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Internet has alot of advantages in this modern era.

This globalization
era has developed hugely. It has benifitted for human life in this
entire world. Unfortunately, there are some people who misuse the
internet. Now, our world is facing pandemic disease, covid 19. Since
the spread of covid 19 is dangerous, it gives disadvantages for the
people economic’s life. Some are retired or fired because of the
covid 19 .There are a lot of crimes happens. One of them is
cybercrime. Cybercrime can be influenced by many factors. One of
them is financial motivation, because people are hard to find a good
job. Cybercrime can be one way or another way to support their life.
Here, I want to deliver a speech of cybercrime in just in a term of
financial motivation. Today, the digital world is ripe with
opportunities for malicious activities. Cybercrime is a type of criminal
activity that involves the use of computers and the internet. Based
on financial motivation , the hackers have a clear monetary gain
following their actions. There are types to consider . 1 malware
attacks, online spams, account take over, and ATM fraud. First,
malware attacks usually use ransomeware to attack the internet’s
user. Second online spams, the hackers target enterprises and home
use alike. And also hijacked facebook profiles from the famous artist,
then ask for donation by using the artist pictures for profile to attract
the money. Third, is CEO fraud is another insidious type of cyber
fraud where hackers pose as figures of authority in a company to
demand illicit money transfers to carry out fraudulent transactions.
Finally, ATM fraud. Might not seem like a cybercrime at first but
offenders use computers and digitals means to carry out. Then,they
have developed methods to interupt both the user”s PIN and data on
the card’s magnetic strip.
So, What we can do to prevent the action of cybercrime? First,
secure your account, second participate in cybersecurity education,
third, protect your systems.
In conclusions, cybercrime is multi-faceted affair. Most attacks are
finacially motivated but some are not. For this reasons, prevention
comes with several layers of defense that consist of both
technologies and individuals.

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