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District # 3 San Manuel, Isabela


Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System


Name: _________________________________ Date: __________

Multiple Choice: Read each questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Jose a 16 year old child, usually commits petty crimes as a form of rebellion brought about by
communication gap, disrespect and conflict with his parents may be classified as a:
a. Environmental delinquent
b. Emotional maladjusted delinquent
c. Psychiatric delinquent
d. Juvenile delinquent
2. A remorseful, cold, vicious and brutal delinquent.
a. Social delinquent
b. Neurotic delinquent
c. Asocial delinquent
d. Accidental delinquent
3. Refers to a person whose behavior results with repeated conflict with the law.
a. Juvenile
b. Habitual criminals
c. . Delinquent
d. Recidivist
4. It attributes variations in delinquency to influence social structures.
a. Biological Theory
b. Sociological Theory
c. Psychological Theory
d. All of the following
5. It explains delinquency is a result of critical factors such as personality problems to which misbehavior
is a response mechanism.
a. Biological Theory
b. Sociological Theory
c. Psychological Theory
d. All of the following
6. Delinquency is a result of faulty biology or some hereditary defect.
a. Biological Theory
b. Sociological Theory
c. Psychological Theory
d. All of the following
7. Refers to a type of delinquent gang which in which the manipulation of violence predominates as a way
of winning status and respect.
a. Criminal sub culture
b. Conflict sub-culture
c. Juvenile gang
d. Retreatist sub culture
8. If the offender is over nine years of age but under 18 years of age at the time of the commission of the
crime, he is often referred to as?
a. Socialized delinquent
b. Criminal
c. . Youth offender
d. Truant
9. Not a mere creature of the state but regarded as its most important asset.
a. Family
b. Women
c. Child
d. Youth
10. Basic unit of society
a. Family
b. Church
c. School
d. Community
11. Foundation of the nation.
a. Family
b. Church
c. School
d. Community
12. Implies the keeping of unlawful behavior from occurring.
a. Control
b. Prevention
c. Prevention
d. Recession
13. Refers to persons below 18 years of age or those over but unable to fully take care of themselves from
neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination due to some physical defect or mental disability or
a. Minor
b. Youth
c. Wards
d. Children
14. Refers to bodily damage, whether external or internal.
a. Abuse
b. Cruelty
c. Psychological injury
d. . Physical injury
15. A condition or act which may cause suffering emotional or physical harm on the part of the child.
a. Physical injury
b. Cruelty
c. Psychological injury
d. Child abuse
16. A harm done to a child’s intellectual functions which causes a change in behavior, awareness and
emotional response.
a. Cruelty
b. Physical injury
c. Child abuse
d. Psychological injury
17. Failure to provide for the needs of a child.
a. Neglect
b. Cruelty
c. Abuse
d. Discrimination
18. Anything deliberately done that result in a child engaging in sexual activity with any person willingly or
a. Sexual abuse
b. Molestation
c. Lascivious conduct
d. Obscenity
19. This type of delinquent youth is characterized by aggressiveness and resentment to the authority of any
person who tries to control his behavior.
a. Social
b. Neurotic
c. Asocial
d. Accidental
20. A delinquent child who internalizes his conflicts and becomes preoccupied with his feelings is a:
a. Social delinquent
b. Neurotic delinquent
c. Asocial delinquent
d. Accidental delinquent
21. A deviant sexual behavior wherein one obtains gratification by showing to others his/her naked body.
a. Voyeurism
b. Exhibitionism
c. Transvetism
d. Fetishism
22. The principle which states that man, by nature, always tries to maximize pleasure and avoid pain.
a. Utopia
b. Hedonism
c. Socialism
d. Atavism
23. The mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong.
a. Discernment
b. Morality
c. Ethics
d. Imbecility
24. It refers to the conscience of man.
a. Ego
b. Id
c. super ego
d. spirit
25. It refers to anti social act which deviates from normal pattern of rules and regulations
a. Recidivism
b. Reiteracion
c. Delinquency
d. Crime
26. A pattern of repeated or habitual unauthorized absences from school by any juvenile subject to
compulsory education laws is called
a. School Delinquency
b. Status Offense
c. School Truancy
d. Deviation
27. It is used to denote those various offenses committed by children under the age of
a. Juvenile delinquency
b. Juvenile acts
c. Juvenile crime
d. Juvenile delinquent
28. Offender who is less than eighteen years old is classified as:
a. Adult offender
b. Senile offender
c. Youthful offender
d. Special Protection for Children Law
