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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Puerto Princesa City
Bgy. Bacungan, Puerto Princesa City

Name: ________________________________ Score: ______________________

Year/ Section: __________________________ Date: _______________________



1. Do not write anything on the test question.
2. Read first every direction and each item before answering.
3. Analyze each direction carefully.
4. Read and understand each question for you to get the correct and best answer.
5. Enjoy and have fun. Happy Learning!


(Organization, Coherence and Cohesion, Language Used, and Language Mechanics)

1. What is referred as the order or arrangement of ideas in a text or composition?

a. body
b. conclusion
c. organization
d. introduction

2. What is described as whether the language used is spoken or written, and formal or informal?
a. register
b. connotation
c. figures of speech
d. idiomatic expression

3. What property of a well-written text ensures the ideas are united at the paragraph level?
a. cohesion
b. coherence
c. organization
d. language use

4. What is the language used in this statement?

“The virus is like an enemy with invisible cloak which cannot be seen.”
a. register
b. figures of speech
c. idiomatic expression
d. denotation and connotation

5. Which of the following rhetorical devices is applicable when describing location, space, or position
of things in an essay?
a. due to
b. besides
c. upper left
d. for instance

6. What property of a well-written text involves spelling, spacing, punctuation marks, indentation,
abbreviation, and capitalization?
a. mechanics
b. language use
c. paragraph organization
d. coherence and cohesion

7. Angel is the snake in her group that is why their friendship was ruined. What is the denotative
meaning of the word “snake”?
a. shy
b. traitor
c. careless
d. unmindful

8. What property of a well-written text helps the sentences to become meaningful by sticking the
ideas together?
a. cohesion
b. coherence
c. organization
d. language use
9. Kim is presenting the problems and solutions about the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) in her
essay. What type of paragraph organization is appropriate to use?
a. listing order
b. spatial order
c. complexity order
d. sequential order

10.Kathryn is processing her medical certificate so that she will be allowed to go back to her
province. What is the field register of the medical certificate?
a. legalese
b. teacherese
c. journalese
d. medicalese

11.In a short composition, Coco is trying to recall his experiences when the police officers caught
him violating the curfew hours during Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). What type of
paragraph organization is applicable?
a. listing order
b. spatial order
c. complexity order
d. sequential order

12.Gabby wrote a composition about the beauty of nature in his province: the ocean, breeze, clouds,
farm, and flowers around. What dominant paragraph organization can be seen in his text?
a. listing order
b. spatial order
c. complexity order
d. sequential order

13. “Mr. Harry Roque was appointed as spokesperson of Pres. Duterte. He replaced Atty. Salvador
Panelo , the chief legal counsel of the President, who was the temporary spokesperson.”

Which of the following words in the above sentences helps to avoid unnecessary repetition of name?
a. he
b. as
c. of
d. was

14. quarantine means limiting the movements of people to prevent the spread of virus. When people
came from a certain place going to another place with complete documents, they are advised to be
quarantined for fourteen days.

What is the error in the above statement?

a. spelling
b. indention
c. capitalization
d. punctuation mark

15. Fill in the blank with the connecting word that best joins the two thoughts.
Walking, running, and jogging give you energy. ___________ any exercise that speeds up
your heart rate is good.
A. Finally
B. In short
C. Therefore
D. In contrast

16. Which of the following sentences shows the correct usage of a transition
A. Mrs. Vista will accept late homework; however, she will take points off of the grade.
B. The Grade 11 class finished the test early; indeed, they were allowed to read quietly
before the bell.
C. Since Donna was the last to leave class, she was the first on the bus.
D. No one expected so many people at the evacuation area; furthermore, we ran
out of food.

17. What is cohesion?

A. Cohesion introduces new ideas in a text.
B. A special type of argument used in writing.
C. Cohesion is a special type of glue that writers use to make ideas stick together.
D. The way in which an author uses sentence structure to make the text more
understandable to the reader.
18. Which of the following sentences has a precise and clear language?
A. Killer sentenced to die for second time in ten years.
B. The movie is a classic example of a horror movie because it incorporates all the elements
of a horror film.
C. He is an interesting individual.
D. The practice of theory of politics is studied in the classroom but political habits on campus
do not seem to benefit from such labor.

19. What correct end punctuation are you going to use to complete the sentence:
For heaven’s sake Paul, why do you keep on mumbling__
A. period
B. comma
C. exclamation
D. question mark

20. Which of the following sentences is asking for information?

A. Marsha, are you joining the class exhibit tour tomorrow?
B. Mr. Pineda, excuse me, are we there yet?
C. Hmmm, I guess, you are not with us, aren’t you?
D. What do you think is the easiest way to get to the train station on time?

Activity 2
Directions: Circle the errors in capitalization, spelling and
punctuation marks in the given letter in a full-block style.

San manuel
Puerto princesa city

June 20, 2020

Dear karla,

Hi! How are you. It’s been 3 months since I last sent you a letter. Did
you receive it? I just wish you’re doing well. Are your parents okay?
Stay at home so you will all be safe. I am wrting to let you know that
we will be moving out to San Vicente, Palawan this coming 4th of july
for a work and hope to see you
again once you read it. It will be a good idea to catch up sometimes. I
miss when we were playing paper dolls and chinese gather in front of
our house.

Please let me know if we can see each other before I leave the city. hope
to see you soon. Take care always. Stay at home and send my best
regards to your family. i miss you!

Yours lovingly,

Activity 1
Directions: Identify the errors in capitalization, punctuation marks, and spelling in each
sentence. Revise the sentence to make it correct. Write your answer on the corresponding

Sentences Revised Sentences

Capitalization Error…

1. joshua bought a bouquet for his

wife, Carla.
2. he always wants to make her feel
special every Day.
3. they have a son named john.
4. the boy brings joy to the Family.
5. god blessed them with so much love
and contentment in life.

Punctuation Mark Error…

1. Ken finally meets his dog named

2. The world is still looking for a
vaccine to fight for CoVid.19.
3. RnB 97.5 is my favorite radio station.
4. Since Leonora left the city! She never
saw her husband again.
5. Mike sees his father as his alter ego
because of his fathers’ good
Spelling Error…

1. Clarisse went to SM Mall yet she forgot to

buy an alchol.
2. The Matahum Beach is one of the most
visted places here in Puerto
3. Today is a special day. I’ll have to
rendesvouz with my
4. Keith has a visitor who needs to be
accomodated in their apartment.
5. Pia was recently acknoeledged as the new
professor in the academe.
Activity 2
Directions: Identify which sentence applies correct capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling of words. Write the word CORRECT if it does show no error and if it does,
underline the error/s committed and write your improved sentence on the space

1. consiquently all schools will not offer

face-to-face classes untill a vaccine is
2. Scientist all over the world try to look for
a vaccine on corona virus.
3. The world health organization provided
health precautions to lessen the number of
Covid positive in the country.
4. Teachers all over the country are
advised to work from home while still in
5. Blended learning are the current trend
in Philippine education now a days.
6. It is assumed that tourism in the
country will not be the same as the
previous years.
7. The earth has rest from immense
population this past few months.
8. Students is having problems on
complying the requirements due to the poor
connection in the province.
9. There are parents who are hesitant to enroll
their children due to the threat of the
10. Online games is treated to learning since
the department of education promote
blended learning.

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