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Jacinto De Guzman Casilag Jr.

Narrative Report
My immersion began on March 6 at 7:40 a.m. I was a little anxious, but everything was OK,
and when our Immersionists' orientation began, my anxiety also vanished. The principal gave
introductory instructions on how to deal with kids and give fundamental teaching tips, such as
aiding the teachers, before the meeting officially began. I chose Grade 6 when the principal asked
us to choose which grade we wanted to attend. Because they are mature enough to think critically,
they are not messy, and most importantly, the students in grade 6 are obedient. The Principal led
me to Grade 6 class's advisor, Ma'am Myla Sinen, at that point, Ma'am Myla was quite gracious. I
simply sat in the back and watched the teacher teach. And as the afternoon approached, Even
though cutting the paper was challenging, Ma'am Myla enjoyed showing us how to make the paper
tarpaulin. And this is how my first day of immersion came to a close.
On the second day of the immersion, I got to the school a little early, so I considered helping the
kids gather water so Ma'am Myla could water the plants. As I sat in the back, the teacher started
teaching, and we continued to make the paper tarpaulin. Once we finished and pasted it on the
bulletin board, we also replaced the DepEd Directory's bulletin board with a new paper tarpaulin.
However, since we didn't finish today, we will continue tomorrow. The second day of my job
immersion came to a close here.
My work immersion is in its third day. The kids were sweeping the leaves when I got to the
school, but we didn't water the plants because the soil was still a bit damp, and we sat down when
the kids came in for class. When we had finished making the decorations on it, we immediately
glued it. Ma'am Myla had taught us how to make decorations for the bulletin board using origami
flower paper. Ma'am lent us her laptop in the afternoon so we could encode our narrative report
and images, but we couldn't print it right away since we had to wait until the next day so it could be
printed simultaneously.
And the afternoon came again to go home, and tomorrow we will continue with what we have
to do at school.
I've been at San Vicente Elementary School for four days now, and today was one of my favorites.
We helped the kids who were looking up to us because they didn't understand, and we immediately
taught them. When the kids returned in the afternoon, my friend Marvin and I did spelling, and we
spelled words with silent letters. A practice earthquake drill was held at the school. Each Thursday,
the students also study religion. After learning how to pray the rosary, the students are then
dismissed for the day. The fourth segment of my Work Immersion concluded when we returned
home after a little while.
Ma'am Myla took a math and English quiz on my fifth day of work immersion, and when it was over,
she asked us what they did. When it was time to start teaching EPP/TLE, I began by talking about
the finishing components for furniture, including varnish, enamel, and other things. After I had
completed talking to them, I evaluated who had been waiting for what I had said, and the
evaluation revealed that they had indeed understood what I had said. The afternoon came; on the
final day, John Marvin Quirimit, my roommate and fellow immersionist, and I started a conversation
on social studies, but he didn't finish it because they were summoned to the principal's office for a
This is from Ma'am Myla as it was continued. The children were meant to take a quiz after Ma'am
Myla finished talking, but due to the time difference and the need to get home, it was postponed
and will only be held on Monday. My school day ends right here.
It was my 6th day of immersion, Monday, and there was another orientation where Sir Bernie and I
were deployed again. I was deployed in Grade 5, but Mr. Principal sent me to Sir Rayanth, a Grade
6 adviser, so when I went to Sir Rayanth's room, I saw an immersionist there, so the two of us just
talked about changing the room we were going into—it was me in Grade 6 and Sya in Grade 5—
but first we made a speech paper, and Gemerald will move only in the afternoon. And the
afternoon came; I was alone in the immersionist room, and the other one who was with him was in
Grade 5. Sir Rayanth still discussed Social Studies with me, but I have not finished it. I will continue
it tomorrow because the teaching time is running out. While it was early, we also finished cutting
and gluing the spelling words on the card. And this is where my sixth day of immersion ended.
I started my 7th day of work immersion a little early, and I was able to time in, so I just entered the
room while the children were cleaning. I sat on the side and waited for the children to enter the
room; when they entered the room, Sir Rayanth started discussing in the room while I was
encoding adverbs, and I finished it immediately. After a few minutes, I was called to the room to be
an observer in the other room. And our observation started with the principal and another teacher.
And we finished our observation, so we went back to their room. The morning passed and the
afternoon came. I continued my discussion on social studies, and when I finished discussing it, I
also tested it. It turns out that we were free early in the afternoon because at 3:30 the children were
moving to the other room, so we had some free time left. This is where the 7th day of work
immersion ends.
It's the 8th day of my work immersion, and it's one of the happiest days I've experienced. The
morning of my work immersion started when I was a little sleepy because I wasn't doing much, but
when the afternoon came, I had the children write because Sir Rayanth had a meeting, so when I
finished writing to them, I cleaned their room, and when they finished cleaning, the children asked
to do zumba, so I made them do zumba until the end. In the free time, I enjoyed what the children
were doing, and while they were having fun, they were making videos and taking pictures. I was
very satisfied when the afternoon came. And it was time to go home and say goodbye to the
children, so they left. This is where the 8th day of my work immersion ends.

Another full day of my ninth work immersion is over. I got in a little early, so I decided to help the
children pull weeds, and when we finished, it was just in time for the children to enter the room to
start studying. It was Thursday so Sir Rayanth had a quiz, I looked after the children so they
wouldn't make noise so they could just focus on their quiz, noon came again and it was time for me
to make the children read well but in an unexpected event, there was a tremor but we didn't notice
it, we only found out when someone told us that it shook, a few minutes later the free time at noon
was over so we continued again when the kids quizzed, when they finished we checked it
immediately and recorded it, we wrote their assignment, when the time was up, the kids moved to
their subject in MAPEH, while I was doing nothing and just waiting for the time to go home, and
here ends the 9th day of my work immersion.
I arrived at the school where the children were already in the room to learn, just a normal day. Sir
Rayanth had a discussion, and after they finished, Sir drew a kind of simple machine in their
science subject, but they were called to the office to have a meeting. Today we only have a half
day because the teachers have a division meeting. It was 11:30, so I sent the kids home and
cleaned their room again for the cleaners. At the same time as the students who are cleaners get
off and I'm out of the office, we'll be back on Monday to continue our remaining hours of work
immersion, but we'll only have a half day again on Monday. And here ends my 10th day.

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