Curiculum Vitae Personal Detail

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PERSONAL DETAIL                                                                            

Name : I Made Widnyana

Place/ Date of Birth : Tabanan / 23 December , 1976

Sex : Male

Marital Status : Marriage

Height : 175 Cm

Nationality : Indonesian

Religion : Hinduism

Address : Jln. Kebo Iwa Utara Gg. Citra Mandala no.16 Denpasar

Phone Number : 08510088527


Formal Education

a.1982 - 1988 : Elementary School at SDN 4 Luwuk - Sulteng

b. 988 - 1992 : Junior High School at SMPN 2 Luwuk – Sulteng

c.1992 – 1995 : Senior High School at SMAN 1 Baturiti, Tabanan - Bali

d.1995 – 1999 : University at Warmadewa University, Ekonomic Management (S1)


1. Worked at Sanno Kuta Hotel, Legian, Kuta

     As Receptionists (May – October 31st, 2000).

2. Worked at Kuta Puri Bungalows, Poppies Lane I – Kuta

     As Receptionists (November 2000 – September, 2005)

3. Worked at Paradiso Beach Hotel. Legian, Kuta

     As Receptionists (October 2005 – January 2006).

4. Works at Aston Denpasar Hotel and Convention Center

     As Concierge (February 15th, 2008- February 22nd, 2010).


5. Works at Aston Denpasar Hotel and Convention Center

      As a Bell Captain (February 22nd 2010 – 2021).

6. Working at ARSIKA Bali Sunset Road 

      As a Front Office/Concierge/Night Audit (September 20th Until Present).

                                                                                                                   Faithfully Yours,

                                                                                                            (I MADE WIDNYANA)

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