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College of Engineering and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

Arduino Uno Basement Flood Alarm

A Programming Embedded Systems presented to the faculty of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for


Leading to the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

Presented by:
Team Leader: Michael James Garcia
Team Members: Karl Isaac Francisco

Submitted to:

Mr. John Gabriel C. Sambajon, LPT


College of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

I. Problem and Its Background

A. Brief Description of the Project

The prototype we provide in this project may be utilized to measure the water level

in a reservoir, dam, pond, or for this project's case, to measure the water level in a

basement, and then utilize an alarm to transmit a warning. We will utilize a buzzer, an

ultrasonic sensor, Arduino UNO, an LCD, and some wires for connection in this simple


The Arduino Uno Basement Flood Alarm project is designed to help protect homes

and buildings from potential water damage caused by flooding. The system utilizes an

Arduino Uno microcontroller board to monitor water levels in a basement or other low-

lying area. By using a combination of a water sensor and a buzzer alarm, the system

can quickly alert homeowners and building managers to the presence of flood water.

When the water reaches a predefined level, the sensor triggers the alarm, which in

turn alerts individuals to the potential flooding. This project is relatively simple to create

and can be an effective solution for protecting homes and buildings from costly water

damage caused by flooding.

B. Significance of the Study

This project is significant to learners of related degrees. This project is also

significant to the future researchers.

To the future researchers: The project will serve as the future researchers’ basis when

they conduct a similar project or the same project. This will also motivate them to

further look for or study projects similar to this.

College of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

To the learners: This project will provide learners knowledge about Arduino Uno

Project on Basement Flood Alarm.

To the community: This project will educate and promote safety, sustainability, and

cost-effectiveness for homeowners and the community.

C. Statement of the Problem

This project conducts a thorough presentation of an Arduino Uno project on

Basement Flood Alarm. Flooding is the main catastrophe that interferes with everyday

life for individuals. According to this, it is crucial to regularly maintain a thorough

investigation of the surroundings. Today, mathematical modeling has replaced physical

modeling at every forecast level. This paper discusses flood alerting system strategies

using the IoT as an integrated device that would provide real-time calculations along

with wireless sensor networks for computational processing, prediction, and analysis

that could assist in transmitting an alert signal to the immediate area and shorten the

risk period. As a technique, a waterfall model algorithm is used.

D. Scope and Limitation

The fact that Arduino only has a small amount of memory capacity is one of its key

flaws. The 32kb of flash memory and 2kb of SRAM on the Arduino UNO are able to

store drawings containing several hundred lines. As a result of this, Arduino has a

limited scope in the robotics industry and may not be utilized in projects that are

intended for an industrial scale.

College of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

The Arduino Uno basement flood alarm is a highly useful tool that enables

homeowners to receive notifications when there is flooding in their basement.

However, this system does come with its own set of limitations.

Firstly, the range of the system may be limited by the strength of the Wi-Fi signal in

the home. Users may experience connectivity issues if the signal is not strong enough,

which can result in lapses in notifications and loss of data.

Secondly, the system is only capable of detecting flooding in the basement area

and cannot detect if there is water damage elsewhere in the home. Therefore, users

must be aware that this system may not provide comprehensive protection against

flooding throughout the home.

Thirdly, the system is dependent on a reliable power supply. While the Arduino

Uno is designed to operate on low power, any power outages or failures will result in

the system being unable to operate.

Lastly, while the Arduino Uno basement flood alarm can provide alerts and

notifications, it cannot stop flooding from occurring. Therefore, users must ensure that

they have other systems in place to address any flooding that may occur.
College of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

Despite these limitations, the Arduino Uno basement flood alarm can be an

invaluable tool for homeowners to prevent severe water damage and is a cost-efficient

alternative to more expensive home security systems.

II. Project

A. Objectives

The Arduino Uno is used in this instance to analyze the water level using water

flow sensors, and to estimate the degree of humidity using a temperature sensor.

These evaluated data will then be sent to the Arduino, which was created using Java

and C++. The IoT module would receive the alarm message from the Arduino. These

investigations demonstrate how immediate forecasting and alerting are integrated into

the IoT.

B. Necessary Components of the Project

 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

The HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic sensor that aids in measuring distances without

human touch in many different locations. It utilizes the same basic operating

theory as RADAR and SONAR and offers an effective method for obtaining

very accurate distance measurements. Although it can theoretically measure

distances of up to 450 cm, in practice it can measure distances of 2 cm to 80

cm with a 3 mm accuracy. It runs on 5 volts, a current of no more than 15 mA,

and a frequency of 40 Hz.

 Arduino UNO
College of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

An open-source platform called Arduino is used to create electrical projects. It

is readily programmable, erasable, and reprogrammable at any moment. The

market has a wide variety of Arduino boards, including the Arduino UNO,

Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega, and Arduino Lilypad, all of which have varying

specifications depending on their intended usage.

In this project, we'll utilize an Arduino UNO to automatically regulate

household appliances. It features a 16MHz-clocked ATmega328

microprocessor integrated circuit. It is an effective tool that supports the

USART, I2C, and SPI communication protocols. Typically, a micro-USB cable

is used to program this board using the Arduino IDE software.

 16×2 LCD Display

This module includes the Hitachi HD44780 driver, which facilitates interaction

and communication with the microcontrollers. Both 4 bit and 8bit modes on

this LCD are functional. When connecting an LCD to a microcontroller in 4bit

mode, just 4 data pins are needed, however in 8bit mode, 8 data pins are

needed. Since it uses fewer wires and simplifies the circuit, we're going to

utilize it in 4bit mode here.

 Jumper or connecting wires

 Buzzer

C. Functions and Features

College of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

The transmitter and receiver of an ultrasonic sensor will be positioned at a base

level so that they approach the water's surface. The Arduino UNO will gauge the

separation between its sensor and the surface of the water.

The distance between them will be shown on the LCD. As soon as the water reaches

the flood threshold, the buzzer is going to be configured to "high," and the LCD will

print a message warning of the impending flood.

III. Circuit Diagram

A. Circuit Diagram of the Arduino

B. All the hardware components

 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

 Arduino Uno
College of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
with Specialization in Mobile and Internet Technology

 16×2 LCD Display

 Buzzer
 Jumper or connecting wires

IV. Insight

This study highlights the potential for providing a ready-made structure to mitigate

the flood risk. Additionally, it might benefit the job or company, for example as a firefighter

or any other state administration agency that can assist those affected with floods or other

catastrophic catastrophe. The model framework that has been suggested works when

used as intended. With the time when the water begins to rise as well as the rate at which

the water is rising, it truly wants to alert the customer so they can anticipate how quickly

the flood is progressing. To evaluate the presentation, it has also been attempted in a

controlled environment. A few sensors which are a pressure sensor and camera, may be

added for real-world processing to enable exact position.

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