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1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review PEMODELAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI BASIS DATA IT-45-03 [TDR] Dashboard / Mycourses | CTu26: 2 | ASSESMENT C10 16.0102 | Assesment CLO1E ClO? Startedon Thursdoy, 13 April2023, 8.32 PM State Finished Completed on Thursday, 13 April 2023, 8:56 PM Timetaken 23 mins 59 secs Marks 16.09/20.00 Grade 8.00 out of 10.00 (80%) auestont conect Mark 109 out of 100 Soloh satu program aplixas! DBMS ialch Oracle database, My Sql MS Access, dan lain lain. Apa singkatan DBMS. Sotoct one: Oa Database Manipulation System Oe Database Manintenance System O« Database Manipulation System information Oa Database Management System ¥ ‘Your answers correct. ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 wn 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review uetton 2, comect Mark 100 out of 1.00 Berikutini adalah komponen atau konsep dasar dari &® Data model yaitu,kecual Select one: O aatriout O bret © ccarainaitas ¥ O aeentias ueston 8 Inconect Mark 0,00 out of 100 Berikut ini adalah cara penamaan Entitas yang baik kecual Select ono: © a.Monggunokan kata kerja © = sernubungan dengan busines © emempunyat makna O aunique aueston conect Mark L00 out of 1.00 Berikutini adalah penulisan yang bener untuk ariout composi Select one: © coiamar(atantotakode pos) ¥ O bd clomatéampiitjolonkotatode poséompt: O c.olomatiatankotakede pos] O 4.alamat{jatan,kotakode pos} ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 ane 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review comect Mark 100 out of 1.00 ‘Apa yang dimaksud dengan Completeness Constraint dalam perancangan basis data? Oa Batasan yang mengharuskan setiap entitas memilik tribut kunci Os Batasan yang mengharuskan satiap subtype harus memiliki satu entitas induk O-« fatasan yang mengharuskan setiap entitas harus memilki satu subtype Ou Batasan yang mengharuskan sotiap entitas horus termasuk dalam satu subtype ¥ aueston 6 Incomect Mark 0,09 out of 00 ‘Apa yang dimaksud dengan Supertype/ Subtype Hierarchy dalam perancangan basis data? Select one: Hierarkl yang merepresentasikan relasl antora entites yang memilk relasi serupa % Ov Hierarki yang merepresentasikan entitas dalam satu abel O-« Hierark! yang merepresentasikan atibut kunci untuk setigp entitas dalam basis data Oa Hierark’ yang merepresentasikan relasi antara subtype satu dengan subtype lain ‘Your answer incorrect. ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 ane 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review cueston? comect Mark 100 out of 1.00 Supertype dan Subtype Representation dolam perancangan basis data digunakan untuk? Merepresentasican hierarki entitas yang memiliki atribut serupa v Os Membuat atribut une! untuk sotiap entitas dalam basis data O-« Menghubungkan dua atau lebih entitas dolor satu tabel Oa Membuat relasi antara entitas yang memild rolasi sorupa aueston 8 conect Mark 00 out of 100 What isthe purpose ofthe ER modelin logical database design? Select one O 2 todetine the data types and eld ong. © 2-torepresentine usr requirements forthe databose sytem, O c torepresent the physicallayouto the database © 4. to represent the relationships between enitiosin a database sy ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review comect Mark 100 out of 1.00 What are the advantages of using normalization in logical database design? Select one: © calctinoabove. ¥ ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 siz ‘avosza, 2056 Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Atompt review Ob mproved data ntegnty. © e-reduced redundancy and inconsistency © a.mproved data consistency and accuracy. austen 1 Conect Mark 100 out of 1.00 What isthe ER mode! in logical database design? Select one: © .amodel that represents the user requirements fr the ck jrabase system. O b.amodel that represent the datatypes and fed lengths © .Amodel that represents the relationships between entities in a database system. ¥ © 4.amoci that represent the physicol layout ofthe database. ueston Correct Mark 109 out of 1.00 ‘What are the key steps