Psrs Midterm

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Psychological Research

Synthesis of Midterm Lectures

Identification of a Research Problem:

• Step I Determining the field of research in which a researcher is keen to do the research

• Step II The researcher should develop the mastery on the area or it should be the field
of his specialization.

• Step III He should review the research conducted in area to know the recent trend and
studies are being conducted in the area.

The Research Process

• Step IV On the basis of review, he should consider the priority field of the study.

• Step V He should draw an analogy and insight in identifying a problem or employ his
personal experience of the field in locating the problem. He may take help from a
supervisor or expert of the field.

• Step VI He should pinpoint specific aspect of the problem which is to be investigated.

The Sources of the Problem: (7)

• The classroom, school, home, community, and other agencies of education are
obvious sources
• Social developments and technological changes are constantly bringing forth new
problems and opportunities for research.
• Record of previous research such specialized sources as the encyclopedias of
educational, research abstracts, research bulletins, research reports, journals of
researches, dissertations and many similar publications are rich sources of research
• Textbook assignments, special assignments, reports, and term papers will suggest
additional areas of needed research.

ig. _psycheluna
• Discussions - Classroom discussions, seminars, and exchange of ideas with faculty
members and fellow scholars and students will suggest many stimulating problems
to be solved.
• Questioning attitude: A questioning attitude towards prevailing practices and
research oriented academic experience will effectively promote problem awareness.
• The most practical source of problem is to consult supervisor, experts of the field and
most experienced persons of the field. They may suggest most significant problems
of the area.

Variables (9)

• Continuous Variable: It is that which can assume any numerical value within a specific

• Discrete Variable: A variable for which the individual values fall on the scale only with
distinct gaps is called a discrete variable.

• Dependent Variable or Criterion variable: If one variable depends or is a

consequence of other, it is termed as dependent variable. Criterion variable is the basis
on which the effectiveness of the experimental variable is studied.

• Independent Variable or Experimental Variable: The variable that is antecedent to the

dependent variable is termed as an independent variable. The variable whose effect is
going to be known is known as an experimental variable.

• Controlled Variable: The effectiveness of an experimental variable is examined by

comparing it with other variable, known as controlled variable.

• Confounding Variable: Those aspects of study or sample, that might influence the
dependent variable (outcome measures), and whose effect may be confused with the
effects of the independent variable. They are of two types: Intervening and extraneous

• Intervening Variable: usually have to do with an individual’s feelings like boredom,

stress, fatigue, excitement etc.

• Extraneous variable on the other hand, are more readily observed or measured and
thus are more easily controlled.

ig. _psycheluna
• Organismic Variable: There are some variables which cannot be manipulated. They
are accepted by the researcher as they are. They are levels of intelligence, sex, class
levels, and the like.

Nature of Hypothesis (5)

• Conceptual:

• Verbal statement in a declarative form:

• It represents the tentative relationship between two or more variables

• Forward or future oriented

• Pivot of a scientific research:

Forms of Hypothesis: (5)

• Question form

• Declarative Statement

• Directional Hypothesis

• Non –Directional Hypothesis or Null Hypothesis

• Based on numbers: Simple- 1 IV & 1DV, Complex- more than 1

Purpose of Research Design: (6)

• To minimize the expenditure:

• To facilitate the smooth scaling:

• To collect the relevant data and technique:

• To provide blue print for plans:

• To provide an overview to other experts:

• To provide a direction

ig. _psycheluna
Characteristics of Good Research Design: (5)

• Objectivity:

• Reliability:

• Validity:

• Generalizability:

• Adequate Information:

Group comparison design (3)

• Within group design

• Between group design

• Mixed group design

Definition of Terms (2)

• Operational definition indirectly measuring and defining a variable.

• Conceptual definition

Research Limitations (2)

-Internal or Formal limitations -External limitations

Mediating and Moderating Variables (3)

• Predictive - variable is used to predict another variable.

• Mediating - variable explains the relationship between two other variables.

• Moderating - the strength or direction of the relationship between two variables is

influenced by a third variable.

ig. _psycheluna

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