Values in Organizations

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Values in Organizations

The Heart of the Matter

Paul Schumann
Organizational Culture




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Values Alignment



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Values in Organizations
✔ People Know How To Behave
✔ People Feel Better About What They Do
✔ Better Decisions Are Made
✔ Organizations With a Few Key Market Driven
Values Well Developed Are More Likely To Be
✔ Organizations That Can Change Values Will

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Organizational Values


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Vitality Values
✔ Self Development ✔ Vision
✔ Communication ✔ Leadership
✔ Environmental ✔ Creativity
Awareness ✔ Innovativeness
✔ Multiple Skills ✔ Knowledge
✔ Teamwork

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Quality Values
✔ Achievement ✔ Efficiency
✔ Effectiveness ✔ Control
✔ Appropriate ✔ Pioneering Progress
Technology ✔ Community
✔ Service ✔ Self Actualization
✔ Productivity

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Organizational Values: Vitality
✔ Self-Development: Acceptance of the responsibility for one’s ✔ Vision: To perceive the purposes of an organization and
own future. The members of the organization feel that it is their communicate that purpose to its members in such a lucid manner
responsibility to begin a creative course of action or to act on their that its members are able to transcend their limited personal
conscience for self-development without external prompting. perspectives and abilities.
✔ Communication: Effective and efficient transmission and flow ✔ Leadership: The capability to translate intention into reality. The
of ideas and factual data within and between persons, personal organizational or conceptual influence to motivate
departments, divisions and other organizations. Selection of persons to take authority for the process of change.
appropriate media for the message is implied. ✔ Creativity: The capacity for original thought and expression that
✔ Environmental Awareness: Perception and understanding of brings new ideas and images into an existing reality or brings forth
what is transpiring in the world and how it directly or indirectly a new reality.
affects the organization’s vision, mission, goals, strategies, plans ✔ Innovativeness: Ability to apply creativity. Innovativeness
and actions. The environment is made up of current and future requires an understanding of the organization, its interaction
perspectives of customers, competition, and technology within the patterns, and most importantly, how ideas flow within the
context of social, political, economic, scientific, and demographic organization to become accepted.
driving forces for change. ✔ Knowledge: The accumulation and management of products of
✔ Multiple Skills: A well-rounded, broad perspective with expert the mind. Examples include -- patents, copyrights, trade marks,
capabilities in several key skill areas. These areas must include life trade secrets, know-how, books, reports and standards.
skills as well as organizational skills.
✔ Teamwork: Working effectively with and through others.
Working cooperatively with one another such that the skills and
qualities of one individual supplement, support and enhance the
skills and qualities of others in the group.

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Organizational Values: Quality
✔ Achievement: Accomplishment of a desirable result as defined ✔ Control: Providing restraint and direction to achieve
by the organization. methodological arrangements of persons or things according to
prescribed rules.
✔ Effectiveness: The production of relevant results as defined by
the market. ✔ Pioneering Progress: Originating and introducing creative ideas
for positive change in social organizations and systems, and
providing the framework for actualizing them.
✔ Appropriate Technology: Selecting the best technology to fulfill
an application while minimizing the adverse effects on the
surrounding systems. ✔ Community: Sufficient depth of commitment to a group, its
members and its purpose that both independent creativity and
interdependent cooperation are maximized simultaneously.
✔ Service: The motivation to make a contribution to society
(customers, community, and world) through one’s work.
✔ Self Actualization: The inner drive toward experiencing and
✔ Productivity: Generating and completing tasks and activities that expressing the totality of one’s being through spiritual,
psychological, physical, and mental activities that enhances the
achieve externally established goals and expectations.
development of one’s maximum potential.

✔ Efficiency: Thinking about and designing acts and purposes in

the best possible and least wasteful manner before implementing

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Values Example (2003)


Self Service

Multiple Skills Community


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Organizational Scenario Example (2003)

This organization is driven by the desire to meet goals and expectation

established within the company but outside of the organization. At the
same time, the members feel the need to protect their own futures
through self improvement. This tension provides the energy to
accomplish the results desired by the organization. The members of
this organization are motivated to make a contribution through their
work. In order to do so, they think that they require a broad
perspective and several expert skills. The members of this
organization require a strong sense of community. They want to build
community through teamwork and the shared desired to make a
significant contribution through their work.

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Leading Through Values
✔ Actions/Non-actions
✔ Stories
✔ Heroes/Heroines
✔ Virtual Network
✔ Rituals

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Building Values in Organizations

Incentives Training


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Principles of Values Management
✔ Focus on a Few Key Values
✔ Relentless Dedication
✔ Values Consistency Among the
– Vision, Mission, Goals & Strategies
– Projects, Resources, and Culture
– Communication, Incentive, Training, Organizational Structure,
and Management Systems
– Stakeholders, Market Strategy, and Organization
✔ Alignment with Values of Market

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Glocal Vantage, Inc.
✔ PO Box 161475
✔ Austin, TX 78716
✔ (512) 632-6586
✔ Twitter: innovant2003
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Paul Schumann
✔ Futurist and innovation consultant
✔ Application of web 2.0 to market & strategic intelligence
✔ Web 2.0 tools & technologies
✔ Application of web 2.0 to democratic processes
✔ Broad perspectives on the future
✔ Services
– Strategic market research & technology forecasting
– Intelligence systems consulting
– Seminars, webinars & presentations
Glocal Vantage, Inc. 16
This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution
license. You may distribute, remix,
tweak, and build upon this work,
even commercially, as long as you
credit me for the original creation
as Paul Schumann, Glocal Vantage

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