authors found that out
Chouhan, mapping & map HR of the six competences,
Dr. S. Training need practitioners' five competences had a

Srivastava assessment in competencies. The considerable influence
(2020) the context of second aim is to upon HR practitioner's
Indian compare the required performance at specified
Manufacturin and existing levels of significance.
g Industry. competence level of Each competence had an
HR practitioners. important constructive
The third aim is to influence on performance,
evaluate their apart from strategic
training needs in the competence. The purpose
modern age. of gap analysis was to
gauge the gap involving 2
levels of competence of
HR practitioners in
manufacturing firms in
India. It shows that HR
practitioners match RCL
in the personal,
leadership, and technical
competence. It exhibits
the radar chart to
emphasize the gaps
between ECL and RCL
of HR practitioners. The
gaps were observed in
analytical, managerial,
and strategic competence.
23. V.Bharath, A study on To measure the The 67% of employees
Shirisha, impact of employee work claimed that competency
Dr. K. Competency knowledge on mapping helps in career
Veeraiah mapping in Competency development and career
(2020) Toyota, India mapping. To study management. The 90% of
the relationship employees revealed that
between chosen competency mapping do

factors that not help in manpower
contribute in planning process. Most of
organizational the time Toyota
Development. To organization is executing
evaluate how far competency mapping on
competency regular basis. The
mapping is company need to Follow
successfully Job rotation, Enrichment
implemented. and Enlargement.
Company should provide
proper guidance in
developing their career.
Each and every employee
should get enough training
so that they can contribute
more efficiently and
effectively to the
24. Damaris Competency To determine how Competency mapping had
Monari mapping and competency a mean of 3.05 which
(2021) its influence mapping influences implied and agreed to a
on employee employee retention moderate extent that
retention in in the competency mapping
the Telecommunication affected employee
Telecommuni industry in Mombasa retention. The Pearson's
cation County in Kenya. correlation results indicate
industry in a strong positive
Kenya. relationship between
competency mapping and
retention of employees (p-
value = 0.000, R-value =
0.609). This statistically
proves that competency

mapping has a positive
impact on retention of
employees or otherwise.
25. Dr.C.Kathi A Strategic To examined the Bank HR departments
ravan, View of relationship between should improve their
S.Velmurg Competency Competency proficiency in the three Ps
an, A. Mapping on Mapping of competency mapping.
Rajasekar, Organization Components and Based on the findings of
P. al Employee the
Mahalaksh Commitment Organizational ImportancePerformance
mi, E. with a Focus Commitment in the Map Analysis, it is clear
Chandram on Bank Banking Sector. To that one of the three P's of
ouli, V. Employees evaluate bank Competency Mapping,
Suresh, B. employees' Proficiency, should be
Padmaja, personality efficacy prioritised by bank HR
K. and organizational departments. The
Dhanalaks commitment. To see importance of the values
hmi (2021) if there's a link indicated for the above
between Proficiency component is low. On the
and Bank other hand, the efficiency
Employees' index values are good. To
Organizational maintain their status, the
Commitment. bank's HR department
must obviously increase
Competency Mapping
Techniques among their
26. Likitha A study on The primary goal of Each employee is ready to
Garsha, Competency the study is to get change their behaviour
Dr. M. mapping- more knowledge and perspective in
Rajesh HARSHA about competency reaction to the situation.
(2022) TOYOTA mapping for Employees strongly agree
HARSHA TOYOTA with how they can serve a

employees and how client in 27% of cases,
it may benefit the agree with it in 70% of
business. cases, and disagree with it
in 3% of cases. The ability
of employees to fulfil
client demands is at 97%.
67 % of employees utilize
promotion to understand
consumer problems.
27. Sanjeeth A Study on To know about how The organization should
Kumar, A. Competency Larsen and Turbo provide a separate cabin
Renuka Mapping at get benefit out of for each employee to
(2022) LARSEN & this Competency excel their talents so that
TURBO. mapping. To know the employee also feels
about how the independence in their
Competency work. By giving a proper
mapping can be used communication, the
for various purposes. organization can avoid the
problems while
implementing the
competency mapping. The
organization should
enhance the employee’s
competencies through
various training and
development programs.
28. Dr. K. R. A Study on To evaluate the This study finds out there
Mahalaxmi Competency performance of is association between
, U. D. Mapping and employees and to department and training
Gokul Its Impact on identify individual attended employee, there
(2022) HR Process employee is association between
Efficiency at performance using department and job
ITC Ltd., competency satisfaction level of

