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Mora 1

Samantha Mora

ENGL 1301-210

Dr. Sharity Nelson

11 March 2023

The process of creating Tweety: Essay 2 Final Draft

I created a Facebook post on June 2, 2020 of a Tweety embroidery craft. I thought the

embroidery craft would be completed quickly, instead it was a three-day process. I choose one

image of Tweety, from the various images on the Google website. I traced the image onto the

fabric having symmetry on both sides, before adding the Tweety facial features. I added the Tweety

image on Facebook because the image may convey the beauty of the embroidery craft with the

symmetrical alignments, techniques, and, use of color contrasts.

Tweety was created with symmetrical features that on both ends of the fabric matched in

size, diameter and, vertically. The head of the Tweety is the bigger so the size is wider than any

other part of the body. These symmetrical features help the audience distinguish Tweety from any

other cartoon bird that exists (Fig.1). The small size of the bottom portion of the body from the

neck down may also convey more of the characteristics of which bird the image is portraying.

Tweety has a large head, small body and, big feet; which can be seen with the proportions used in

the image (Fig.1). The image of Tweety portrays that the feet are chubby in size yet, does not take

up most of the space like the head. The diameter of the whole Tweety image varies. The head has

the most diameter and, is almost aligned with the feet at the bottom portion of the fabric. The head

of the Tweety is long vertically as well this is so that the head is correct in measurements. The

symmetry conveys the beauty of the craft Tweety image because everything is placed in their

designated place (Fig.1). The eyes are located in the center of the head, the beak is not too far
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away from the eyes. The neck is not too long or short in the Tweety image, the feet or belly area.

All these details help the Tweety be recognized by having the size, diameter and, vertical

positionings in place.

The Tweety image portrays techniques used along the process of the embroidering. The

“Tweety” design was difficult because the component of the craft required that there was the use

of the same loop technique without changing the pattern of the loop (Fig.1). When the pattern of

the loop is changed it causes the thread to not go in a single direction. As a result, this causes the

image to look like chicken scratch. The image of Tweety shows the symmetrical lines of the thread

one next to the other (Fig.1). The tweety image has beauty because, it gives the idea that time was

invested to make sure that the needle had a specific angle throughout the process; without

forgetting the manner the needle was held for each section done. In the Tweety image the technique

of the loops are the same for the Tweety as a whole. In the Tweety image with the bright light and,

angle the photo was taken causes the attributes to be seen more clearly; the techniques and how

the thread has a consistent pattern (Fig.1). The approach used for the Tweety’s eyes may convey

that there was the use of caution as to how the thread would be added onto the fabric; so there

would be proper alignments.

The Tweety has color contrast which may convey that the purpose of the embroidery

design; was that the bird resembled Tweety with the colors, as well used to match the online image.

The eyes of the Tweety various tones of blue that gradually jump from one tone to a drastically

different level of blue. This blue tone changes help show the actual eyes of the Tweety in the image

giving the character traits to resemble the original image (Fig.1). The actual Tweety photo on

Google website shows the changes in eye colors from the outer eye and, pupil. The color contrast

of the feet may convey more attention to the eyes cause their various colors and, tones instead of
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just yellow and, orange for the rest of the image. The Tweety yellow color may convey to the

audience that this bird is a canary. The color orange for the beak helps the beak stand out from the

yellow color so that the audience is able to recognize that the mouth was also included in the

embroidery craft (Fig.1). The white background of the fabric helps the image of the Tweety stand

out a lot more than any other background colors. The white background helps the audience keep

their focus on the Tweety; due to the contrast between the white and, yellow/orange/blue colors

within the cartoon. The white background may cause the Tweety image to convey to the audience

that the colors look more vibrant.

The beauty of the embroidery craft is captured with the combination of features as well as

the dimensions used; to create contrast within the image and background. The Tweety image also

seems to convey that the Tweety is placed in the center of the fabric; which may cause the audience

to direct their focus at the Tweety instead of the background. The color contrasts, techniques and,

symmetry all help the Tweety have features; so that the audience is able to know which cartoon

the image is portraying.

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Fig. 1

Tweety Embroidery Craft

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Work Cited

Mora, Samantha. “The process of creating Tweety.” Facebook Post, 02 June. 2020,

Date Accessed 11 March. 2023

Warner Bros. Looney Tunes. Image for Embroidery Craft “Tweety Cartoon.”

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