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Report on Marketing strategy 2023

Digital Marketing Maturity

Submitted by:
Phanindra Nath Gopali
Exam Roll no: 19031585

P.U. Registration Number: 2018-2-03-1031

Submitted to:
Dr. Sanjeev Pradhan
Ace Institute of Management
Pokhara University

Introduction to International Business

April 26, 2023

1. marketing strategy 2023: E-commerce retail giant business case study........................3
1.2 Problems/ issues................................................................................................................................4
1.3 SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Possible Strategies.............................................................................................................................6
1.5 Major Learnings................................................................................................................................7
1.6 Future Strategies/Recommendations..............................................................................................7
2. Use our digital marketing maturity models to assess new opportunities for up skilling and digital
2.1 Background........................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Problems/ Issues................................................................................................................................9
2.3 SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................................10
2.4 Possible strategies..........................................................................................................................11
2.5 Major Learnings..............................................................................................................................12
2.6 Future Strategies/Recommendations............................................................................................12


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the completion
of this report.
Firstly, I am grateful to my supervisor Dr. sanjeev Pradhan for his guidance, support, and
valuable feedback throughout the entire process. Their insightful comments and suggestions have
been instrumental in shaping this report.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to Ace Institute of Management who allow me to use
the necessary resources, including access to data, research materials, and other relevant
information from the library.
I am also thankful to my Friends who provided me with their valuable insights and feedback,
which helped me refine my ideas and improve the overall quality of this report.
Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their unwavering support and
encouragement throughout this journey. Their moral support has been essential in keeping me
motivated and focused.
Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed
to the completion of this report.

1. marketing strategy 2023: E-commerce retail giant

business case study

1.1Background is one of the world's largest e-commerce companies, founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos.
Initially started as an online bookstore, the company has since expanded its product range to
include almost every type of consumer product, including electronics, clothing, home goods, and
even groceries. Amazon has also developed its own line of hardware, including the Kindle e-
reader and the Echo smart speaker.
Amazon has become one of the most successful and recognizable brands in the world. Its success
can be attributed in large part to its innovative marketing strategies and customer-centric
approach. Amazon's marketing strategy is focused on delivering a personalized and seamless
experience for customers, from browsing to purchase and delivery.
One of Amazon's key marketing strategies is its use of data and analytics. The company collects
vast amounts of data on customer behavior, including purchase history, browsing behavior, and
search queries. This data is then used to create personalized recommendations for customers and
to inform marketing campaigns. Amazon has recently made significant investments in creating

its own content, such as original TV episodes, films, and music streaming services. This content
helps to distinguish the company from its rivals and to draw in and keep clients.

1.2 Problems/ issues

 Rising opposition from other online merchants: As Amazon continues to grow, it faces
increasing competition from other e-commerce retailers, such as Walmart and Alibaba,
which are also investing heavily in their marketing strategies.
 Data privacy and security concerns: With Amazon collecting vast amounts of customer
data, there are concerns over how this information is used and protected, particularly in
light of recent data breaches and privacy scandals.
 Adapting to changing consumer preferences: Amazon must stay abreast of changing
consumer preferences, such as the growing demand for sustainable and ethical products,
and adjust its marketing strategy accordingly.
 Managing counterfeit products: The rise of counterfeit products on Amazon's platform
poses a significant challenge, as it can erode consumer trust and harm the company's
 Balancing profitability with customer satisfaction: Amazon's focus on low prices and fast
delivery can sometimes come at the expense of profitability, which poses a challenge in
terms of balancing customer satisfaction with financial sustainability.
 Regulatory compliance: As Amazon continues to expand globally, it must navigate an
increasingly complex web of regulations and compliance requirements, which can be
costly and time-consuming.
 Social media and reputation management: With the rise of social media, Amazon must be
vigilant in managing its online reputation, responding to customer complaints and
negative reviews in a timely and effective manner.
 Adapting to changes in search algorithms: As search algorithms evolve, Amazon must
ensure that its product listings are optimized for search engine visibility, in order to
maintain its position as a top e-commerce retailer.
 Leveraging emerging technologies: As emerging technologies such as artificial
intelligence and virtual reality become more prevalent, Amazon must stay ahead of the
curve in order to maintain its competitive edge and provide customers with innovative
shopping experiences.