involved in logical database design? sotoct ono © «creating the entiy-retationship (ER) diagram © b.bofining the data typos an ft tongs. O eNormotzing te deta) © antottnoabove. ¥ ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 en2 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review questan 2 comect Mark 100 out of 1.00 Map UNARY one-to-many relationship adalat Proses mengubah hubungan one-to-many antara dua entitas menjadi kun asing pada tabel yong mewakil ‘enttas yang memilki percn sebagai “satu’ dalam hubungan Oe Proses mengubah hubungan many-to-many antara tiga atau lebih e kunel osing dar setlap entieas 15 menjadi tabelterpisah yang bersi Proses mengubah hubungan one-to-many antara satu entitas menjadi tabel terpisah yang beris kunel asing dari entitas itu senciriv O« Proses mengubah hubungan many-to-many antara dua atau lebih entitas menjad tabel terpisah yang berisi kunel sing dari setiap entias, serta atribut tambahan yang berhubungan dengan hubungan ‘Your answer is corect. ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 m2 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review Not answered Marked out of 100 ‘Buaticn tabel normalisasi dari No sampai dengan N3 dar! invoice berkut RENTAL BUKU “PUSTAKA ILMU” Jl. Solo KM 2 No Nota : 0804001 No.4 Tanggal : 01/04/2008 Nam Tanggal Kembali =: 01/06/2008 Alan Jaminan : KTP Tele} Kode | Judul Buku |.N001 | Dibawah Bendera Revolusi [ KO03 | Kungfu Boy Seri 1 | 001 | Gatra Mei 2008 Kasir: K01- Fatih ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 anz 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review estan 4 Not answered Marked out of 100 Design @ databose for an aitine. The database must keep track of customers and their reservations, fights and thal status, seat assignments on indlvidual fights, and the schedule ond routing of future fights. Your design should incluco an €-R diagram, a set of relational schemas, and alist of constraints, including primary-+ oy and ueston 15, conect Mark 100 out of 100 Whats tho meaning of ad hoe query? select one: O aanatysed query © b undetermined query O ccompexquery O a irect query ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 onz 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review uestan 16 comect Mark 100 out of 1.00 ‘what isthe database Iecycle? select one: © « mo process of designing, implementing. and maintaining a database system. ¥ © process of documenting a database system, © me process of gathering user requitements fora database system © .the process of salecting a datanaan management syste ueston 7 conect Mark 100 out of 1.00 ‘What ore come common threats to data security? Selct one O a ttardiare fare, sttware bugs, and programming languages © Accidental losses, human ero, software, and hareware-coused breaches, O c databare protection data breaches, and data loss rl disasters. O aisystem testing, encryption, and n uestan IB, conect Mark L00 out of 1.00 ‘What isthe purpose of the planning stage in the database lifecycle? Select one © ato select a database management system, © b-Te design tne physical layout of the database system, O eto optiniae the pertrmancn ofthe dsttnone syste © 4. To understanding of a business situation and how information systems might help solve a problem ormake ¥ ‘an opportunity possible ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 s0112 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review comect Mark 100 out of 1.00 Sebuah Sister informasi berbosiskan komputer melipatkn banyak komponen, antara Iain KECUALI Oa Hordware Oe Topology ¥ O-« ams Oa Database averton 20 conect Mark 100 out of 100 Sistem pengolahan data yang digunakan untuk memproses bisnis sehar'-hari, seperti penjualan, pernbelian, dan ppengiriman barang. Sister ini memerlukan respon yang cepet dan akurat dalam waktu nyata, Seharusna kite menggunakan sistem pengolchan seperti apo. Select one: Oa swe Oe oury O« Dams O« Your answers corect. ntps:ims tokomuniversty ac imodiquzteviow-phpattompt=8735 1068cmid=3131146#question-5882781-8 nie 1310428, 20.56 ‘Assesment CLO 1 & CLO 2: Attempt review stump. 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