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Philippine Politics and Governance

HUMSS 11 | SEM 1 2022

● this power is based on a

POWER person’s role, position, and
● It is the ability to make a
difference, to change things from
what they would otherwise have ➢ Referent Power
been. (Giddens, 1997) ● this is the result of a
person’s perceived
● In politics, it refers to the ability to attractiveness, worthiness,
exercise control or impose and right to others’ respect.
restrictions on individuals and
compel others to do certain tasks.
● Government is able to enact and
➢ Compliance
create laws that promote peace
and order in society and influence ● refers to the readiness or
various processes such as those act of agreeing to do
affecting the economy for the something.
benefit of its constituents as well.
➢ Commitment
3 BRANCHES OF PHILIPPINE ● an even more desirable
GOVERNMENT: outcome because of the
trust and emotional pledge
● Legislative
that it causes.
○ makes the law

● Executive ➢ Resistance
○ carries out the law ● is the most likely outcome
when coercive power is
● Judiciary used in a hostile or
○ evaluates the law manipulative way.


➢ Coercive Power ● fundamental powers of the state
● the ability to control and/or
compel people through the ● is inherent because they need not
use of threats, punishment, be expressly conferred by the
and force. constitutional provision as they are
supposed to co-exist with the state.
➢ Reward Power
● the ability to give rewards, ○ state - a nation/territory
incentives, or benefits.\ which is considered as an
organized political
➢ Expert Power community under one
● this power relies on the government.
knowledge and skills of an
individual. ➢ Police Power
● power of the state to enact
➢ Legitimate Power and enforce laws and to

regulate property and
liberty in the promotion of
the general welfare of the

○ salus populi
suprema lex - the
welfare of the
people is the
supreme law.

➢ Power of Eminent Domain

● power to take private
property for public use
upon payment of just

○ expropriation - the
legal process

➢ Power of Taxation
● the power by w/c the state
raises revenue to defray
necessary expenses of the

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