1.3 SWOT Analysis

 Broad Product Selection: offers a wide selection of products in a variety of
categories, including electronics, books, home appliances, apparel, and consumables. The
company can serve a wide spectrum of customers because to its comprehensive product
 Strong Brand Image: Customers equate with dependability, ease, and
affordability. This has aided the business in becoming one of the most reputable and
recognized names in the globe.
 Strong Logistics Network: has an extensive global logistics network.
Because of this, the business can serve clients swiftly and effectively, resulting in great
customer satisfaction.
 Advanced Technology: has invested heavily in advanced technology to
enhance customer experience and streamline its operations. For instance, the company
uses artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize product recommendations for customers
and optimize its logistics network.
 Reliance on Third-Party merchants: In order to provide a broad selection of products on
its marketplace, mainly relies on third-party merchants. Due to this
dependence, the business is more susceptible to problems like fake goods and
untrustworthy vendors.
 Increased Competition: Walmart, Alibaba, and eBay are just a few of the many online
shops that must contend with. The corporation is under pressure from this
rivalry to constantly innovate and improve its offerings in order to stay ahead.
 Complex Supply Chain: The products on are sourced from numerous places
and suppliers, making the supply chain complex. Supply chain disruptions and logistical
difficulties may result from this complexity.

 Growing E-commerce Market: The e-commerce market is growing rapidly, with more
consumers opting to shop online. This presents an opportunity for to
expand its customer base and increase its revenue.
 Diversification: has the opportunity to diversify its product range further
and expand into new markets. For instance, the company has already made moves to
enter the healthcare industry with its acquisition of PillPack.
 Expansion into New Geographies: has the opportunity to expand into new
geographies and tap into new markets. For instance, the company recently entered the
Middle East market with its acquisition of

 Increasing Adoption of AI and Machine Learning: The increasing adoption of AI and

machine learning presents an opportunity for to enhance its customer
experience and optimize its operations further.
 Legal and Regulatory Challenges: faces legal and regulatory challenges in
different jurisdictions, particularly regarding antitrust concerns and data privacy. These
challenges can harm the company's reputation and increase its operational costs.
 Economic Uncertainty: Economic uncertainty can affect consumer spending, which can
impact's revenue. Additionally, fluctuations in currency exchange rates can
harm the company's profitability.
 Cyber security Threats: Cyber security threats such as data breaches and cyber attacks
can harm's reputation and lead to financial losses.
 Disruption in Supply Chain: Disruptions in the supply chain, such as natural disasters and
pandemics, can impact's operations and lead to supply shortages.

1.4 Possible Strategies

There are many strategies that Amazon has used .Some of these strategies include:
 Personalization: By using data and algorithms to customize each customer's purchasing
experience, Amazon helps them find products that suit their interests and needs.
 Cross-selling and upselling: By suggesting related products to customers, Amazon
increases the likelihood that they will make subsequent purchases.
 Email marketing: Based on a customer's browsing history and purchasing patterns,
Amazon recommends products in customized emails to them and notifies them of
pertinent specials and promotions.
 Advertising: Businesses may reach their desired audience on the platform thanks to
Amazon's range of advertising choices.
 Mobile optimization: Amazon has been adapting its platform to mobile users, making it
simpler for them to explore and make purchases while on the go, as more and more
people shop using their mobile devices.
 Prime membership: Amazon's Prime membership program provides users with a number
of advantages, such as free delivery, access to streaming services, and special discounts,
which entices users to shop on the website more regularly.
 Customer reviews: By allowing customers to post reviews of the things they've bought on
Amazon, potential customers can make more informed choices and feel more confident
using the site.
 Social media marketing: Amazon has a strong presence on social media, using platforms
like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote its products and engage with

 Amazon Alexa: Amazon's voice-activated assistant, Alexa, can help customers order
products and access deals, making it even easier for them to shop on the platform.

1.5 Major Learnings

Major learning from the case of amazon are as follows
 Customer Centricity: Amazon has always been known for its customer-centric approach,
which is reflected in its marketing strategy. The company focuses on delivering a
seamless customer experience by offering personalized recommendations, fast and
reliable shipping, and excellent customer service.
 Data-Driven Marketing: Amazon uses data to drive its marketing decisions, such as
identifying customer preferences and behaviors to personalize marketing messages and
product recommendations. This approach helps the company to optimize its marketing
campaigns, improve customer engagement, and increase sales.
 Innovation and diversification: has continued to innovate and diversify its
product and service offerings beyond just e-commerce. The company has expanded into
areas such as cloud computing, entertainment streaming, and smart home devices. This
diversification has helped the company to stay ahead of the competition and maintain its
position as a market leader.

