AR16-205-EN Korea Paper POM in WP&P 2016

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APPROACH FLOW SYSTEMS Simply Better Board at Korea Paper Flying into Seoul, Korea, you land atone Gf the best rated airports ver the last secade: Incheon International Airport Just before nding, you can see the Sihwa Lake Power pent, one ofthe largest tal paver faites inthe wort. ‘And close by you can see the Skwha Industrial Park, where Korea Paper sts ‘high standaed for corrugating medium, linerbaard and white top. \Wrat al three entorprises nava in ‘comrman is advanced technical ‘competence and an unwavering commitment to achievement a the highest performance level possibe. While Korea Paper operates on a much smaller scale than the alrpart or ba power pant, they have the same intense Korean motivation to succeed. ‘Says Ryu Jin Ho, President & CEO, Korea Paper, “Koreans are krcwn for working long hours, and being committed to contuousty iting higher targets. After mary yeas of effort and investment—and some dificult times — ne now produce over 400,000 tors ct high quay liner and white top very effcienty. Noone coulé have imagined that our rebult machine could reach this qualiy level, using 100% recycled furish” Simplification of eur approach system has been vital to our transformation adds Loe Dai Young, Managing Director By Timo Koivisto and Martin Koepenick, Aikawa Fiber Technologies Figure 1, Ryu Jn Ho, President & CEO, Korea Pager “yy eliminating countless tanks and silos, we gained control of ‘the wet end, and reduced ‘consumption of water, ‘energy and chemicals.” & Mil Manager, Korea Paper. “By clmireting countess tanks and sios, we gained corto ofthe wat end, and reduced consumption of water, energy and chemicals. DECADES OF EvOLETION Korea Paper began in the 1970s to meet the growing demands for packegirg in the region, They produced £200,000 toy of inerboard and medium grades, covering a wide range of fgrammages from 180 to aver 400 gir They had a steady flow of business unt 8 crisis period tram 1989 te 2004, when they faced severe challenges to survive. Investing heavily from 2004 to 2007, ‘they reached 300,000 tons per yar. Al gtades attained the targeted qually sal. ‘BREAKING PAPER MACHINE CAPACITY IMTS In order to reach 410,000 ty withthe samme machine, much had to be dave. In 2012, vestments included a new fxm, improvements in dewatering, and most Important, a new comaactappreach flow syste. The esul? New high vale products, cating white top liner, roductvty gins & fastr grade changes. APPROACH FLOW SYSTEMS Firate 2, Lee Dai Youre, Mt Continues Lee Dai Young, “As part of ‘2 major paper machine rebuild, a new proach system was needed 55 our production capacity increase goals, quality, and aso the benefits of freeing up space in 3 crowed work area ‘HIGHER OUTPUT & EFFICIENCY BASED OH siwpurcire A central ard deliverable aim was deaeration, assuring smoother er 1000 ‘nmin. AFT supplied the complete runnabiliy machine speed ‘approach flow system for al three plies. Nave of the typical large tanks ate required, which alowed for the complete s paper machine lar, eliminating the need for mezzanines. The new system includes three POMD™ 730 ser degassers, two POMneaders™ and to be installed on the three POMlack™ C suction leg sealing aging Directo Yanoger, Korea Paper ‘The three POMa degassers were stoned forthe beck ply, file ply POM mixing ot and top ply systems, Tw headers allow cferent fibres to be separately (top vs. back in adion tothe equipment, AFT aso delverad basic engineering, 2D Fgue 3. The POM system POMp 730 Degassers 133 POI Acentral and teliverable aim was deaeration, assuring smoother sunnability machine speed over 1000 m/min conceptual engineering, operator traning, start-up supervision a performance testing, The star-up vent smoothly with the POM system hanaling grade testing from the without issue, sal thee layers, and also Includes 3 ck C units Notes Kim Jinhong, Representative Director, Oh Yang Patech Co. Lid. for AFT, “The fact thal the POM wet end saved capital by eliminating the need for seal pits, silos and chests isa great starting point. Best of al, nowever, is better process stably and quicker response to contol chen ‘ueBLETROUALE Wit te traditional a ch system, rere had to be done in wastewater tueatment, which meant @ focus of time, and higher use of chemicals, Lots of bubbles in the whitewater and wastewater veatment often cal fr ‘an overaad of def ts. Changing cover to the POMp degasser, however, ‘gant thatthe entained air reduction cf abeut 70% elimi ted much of the foam without chemicals, With less demand on the wastewater systam, ve have more time to focus on other important issues,” says Lee Dai Youn Naw, we use about half the defeamers that similar mils employ in Kocea WATER USE oRoP pRaaTIC Lee Dai Young, being a strong advocate for simplicity, suggests that lower water consumption is fundamental tothe productvty and quay gains. “Femer problems happen when tanks are gone. Contaminants and deposits dont have a chance to build up, as they id entrained ai is aso easier to clear fore, A closed system with less Water volume was decreased by over 5024, More importantly, al ofthe problems that are created because of huge water volumes and what grows in various tanks became history. He continues, “As you decrease water use, you can contro better. You make adjustments faster. Your god ideas are not diluted in the vast quid volume, which you don't need, Figure 4, Kim Jorg let) Representative Di ive with AFT, Aikawa Groop, Says Jinhong Kir, ca Paper saved capital by eliminating the need fr 3 stabilty and quicker response to cont ‘Sales Repres smal space. Ka With the traditional approach system, more done it wastewater treatment, which meant a focus of time, and higher use of chemicals Figwe§. Greater contro is now the norm with 2 sim FREQUENT GRADE CHANGES To satya wide range of customers, Koree Paper makes frequent grade changes, which inckude eolour and srammage chenges. The normal ure Is step by step, but pow tramatic changes ae possibe ina rove shart period of time. “Sometimes an mer needs 3 particular rector, Ob Yang Patech Co. Lt. for AFT with Keli Yesuc, The POM wet end system fis in a its, silas and chests. Best ofa, ‘and grade charges.” er wet end approach rade with very short turnaround time," adds Ryu Jin Ho.“ our smooth and flexible operations, we ‘can respond quicly, when it matters The POM system takes away a lat of stress and gives us a new advantage. Grace change tine is faster, because th purge quickly. ock and white water systems APPROACH FLOW SYSTEMS Figure 6, Once Korea Paper reached they are planning a second mil at a strate production hemseves. wall of the problems that are created because of huge water ‘volumes and wat grows in various Figure 7. Kooa Paper PMI was rebuit n 2012 to produce 3-ply boars grades. A tanks treed te 88010 1100 min. The mache row poses voto 455,000 mtny CAMB of inrbnard rom 2 100% OCC fumish. Basi we@hts fom 180-400 2 history tons per day, they were realy finding heir stride. Speed increased fram 850 r/min to 1100 min. Now, sation about an hour's dive away. They also own four carweting facies, and utilise half oftheir THE FUTURE ‘Anew box plant planned for next year, adcing to the one already in place. Looking to 2018, @ new mil, focused on lghtwelght graces, wil become a parallel operation with similar ‘ulput, A POM system wil be part of that line, as wel, “Korea Paper is pos! domestically and it the Middle East, Our team has eared 2 reputation for quality, delvery and flexibly,” concludes Ryu Jin Ho ore Paper Lee Jinkuk Chief of Production Lee Dai Young Managing Director Ryu,inHo CEO Byon Dae Bok ual Environment

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