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2.1 The Process of Reading

Learning Goals
● Students will realize how often they read.
● Students will get an overview of the reading process.
● Students will discover how form helps in interpreting what they are
● Students will use appropriate strategies to make inferences about and
interpret different types of texts in the quiz.
Success Criteria
You are successful in this lesson if you can:

● Get to know yourself as a reader.

● Understand how the reading process works.
● Remember how form helps in interpreting what you are reading.
● Use appropriate strategies to make inferences about and interpret
different types of texts in the quiz.
Do you
yourself a
The Process of
happens all the time, even though we
may not always be aware of it.
We have read them in texts, song
lyrics, manuals, instructions,
street signs, and even recipes.
The majority of individuals read quite a bit, yet not
everyone reads the same books.
Which material do you usually read?

❏ Novels
❏ News articles
❏ Emails
❏ Comics/Cartoons
❏ Text Messages/Online Chat
You will find that it is easier to
interpret information when presented
in a familiar form.
For instance, your strategies to understand text
messages will be different from your approach to
make sense of a novel you are reading.
Reading is aided by
visual cues.
Determine the occupations
of the following people using
just the visual cues provided
to you.
Guess what this
person does for
a living.
Guess what this
person does for
a living.
Guess what this
person does for
a living.
Sometimes, the scenario or
context provides the hints.
In this photo, we can
gather that these
are friends who are
having a good time
over a cup of coffee.
What is happening
How about here?
When we are unsure of what will
occur next, we make predictions
by reading the information that is
What do you think
will happen next?
The result of all the exercises
you just completed is the

reading process.
First, we focus on the form.
This will make it easier for
us to determine the reading
material's goal.
Look at this image. What kind of reading
material is this??
What is the purpose of the movie poster?
Next, we look for the
overall idea.
What do you think the movie is about?
Then, in order to determine
what will happen next, we
look for tiny hints.
What details did you notice in the poster that can help
you predict what will happen in the movie?
Lastly, we think about
how it relates to us.
After reading the poster, what questions do
you have about the movie?
You were informed before that
the Ontario Secondary School
Literacy Test will assess your
reading and writing skills. The
reading portion of the OSSLT will
be covered in the upcoming
➔ Your current reading
techniques for a variety
of factual, narrative, and
graphic materials will be
developed and
We utilize the form to
connect with what we
are reading and make
assumptions and
➔ Simply put, paying
attention to the form
will improve your
reading efficiency.
What was the
lesson's most
takeaway for

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