1.6 Future Strategies/Recommendations

 Faster delivery: Amazon can continue to invest in its logistics and delivery infrastructure
to ensure faster delivery times. The company can also consider using drones and other
innovative technologies to make deliveries even faster.
 Expansion into new markets: Amazon can consider expanding into new markets, such as
healthcare, financial services, and education. This will help the company diversify its
revenue streams and create new growth opportunities.
 Sustainability initiatives: Amazon can prioritize sustainability initiatives, such as
reducing its carbon footprint and using more eco-friendly packaging materials. This will
not only help the environment but also appeal to customers who are becoming
increasingly conscious about sustainability.
 Building a community: Amazon can create an online community for its customers, where
they can share product reviews, experiences, and tips. This will help build a loyal
customer base and increase engagement on the platform.
 Focus on social media marketing: Amazon can leverage social media platforms such as
Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to increase its visibility and engage with customers. The
company can create engaging content and use influencers to promote its products.

 Partnering with local businesses: Amazon can partner with local businesses to offer
unique products and experiences to customers. This will help the company build goodwill
in local communities and increase customer satisfaction.

2. Use our digital marketing maturity models to assess new opportunities

for up skilling and digital transformation

2.1 Background
Digital marketing maturity models are a useful tool for organizations looking to improve their
digital marketing capabilities and stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.
These models provide a framework for assessing an organization's current digital marketing
practices and identifying areas for improvement, as well as a roadmap for developing and
implementing a more effective digital marketing strategy.
The need for digital marketing maturity models has arisen as a result of the increasing
importance of digital channels in the marketing mix. With more and more consumers turning to
digital channels to research and purchase products and services, it has become essential for
businesses to have a strong digital presence and the ability to effectively leverage digital
channels for marketing purposes.
Digital marketing maturity models are designed to help organizations assess their current level of
digital marketing maturity and identify the steps they need to take to move to the next level.
These models typically involve a set of criteria or dimensions that are used to evaluate an
organization's digital marketing capabilities, such as its website, social media presence, email
marketing, search engine optimization, and content marketing.
By using a digital marketing maturity model to assess their current capabilities, organizations can
identify gaps in their digital marketing strategy and develop a plan to address those gaps. This
might involve investing in new technology or tools, hiring additional staff with specific digital
marketing expertise, or developing new processes or workflows to better leverage digital
The benefits of using a digital marketing maturity model to assess new opportunities for
upskilling and digital transformation are numerous. By identifying areas for improvement and
developing a roadmap for digital marketing success, organizations can stay ahead of the curve
and remain competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Additionally, by investing in
digital marketing upskilling and transformation, organizations can improve their ability to
engage with customers, drive sales, and achieve business objectives.

2.2 Problems/ Issues

 Lack of clarity: One of the major issues with using digital marketing maturity models is
the lack of clarity in terms of the parameters used to assess maturity. The models can be
complex, and it may not always be clear how the parameters are being measured. This
can make it difficult to accurately assess where a company stands and what areas require

 Limited scope: Another issue with digital marketing maturity models is that they may
have a limited scope, only assessing certain aspects of digital marketing such as social
media or email marketing. This can lead to a skewed assessment of a company's overall
digital marketing capabilities, potentially overlooking areas that require significant
 Outdated models: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and what may
have been considered advanced or mature a few years ago may no longer be the case.
This can make it challenging to use outdated digital marketing maturity models to assess
new opportunities for upskilling and digital transformation.
 Inaccurate benchmarking: Digital marketing maturity models often use benchmarking to
assess a company's maturity level in comparison to its competitors. However, this can be
challenging, as it may be difficult to obtain accurate data on competitors' digital
marketing strategies and capabilities.
 Lack of customization: Many digital marketing maturity models are designed as one-size-
fits-all solutions, which can be problematic for companies with unique business models,
target audiences, or digital marketing objectives. This lack of customization can result in
inaccurate assessments and ineffective upskilling strategies.
 Inability to measure ROI: While digital marketing maturity models can be useful in
identifying areas for improvement, they may not always provide a clear picture of how
investing in upskilling or digital transformation will impact a company's bottom line.
This can make it challenging for companies to justify the costs of investing in these

2.3 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis for using digital marketing maturity models to assess new opportunities for
upskilling and digital transformation:
 It helps organizations understand their current level of digital marketing maturity and
identify areas for improvement
 It enables organizations to set goals for digital transformation and develop a roadmap for
achieving those goals
 Provides a framework for upskilling employees in digital marketing and related
 Increases the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts by focusing on the areas that need
 The models may not be a perfect fit for every organization, as they may not take into
account unique circumstances or industry-specific factors

 Implementing the models may require a significant investment of time and resources,
particularly in the upskilling of employees
 The models may become outdated as digital marketing trends and technologies evolve
 The use of digital marketing maturity models can help organizations stay competitive in
an increasingly digital landscape
 Upskilling employees in digital marketing and related technologies can improve
employee satisfaction and retention, as well as productivity and performance
 Implementing a digital transformation roadmap can improve customer engagement,
increase revenue, and reduce costs
 Competitors may already have a more advanced level of digital marketing maturity,
putting organizations at a disadvantage
 The investment in upskilling and digital transformation may not yield the desired results,
leading to wasted resources
 Failure to keep up with evolving digital marketing trends and technologies may lead to a
decline in effectiveness and relevance in the market.