Chennai mapping. To suggest employee, there is
how to improve HR relationship between
process efficiency in training and achievement
ITC ltd., Chennai. made by employee, and
training attended and job
satisfaction of employee.
29. Dr. Vinod A Review Review the Effective competency
Waiker, Study On literature, investigate mapping, according to this
Mr. Aftab Employees' competence study's findings, gives
Ali Competency mapping, and employees a more
Siddiqui, Mapping And examine the comprehensive
Mr. Output difficulties understanding of who they
Sarwar Management: companies face in are and what
Alam With identifying distinct competencies set them
Ansari Reference competencies. To apart. After completing
(2022) Nagpur determine how several developmental
Based Small organisations programmes to acquire the
Scale perceive competency necessary competences,
Manufacturin mapping as a useful employees are able to
g Industries tool for staff multitask and are more
development. competitive. And it must
be acknowledged that,
although having the same
educational background,
two people are different in
terms of their
competencies. It has been
demonstrated via
numerous research studies
that competences are more
valuable than IQ.
30. M. Mallika Competency To study The study included
Rao, Dr. A. Mapping of competency assessment of

Udaya Front-line mapping practices competencies viz., personal
Shankar, Staff: Key for followed in the retail competencies, knowledge
Dr.M. Success in organizations, to competencies, job related
Bhaskara the understand the competencies,

Rao (2022) Organized current level of communication and

Retail Sector competencies interpersonal competencies,

possessed by the functional competencies

and technical competencies
front-line employees
for the frontline employees
in retail
of the organized retail
organizations and to
stores to identify the
determine the
competency gap. From the
competency gap and
results, it is observed that
to suggest ways to
gaps exist in all the
fill the gaps.
competencies, although it is
relatively less in functional
communication and
interpersonal competencies,
knowledge competencies
and job related

2.1 Findings from the Literature Review and Gaps identification for
Dissertation work
From the literature review it is very clear that with every passing year the interest of the
academicians and researchers in the field of Competency mapping has been growing and a
number of case studies have been reported in the literature review which have been
conducted in the manufacturing firms and other sectors to provide applications towards
employee training need identifications, performance diagnostics and self-development
initiatives. It has also been found in the literature survey that many success factors and
limitations surfaced at the time of analysing the gaps to suggest necessary measures to reduce
the competency gaps in employees.

The chief success factors that have been observed to be commonly agreed in the various
researches are:
I. Open and ongoing communication.
II. Team work and collaboration.
III. Commitment.
IV. Planning & Time Management.
V. Dynamic environment.
VI. Top management’s conviction.
VII. A structured process for improvement.
VIII. Organizational culture.

Other than the critical success factors many inhibitors have been indicated in the literature
review which make the results of competency mapping difficult. The primary inhibitors have
been noted below based on the literature:
I. Limited time and budget available.
II. Failed to capture employee output concerns.
III. Sample Size limited, findings can’t be generalized.
IV. Respondents were reluctant to give unbiased opinion fearing of the management.
V. Researchers subjective biases.
VI. Hesitance in changing the work culture.
VII. Lack of knowledge and training.

The gaps thus identified from the literature review can be summarized as follows:
I. From the literature, it is seen that most of the studies exploring to link competency
mapping with training needs, less emphasis on organizational performance
II. There is a smaller number of studies considering competency skill matrix to understand
the gap between the actual and required skills for a particular area of operation.
III. The number of studies in the manufacturing sector regarding analysis of competency
mapping doesn’t provide Individual Development plan for employees.

