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Mora 1

Samantha Mora

ENGL 1301-210

Dr. Sharity Nelson

02 May 2023

Requirements for Foster/Adopt Families: Essay 1 Final Revision

The Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TARE) has obtained information from the Texas

Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to help children who are in the system. The

website page lists basic requirements for a couple or interested individual to read on being an

eligible candidate to grow a family with adoption. TARE’s main goal is to help the children who

are in the DFPS care find a permanent home and stable family. TARE simplifies the information

to people, outside the community, by creating the website easy to navigate with bold titles, bullet

points and small fonts.

Since the advertisement touches on different subjects regarding the scope of foster

care/adoption, the page is organized with bold titles. The first title, “Requirements for

Foster/Adopt Families,” is in a bigger font size with a strong bold displaying to the reader that the

beginning of the reading is at the top section. The page places “Basic Requirements,” in a less bold

tone so that the reader will notice that it is the start of the explanation on the topic of

foster/adoption. This title is placed in bold so that the title doesn’t become lost with the rest of the

sentences or within the other information found in the website. There is also a box on the right-

hand side corner of the website titled, “In This Section/More Information”. This box was placed

so that the reader is able to notice the information, and know that it is additional information that
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they may want to also be aware of. The first three words in the box are marked in bold thick letters

to get the attention from the reader. In order to know what the bottom font is about, the audience

must read the title, “In This Section” first. In the bottom part of the box there is also a title in bold,

“More Information” indicating to the reader that the top and bottom part are distinct from each

other. The same bold is used for the titles which are medium size. Keeping the same bold font for

most of the titles and information, helps provide the structure and professionalism the community

page needs.

In addition, to the bold titles the website page has many bullet points accommodated

throughout the website. The bullet points make finding and noticing this information much easier

for the reader. The bullet points help the reader see that each bullet point has a different set of

information and, the reader may easily count narrowing down which requirements apply to them.

The bullet points are organized all to the left side of the page. The bullet points help the small font

sentences from seeming like paragraphs to read so that individuals can separate one information

from the other. The bullet points help readers be able to comprehend and make notes on what they

are pending and what exactly they are looking for. The page due to the bullet points helps the

reader not invest too much time going through the information.

Furthermore, the small font is also an important component in this website by fitting more

information in 1 page than using larger size font. The small font is able to fit multiple sentences

together in one area, instead of needing to look at a second page for the other half of the

information. In the box the bullet points are links that once you click on them, they will send you

directly to the section that gives that specific information. For example, “Information Meetings”

this link will guide you to a different webpage so you can see the dates, times and places to attend

the meetings locally. The link that says “En Español” will translate the TARE website in Spanish
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for the Spanish speaking readers to comprehend the information. The webpage also has the option

of exploring other forms of adoption in case the reader wants to know about other ways to make a

difference. With the small font there is space to place the six different sources in a fair size box.

With the small font there is space for TARE to be creative and use techniques; to keep the page

informative as well as designed for the reader to navigate. TARE’s community approach is helpful

with their goal of getting the outside community involved with the foster/adoption.

TARE’s perspective of using bold titles, bullet points as well as small font has made the

website page accessible even for Spanish speaking communities. TARE has been able to help the

reader know by looking at the bold font that there is a new section to read. The audience is also

able to keep track as to which information they have already read. The small font and bullet points

give the added details for the page to function as a whole. TARE mission on promoting

foster/adoption for the children in care correlates with the webpage strategy and style.
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Work Cited

Texas Adoption Resource Exchange. “Requirements for Foster/Adoption Families”. TARE,2023.

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