2.4 Possible strategies

Digital marketing maturity models can help organizations assess their current level of digital
marketing proficiency and identify areas for improvement. Once an organization has a clear
understanding of their current level of digital marketing maturity, they can use this information
to develop strategies for upskilling and digital transformation. Here are some possible strategies:
 Develop a comprehensive digital marketing training program: Once an organization has
identified areas where they need to upskill, they can develop a training program to
address those gaps. This training program should include both classroom-style training
and hands-on experience with digital marketing tools.
 Hire digital marketing experts: In some cases, it may make sense for an organization to
hire experts who have experience in digital marketing. These experts can provide
guidance and mentorship to the organization's existing marketing team and help drive
digital transformation.
 Conduct a digital marketing audit: Before embarking on any digital transformation
initiatives, it's important for organizations to conduct a thorough audit of their existing
digital marketing efforts. This audit should assess the effectiveness of the organization's
website, social media channels, email marketing campaigns, and other digital marketing
 Experiment with new digital marketing tactics: Once an organization has a solid
foundation in digital marketing, they can begin experimenting with new tactics to drive

engagement and conversions. This experimentation should be done in a controlled

manner and with a clear understanding of the potential risks and rewards.
 Monitor and measure results: As an organization upskills and embarks on digital
transformation initiatives, it's important to monitor and measure the results of these
efforts. This will help the organization identify what's working and what's not, and make
adjustments as needed to ensure continued success.
 Embrace data-driven decision making: Data is a key driver of digital marketing success.
Organizations should prioritize data collection and analysis and use this information to
make informed decisions about their digital marketing efforts.

Overall, digital marketing maturity models can be a valuable tool for organizations
looking to upskill and transform their marketing efforts. By developing a comprehensive
digital marketing training program, hiring experts, conducting audits, experimenting with
new tactics, monitoring and measuring results, and embracing data-driven decision
making, organizations can build a strong foundation for digital marketing success.

2.5 Major Learnings

 Digital marketing maturity is a continuous, ongoing process of improvement rather than a
One-time accomplishment.
 In the current generation, successful businesses depend heavily on digital marketing, which
businesses must utilize to remain competitive.
 The Digital Marketing Maturity Model sheds light on the current digital marketing capabilities of
the company and suggests ways to enhance them.
 Organizations that invest in digital marketing capabilities are likely to experience improvements
in customer engagement, brand awareness, and revenue growth. The level of digital marketing
maturity is closely correlated with overall business performance.
 Businesses should use the digital marketing maturity model to assess their current capabilities
and determine how to foresee the future.

2.6 Future Strategies/Recommendations

As organizations continue to invest in digital marketing, it is important to periodically assess
their digital marketing maturity to identify new opportunities for upskilling and digital
transformation. Here are some future strategies and recommendations that organizations can use
to improve their digital marketing maturity models:
 Adopt a continuous improvement approach: Organizations should adopt a continuous
improvement approach to their digital marketing maturity models, regularly reviewing
and updating their assessment criteria to reflect changes in the digital landscape.

 Incorporate emerging technologies: Organizations should incorporate emerging

technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain, into their
digital marketing maturity models. This will help them stay ahead of the curve and
identify new opportunities for growth.
 Establish clear KPIs: Organizations should establish clear key performance indicators
(KPIs) that align with their digital marketing goals. This will help them measure the
effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement.
 Invest in training and development: Organizations should invest in training and
development programs to upskill their digital marketing teams. This will help them stay
up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies.
 Leverage data and analytics: Organizations should leverage data and analytics to gain
insights into their digital marketing performance. This will help them make data-driven
decisions and identify new opportunities for growth.
 Foster a culture of innovation: Organizations should foster a culture of innovation,
encouraging their digital marketing teams to experiment with new ideas and technologies.
This will help them stay agile and adapt to changes in the digital landscape.
By adopting these future strategies and recommendations, organizations can improve their digital
marketing maturity models and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


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