29. The following are examples of delinquency except one:
a. Children out of parental control
b. Children with high grades in school
c. School dropouts without justifiable reasons
d. Waywardness of children
30. what do we call a person under 18 years old who committed a crime?
a. Child
b. Youthful Offender
c. Juvenile
d. Child in Conflict with the Law
31. What institution is being termed as the “cradle of human personality”?
a. School
b. Home
c. Church
d. Police
32. This may include the presence of both parents but who are irresponsible that children experience
constant quarrel in the home.
a. Separated Home
b. Delinquent Home
c. Disturbed Home
d. Broken Home
33. Refers to offenses which discriminate only against a child, while an adult does not suffer any penalty for
committing similar acts.
a. Misdemeanour
b. Status Offense
c. Offense
d. Felony
34. This behavior often stems from undisciplined desire for possession.
a. Lying
b. Vagrancy
c. Anti-social behavior
d. Stealing
35. It is defined as wandering away from home.
a. Vagrancy
b. Truancy
c. Lying
d. Stealing
36. It refers to the process through which the children learn the ways of a particular society or social group
so that they can function within it.
a. Peer group
b. Determinism
c. Socialization
d. Hedonism
37. He is a british psychologist who determined the three phases that a child goes through if he is deprived
of his/her mother.
a. Sigmund Freud
b. John Bowlby
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. William Sheldon
38. It is an act of deliberately inflicting physical injuries on the child.
a. Emotional Maltreatment
b. Physical child abuse
c. Sexual child abuse
d. child neglect
39. This type of abuse could lead to a child with low self-esteem and many hang-ups and psychological
a. Physical child abuse
b. Emotional Maltreatment
c. Child neglect
d. Sexual child abuse
40. A type of neglect which includes not providing adequate food, clothing appropriate medical care,
supervision or proper weather protection to a child.
a. Child neglect
b. Emotional neglect
c. Physical neglect
d. Educational neglect
41. It refers to the failure to provide for the child's basic need.
a. Child neglect
b. Emotional neglect
c. Physical neglect
d. Educational neglect
42. This type of neglect includes lack of any emotional support and love to the child.
a. Child neglect
b. Psychological neglect
c. Physical Neglect
d. Educational Neglect
43. It is defined as causing or permitting any harmful or offensive contact on a child's body.
a. Sexual child abuse
b. Child neglect
c. Child Abuse
d. Child in conflict with the law
44. Justice attained by punishing or sanctioning the offender.
a. Restorative Justice
b. Retributive Justice
c. Punitive Justice
d. Poetic Justice
45. A Crime in which the offender uses or threatens to use violent force upon the victim.
a. Status Offenses
b. Violent Crimes
c. Serious Crimes
d. Major Crimes
46. This theory is based on the belief of primitive people that every object and person is guided by a spirit.
And promotes a notion that persons should not be held responsible for their actions when they do evil
things because their body is possessed with evil spirits.
a. Classical Theory
b. Demonological Theory
c. Italian Theory
d. Critical Theory
47. This theory was consistent with the utilitarian view that people weigh the benefits and costs of future
action before they decide to act.
a. Determinism
b. Positivist theory
c. Critical Theory
d. Classical Theory
48. This theory suggests that criminals are atavistic beings who look differently and think differently.
a. Hooton’s Theory
b. Lombrosian Theory
c. William Sheldon’s Theory
d. Genetic Theory
49. This theory stated that body type affects a person’s entire personality or temperament.
a. Hooton’s Theory
b. Lombrosian Theory
c. Genetic Theory
d. William Sheldon’s Theory
50. A Category of Crime that includes among others crimes, Robbery, Theft, Carnapping, Arson,
Shoplifting, and Vandalism.
a. Minor Crimes
b. Status Offenses
c. Violent Crime
d. Property Crimes

II. Identification: Read the following statements below, write N if it is an indicator of normal course of
moral development, write A if it is abnormal and write AR if it is being an at risk youth.
____ 1. Frequent absentism, tardiness and suspension
____ 2. Drug or alcohol involvement
____ 3. Pathological lying for no good reason
____ 4. Being a latch-key child
____ 5. Sexual desire and manipulativeness
____ 6. Shows no loyalty to other adolescents
____ 7. Oppositional stance towards authority
____ 8. Claims to have always been the first to do something
____ 9. Obsessive desire for success and recognition
____ 10. Wanting to be like other's races and cultures
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Instructor Program Coordinator

Noted By:


Academic Dean

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