3 Problem Statement and Objectives of the Study
The problem statement of the dissertation thus is Development of Competency framework
and maps the skill of colleagues at manufacturing.
The objectives of projects will include:
I. Identification of success factors, Limitations & Research analysis methods being used
across industries.
II. Following the steps involved in competency mapping to gather and collecting data to
identify Technical competencies.

III. Gathering data to understand the level of competencies of colleagues and gap
identification in the manufacturing using the Questionnaire.
IV. Deriving conclusions after analyzing the survey data and finding managerial
implications using case study.

4 Project Methodology

Exploring the literature about

Competency Framework &
mapping across industries.

Finding the Limitations, success factors

& Research analysis methods being
used across industries.

Gap identification
Objective of the Study

Following the steps involved in competency

mapping to gather and collecting data to
identify Technical competencies.

Questionnaire development

Gathering Survey Response

Analysis and deriving conclusions

Figure 4.6 Flow chart for Project Methodology

4.1 Technical Competencies

By following the steps involved in competency mapping in an organization, we identified
five Technical Competencies with their key elements.
Technical Definition Elements
Compliance To be in accordance with  SOP/Process Adherence.
the regulatory  Demonstrate Regulatory
requirements, policies Requirement.
 Process monitoring &
established by the company
and mentoring the
inexperienced personnel in
adhering to the predefined
Documentation Fills out the mandatory  Understanding the QMS
documents legibly and tools.
accurately, shows in-depth  Understand GDP & DI.
understanding of GDP and  RFT.
ensures availability of
documents as and when
Technical Operation The Knowledge and ability  Process Understanding.
required to apply specific  Machine Operation.
technical principles and  Maintaining process
information in a Job robustness.
function or role.
Problem Solving Possesses skills to assess  Troubleshooting.
the depth of any problem  Risk
pertaining to man, machine Communication.
 Impact on
or material, take
Quality and
appropriate steps to patient safety.
troubleshoot without
risking the quality of the
Operation Excellence Ability to articulate these  Quality Output.
goals in terms of traceable  Consistent and Reliable.
and measurable outcomes  Continuous Operation.
for future evaluation.
Table 4.2 Competency Chart

4.2 Questionnaire Development

After having identified the competency & organizational effectiveness parameters to be used
to assess relationship with one another, a questionnaire has been developed which shall be
sent as a survey instrument to employees in the different sites of manufacturing industry. The
questionnaire has two sections, the first section deals with the basic information about the
respondents and the second section would consist of questions which would seek the opinion
of the employees on a Likert scale of 1-5 (1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly

agree). A Likert scale signifying the importance of particular competency during the
procedure on the shop floor.
An effort is made to catch the essential parts of executive competencies that would enhance
operation in an organisational set up. The questionnaire was systematically prepared to
consider the extensive literature reviews and personal interviews with the respondents of this
The questionnaire has been prepared and has been attached here with this report in appendix.

4.3 Statistical Tools

The analysis of the data helps to reach conclusion and findings of the study. Appropriate
statistical techniques will be used in the study to analyze data.
I. Confidence Interval test will be conducted to check the validity of research tool
pertaining to competency mapping. The purpose of confidence interval test is check
how confident respondents are in giving answers.
II. Cronbach alpha test will be conducted to check the reliability of questionnaire.
III. Multiple Regression is the most widely used when there is more than one independent
variable. It is used to check the impact of more than one independent variables on
dependent variable. The main objective of linear regression is to explain the variation
in one variable dependent variable) based on the variation on one or more variables
(independent variables).

5 Activities to be carried out in the following semester

The following steps of the methodology will be carried out in the next semester and in
the following sequences:
I. Distribution of the Questionnaire as survey instrument to the employees of
manufacturing industry.
II. Collection of responses from the survey.
III. Analyzing the data from the survey using descriptive statistics.

IV. Drawing conclusions from the survey and interpreting the relationship between
competency mapping and organizational effectiveness using multiple regression
analysis to determine how much it impacts on organizational performance.

