Speech (2010-22)

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© LEVEL Fngdish te Hh te _ EEN 2027 we (hour 30 minutes) R Answer both Seotion One and Teotion Tuo. # Section 1: Directed Writing cv __june 202 R You ave cidwisad to wnite batwoon 200 and: 860 words Q You will be awarded up to 15 marks for following the task ee g Ba ib be cial oh athe he be eggs Question 1 On your way home from school recently, you and your friend saw a poster about an event. This led to an exciting experience for both you and your friend, Some time later, your teacher asks you to make a speech to your class about the experience. Write your speech. You must include the following: * the name of your friend and what the event was * a detailed account of the experience * the effect this experience had on both you and your friend. Cover all three points above in detail, You should make your speech interesting and informative. Start your speech: ‘Good morning, ev- eryone.’ Q section One: Directed Writing 1Good morning, fellows, I am Saim, and today I'm going wih you the cherishing esperienee that me and my fe bate tout aien we went to a concert by this renowned artist named ieee Agee eee Vicker home from school we came to notice this eae performing at 2 Music Theatre the following wel Salman had been listening to his music ever since he was little, I knew that he decided then and there that he was going to that concert, and I was coming with him. So, we went home, talked it over with our parents and bought the tickets. The day of the festival arrived, and I heard that Salman was having cold feet, apparently, he did not get to buy the particular jacket he wanted for the event because the store ran out of them, so I went fo hs place and convinced him somehow that the day would be event retudless, Thankfully he was not that adamant about i, we went ree and were immediately being tken aback by te oust of . the atmosphere surrounding ce oe ot Bas we bad seen mY serie Wr re SPY where a handsome Eventually, the moment anved Where oS ie man hime. was a total blur, but 1 dancing reuse orran me ta we a" me aon OS ac ewe ON ve Oe with later (326 words) @ LEVEL Fngdish MEME FMIN. 2020 0 re (hour 80 minutes) Q Answer both Frotion One and Srotion Two. % Section 1: Directed Writing cz Q You ave advised. to write between 200 and. 300 words. Y You wil bo awarded up to 15 marks for following the tase su g Bla wl he ilo ts ch fc ho Wiggs yun wa Question 1 Your school has many extra-curricular activities. These include a debating team, music groups, 5 ‘ports teams and others. You are the leader of ‘one of them. Your English teacher asks you to make a speech to your classmates to inform them about your team or group. Write your speech. You must include the following: * which team or group you lead and why it is successful the qualities and skills a member of the team or group must have ° how someone who joins the team or group will benefit ae a member, Coverall three points above in detail, You should make your speech come and interesting. Start your speech: ‘Good morning, ev- fone,’ D Sectinn 1 une 2020p, F section One: Directed Writing geam and it ig sa'8 E¥ErVONe. | am the captain of school’s junior football well as intra. hooker for me to Present our school in inter-school as ; ‘ournaments. As all of you may know, sports are no Omct LY for a healthy lifestyle. Playing football requires fore Sprinting, and muscle stretching exercises are hysical See toughness is inevitable in football; a s leads i lifestyle that promises a healthy imental capaci ae am a lot of grind as j highly essential} work ethic. Furthermore, football has its own rules and margins based on measurements — even in inches — that makes a perfectly disciplined person. For many people, football has also Proven to be a stress relieving activity that means that this sport is a healer of hearts as well. You all must believe in something that success is measurable only ifyou have a goal. Football is more than just a game; it teaches lessons that the players carry with them long after they have hung up their cleats. You will end up learning teamwork, discipline, perseverance, goal-setting, handling success and failure, time management, and keeping fit. What else do you want? Those of you’ who are willing to join our team will be promised a lot of benefits in future in addition to the ones mentioned earlier. Those Players who show an impressive performance are appreciated by senior of the sport and some even get a chance to showcase their skills “national level. Distinctions or performance certificates will also help }0u to secure an admission in college as a student with multi-talents. This Snot limited to college admissions only; sports are given much impor- ‘nee at the time of applying for jobs as well. Don't you all want to be a part of this fitness programme? I am ca Must be so let’s take one small step together for one giant : (409 words) You wee, Sagi pOwewlizen 2018 reaW C1 hour 80 minutes) & Section 1: Directed Writing ca 9 You are advised to wnite between 200 and 800 wore § You will be awarded up to 15 marke for following the tash § Goa wil bo exvardad ups to 15 martes for the language you we | Task 1 Itis your final week in school. Your teacher asks you to make a _ §p€ech to the school assembly about the event from your school | life which you will always remember. (It might be an academic Memory, a social event or any other event you wish.) Wiite your speech, You must include the following: * when and where the event took place * details of what happened * how the event affected you and other people. Cover all three points above in detail. You should make your Speech interesting and informative. Start your speech ‘Good mor ng, everyone.’ ee, a ramancition G2 section One: Directed Writing as school reaches its inevitable end, we hi f our lives but not without reminiscing about 2 na ede during this tenure of study, friendships and ‘of course memorable events and activities. Today, 1 would like to share one such experience, that I would classify as no less than unforgettable; our visit to the Beghum Inayat Orphanage. T remember coming to school, enthusiastically carrying @ shopping bag full of gifts that I had been tasked to wrap. It was mid February 2016, and our campus had been given the task of a community service project, ‘As soon as students were informed of the visit planned to the orphan- age, they generously donated clothes, books and other base necessities as well as gifts for the children. Since it was not possible for the orphanage to accommodate a large number of students, a smaller group visited. As we conducted the various activities we had planned for the children, they talked about their routine, interests and hobbies. An interview with De. ann, the ower aid caretaker was enlightening abbut how a rumber people are forthcoming with financial aid, in whatever little way possible. After playing some sports, making origami 3 ; e ig origami shapes, blowing balloons 2g¢ Banding out gifts and goody bags, all of the children aligned them- for several h comers of the room where we sat down and talked a visit oie biplanes will always be a memorable event of my pcawe how vi affected us all. All these children deprived of the Comforts family and parents generously filled the hole in their hearts *Good morning, everyone, ———_— NE 24 @ veve, Bagh nt SENN 20/6 | tee (hour 80 minutes) s Section 1: Directed Writing Q You are advised to write between 200 and 800 words. Golal marks for this part: 30 Task 1. Recently your class organised and helped to run an after-school activity for younger pupils in your school. It was very successful. The Principal has asked you, as one of the organisers, to give 4 speech about it at a school assembly. Write your speech, You must include the following: when and where the activity was held 4 description of the activity that took place * the benefits to the Cover all three pe & ¢ seton One Directed Writing Good moming, my fellow students! It feels . ee oe this even more plesaar & te fa tbat we are gathered here to celebrate a small victory. Our cA recently worked on an after school proj oe class, ESS roaring ‘The magic began when we started studying a teat in Biology. It taught us a lot and we realize ie eee Sew ule initiative and spread awareness amongst the punine clas aswell. Accordingly, we organized an after school seminar on the fc ; of March in the school auditorium, highlighting the signifi of being meally healthy and less stressed due to the mounting pressure of studi aod the problems faced by students in a school setting ‘The programme included a speech delivered by the school counselor {lowed by a slideshow prepared by our dassmates. Flyers were distributed and the juniors were reminded that their mental and physical health dsways comes first, and that the school counselor is available at all times wo offer any kind of assistance. We ended the seminar showing a series of small videos on how to cope appropriately with bullying and peer pressure for a better and healthier environment for all the students. We measure the success of this seminar by the fact that it helped the juniors understand what an imperative role mental health plays in thet lives and it also heightened our roles 2s mentors to help them Overcome these challenges constructively. It also gave us valuable perience for organizing further events. : : peers, is activity may be the first step in addressing these sa a, eee a anmnner, but et me sare YOR tis i cry Mt he lat. Set do yourself this favour and sip Fors a bs Mind 9 yours * id others around you: deserve ‘ a G14 words) June 20/6 Paper / > Page | Gicomans ‘On THe Ess. — yes Baplh une 2072 Pe GETING 2072 pea (thour 30 minutes) 9 Answer both ection One and Section Foo. s Section 1: Directed Writing @ 9 Lou are advised to write belwoon 200 and 800 words. etal marks for this part: 30 Task To celebrate the start of a special environmental project, a tree is being planted in your school grounds. As secretary of the project committee, you are to make a speech to mark the occasion in front of the Principal, guests, staff and students of the school. White your speech. You must include the following: * details of what the environmental project hopes to achieve : Why you think this project is important how your audience could support the project. Cover all three points above in detail. You should make sure YO"! ‘resch is enthusiastic and informative. Start your speech, ‘Principal, » teachers and fellow students...’ © vevet Y section One Directed Writing "Principal, Guests, Teachers and Fellow Students, behalf of the Natural Welfare Project, today to mark the beginning of this environmental protection We are here to spread awareness about the importance of Protecting our environment by playing an active role in the conservation of our natural habitat. Good Morning. On I thank you all for gathering here The Natural Welfare Project aims to develop a by planting more trees and importantly, savi that is cut has a negative impact on to involve all of you as conserving trees and ling awareness of their j People as well. We are marking this occasion by planing Pl counts. We need to ited collect donati and you can help with that as well, "® © “Arty this 1 hope I was able to reach out to you and inspire and make a change. Thank you for your Support, Tee oes ‘tl making an effon and making the envisonment oP faege You your"

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