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Chapter 6

Simple Animation with scratch

Scratch has two modes to create or edit a costume.

1.Bitmap mode
2.Vector mode

MOTION block:

Moves the sprite in all directions including forward and backward

Some instructions:
✓Turn 15 degree
✓Point in direction.

PEN block:

Makes the sprite draw as it moves or changes colour, shade and thickness of the pen.

Stamps the sprite image on the stage.

some instructions:
✓Pen down
✓Pen up

SOUND block:

Plays a sound or musical note and also changes the volume of the sound.

some instructions:
✓Play sound meow.
✓Stop all sounds
✓Set volume
LOOKS block:

Changes the looks of a sprite or the backdrop with costumes.

some instructions:

✓Say hello.
✓Think hmmm
✓Next costume.

EVENT block:

Instructions from EVENT block gives instructions to start the animation.

some instructions:
✓when this sprite is clicked.
✓when key is pressed.

CONTROL block:

Instructions include repeat, wait, repeat, forever and some more.

some instructions:
✓repeat forever

Steps to draw a new costume for a sprite

•Select the sprite

•Go to Costumes tab
•Go to the
•Click paintbrush


Background of the stage is called backdrop. There are no instruction under Motion block
when the backdrop is selected.
1. Which block is not applicable when we click on the stage?


2. What does the control block does in scratch? Give any two blocks in control block.

•It helps to control the execution of the program.


3. Instructions from which block starts the animation?

Ans:Events block

4. Name the different block palettes used in the following program

Ans:Event Block
•Pen Block
•Motion block
•Looks block
•Sounds block

9. Write the steps to select a new sprite from the library

•Click the
•Choose the theme
•Select the new sprite
Fun with Text Processing

Word processor
It helps to edit, format and print texts.
It has more features than word processor.

Font is a collection of letters with similar design.It is just like our hand writing.

Steps to change font type

1.Open MS Word.
2.In the tool bar select Home →Font

Selecting different font is called changing the font type. Commonly used fonts are:
Calibri, Times New Roman and Arial

Font Styles
Page Break
Used to take a new page.
Ctrl + Enter is the keyboard shortcut.

Steps to insert page break

Step 1:Go to insert.

Step2: Click page break.

Header It helps to repeat the contents at the top of every page.

Steps to insert header

1.Go to Insert.
2.Click Header.
3.Select style from the drop down menu.

Footer It helps to repeat the contents at the bottom of every page.

Steps to insert footer

1.Go to Insert.
2.Click Footer
3.Select style from the drop down menu.

Steps to insert Page Number

1.Go to Insert.
2.Click page Number.
3.Drop down menu appears.
4.Click any of the position options of the page number.
5.Select the style of the page number.

Steps to insert WordArt

1.Go to Insert
2.Click Word Art
3. Type in the box that pop ups.
4. Edit the text, fill color,and outline color and text effect in the drawing tools.

Steps to insert Shapes

1.Go to Insert.
2. Click Shapes
3. Select any shapes from drop down.

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