Name: Designation:
Age: Experience in the previous Organization:
Gender: Experience in the current Organization:
Educational Qualification: Total Experience:

Income per annum (in rupees):
What is your Job Description?

Are you given written Job Description by your employer?

Whether job performed by you is in line with job description given to you?

If there is a deviation, could you mention the most frequent deviations?

What could explain the reasons for those deviations?

Competency Mapping
The following questions are related to various Technical competencies. The scale for
answering these questions is given below. Tick appropriately. Please provide your objective
answers which reflect the actual performance.
Very Good at this competency. 5
Good at this competency. 4
Moderate at this competency. 3
Performance on this competency is not quite up to acceptable standards. Need
Performance on this competency fails to meet acceptable standards. Need

Sr. No. Item 5 4 3 2 1

1. Knowledge of company policies, GMP requirements and
Technical hierarchy on the shop floor.
2. Understands the importance of adhering to SOPs, follow site
procedures & policies.
3. Understands the requirement of 21 CFR Part 11 (Electronic

records: Electronic signature) and other regulatory guidelines.
4. Mentoring operators on machine operation, cleaning, and
trouble shooting.
5. Handle the compliance procedures of electronic data (Audit
trail review, Events report).
6. Ensures that the machines under use are set to follow the batch
manufacturing record.
7. Should always be audit-ready and encourage audit-readiness in
the manufacturing area. Should act as the point of contact to
the auditors.
8. Performs daily documentation & the GMP documents under
supervision in the unit operation area.
9. Able to fill BMR/BPR independently & all process records
online as per regulations.
10. Possesses enough knowledge to maintain the documents,
identify errors in documents, justify them and keeps them
updated for audit purposes.
11. Ensures other operators follow ALCOA+ standards in their log
book and checklists.
12. Ensuring RFT in processes, documentation & cleaning.
13. Knowledge of QMS tools.
Technical Operation
14. Understand the manufacturing process flow as per batch record
and keeps up to date with equipment being used in unit
15. Performs material handling in the unit operation area.
16. Knowledge of the cleaning procedure and can help in cleaning
of machine and area.
17. Ability to set machine/process parameters setting as per Batch
record & Ensure the Equipment qualification, calibration &
18. Ability to conduct in process quality checks.
19. Possesses the skills to carry out machine operation and
cleaning independently.
20. Possesses broad understanding of machine and equipment
(including new & sophisticated ones) and manages exceptions
and cases arising out of machine/equipment issues in an
independent manner.
21. Independently operates and all the machines in a single area.
22. Capable of independently handle cleaning of every machines in
the area and ensures quality product by implementing 5S at
work area.
23. Possesses extensive knowledge of process flow, product
parameters and machine handling in different areas.
24. Possesses enough knowledge and skill to act as a SME.
Problem Solving
25. Escalate to the supervisor/operator immediately in case of
breakdown and deviations.
26. Report the events occurred in chronological order & respond
actively and honestly.
27. Carries skills for Troubleshooting and equipment maintenance.
28. Reports to the supervisor immediately if any problem arises
&participate in problem solving and resolving the issue.
29. Understands the critical process parameters/critical quality
attributes and equipment whose performance may have a direct
impact on product quality.
30. Proactively identifies issues with equipment handling and takes
corrective measures.
31. Encourages learning from the past outcomes and drives
innovation in the face of constraints and proactively manages
risk which may impact quality.
32. Have the expertise to perceive the error prior to its occurrence
and acts to prevent them.
Operation Excellence
33. Understands how deviation from any step in a process can
affect the product outcome.
34. Proactively acts towards achieving the desired process outcome
and promotes positive work attitude in a manufacturing area to
achieve the same.
35. Ensures arrangement, quality and quantity of the product from
multiple work areas.
36. Acts as a mentor to all the operators.
37. Maintains a positive and nurturing environment on the floor to
achieve maximum excellence.
38. Understands the stats and trending in QMS and possesses the
skill to manage machine operation in minor deviations.
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