Uncle Tom S Cabin Final Draft

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Gant 1

Tylan Gant

Mr. George Smith

U.S. History and Constitution


Uncle Tom`s Cabin Book Report

Uncle Tom`s Cabin is was a best-selling book that was written in the 19th century by

Harriet Beecher Stowe. Harriet Beecher Stowe was a teacher, and abolitionist. It is based during

the time of slavery. It mostly revolves around the main character, Uncle Tom, and the other

people around him, like his owners and the friends he makes. The story is based throughout

multiple states in the United States. It is very informative and inspirational.

The story begins with two slave owners, Mr. Haley and Mr. Shelby, who begin by talking

about how Mr. Shelby can repay his debt to Mr. Haley because he owes money to Mr. Haley. Mr.

Shelby can`t repay it because he doesn`t have enough money. So, instead, Mr. Shelby offers his

best slave Tom to settle the debt. However, Mr. Haley doesn`t think Tom is enough and wants to

take a boy named Harry also. Mr. Shelby accepts the deal. The mother of the boy, Eliza,

overhears the conversation and decides to run away with the boy and her husband, George. Eliza

decided to run away that night. The next morning Mr. Haley comes to pick up Tom and Harry but

here`s that Eliza and Harry ran away. Mr. Haley confronts Mr. Shelby about it and after Mr.

Haley tells Mr. Shelby about what happened he attempts to go after the two but the other slaves

put a beechnut on the horse saddle, so the horse would throw Mr. Haley off of it. The beechnut

made the horse uncomfortable, because of where it was placed on the saddle. So, Mr. Haley

recovered, then Mr. Haley brought together a search party to find the two. After some searching

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Gant 2

they finally found her and chased her to a river. Eliza hoped onto the pieces of ice going across

the river ,and escaped the catchers. Eliza and Harry traveled to Canada to escape slavery. Mr.

Haley couldn`t cross the river, so he hires a man named Tom Loker to Eliza and Haley. Haley

says Tom Loker can keep Eliza as long as he brings Harry to him. Eliza goes to the Senator of

Ohio for assistance and is taken to a safe house owned by John Van Trompe. Eliza goes to a

Quaker settlement and stays there briefly. The Quakers realize Eliza is married to George Harris

after they hear Eliza`s last name. George Harris later arrives to the Quaker settlement and

reunites with his wife. They leave the next day for Canada. Mr. Haley goes back to Mr. Shelby to

take Tom. They go south towards the slave market where Tom would be sold. Tom meets this girl

named Eva. Eva likes Tom a lot and tells him that her father can buy him. However, Eva almost

drowns immediately after their meeting, but Tom saves her. Eva`s father, Augustine St. Clare,

buys Tom from Mr. Haley and gives Tom his position. Eva is very nice to her father's slaves and

every day, she helps Tom become a better person and a Christian. Eventually, a girl named Topsy

is introduced and makes trouble for her master. After some time, Topsy and Eva meet and they

develop a friendship. Eva helps Topsy to become a better person, as well. Later, Eva starts

showing symptoms of an illness, but before she dies, she shares her feelings with all of her

family and her father's slaves. She also cuts some of her hair and gives everyone including the

slaves a strand. When Eva dies, her family goes through a sort of a depression. After some time,

Mr. St. Clare promises Tom his freedom. They have a deep conversation about Christianity and

God, but before he can actually get the chance to do so, he is stabbed trying to break up a fight

and dies. Tom gets sold to Simon Legree, a brutal slave owner. Mr. Legree tries to persuade Tom

to become a overseer, but Tom denies. So, Mr. Legree beats him until he does, but Tom doesn`t

change his mind. Eventually, Tom convinces Cassy and Emmeline to escape. Cassy and

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Emmeline were slaves that Legree used as sex slaves or prostitutes. The female slaves escape

and Legree starts beating Tom to try to get information on where the girl's whereabouts. Legree

eventually beats Tom to death trying to figure out where his two female slaves have gone. Tom

doesn`t die right away so before he does, George Shelby, his former master`s son, comes to free

Tom. However, Shelby is too late. After Tom dies, George buries him. Emmeline and Cassy get

on a boat going North. They eventually meet George Shelby who is also on the boat. They figure

out that Eliza is Cassy`s daughter and find a lady that is George Harris`s sister. The slaves escape

to Canada and George goes home and releases his slaves.

The main character Tom is the protagonist that loves religion and will always do what he

thinks is right even if it means death. Mr. Shelby is a slave owner, who sells Tom and the little

boy Harry in the beginning of the story. Eliza is the mother of Harry and wife of George Harris.

She is known for famous escape across the Ohio River. Eva St. Clare is the daughter of

Augustine St. Clare. She convinced her father to buy Tom and turned her father's slaves into

Christians. Simon Legree is a slave owner who treated his slaves horribly and beats Tom to


Based during the time of slavery in the 19th century, it starts in Kentucky and works its

way through areas like Ohio and Louisiana. The story gave people a better look at slavery, how it

impacted people at that time, and the point of view from those affected, the slaves. This book

also impacted the Civil War. The book is known as one of the main causes for the Civil War.

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Gant 4

The book changed people's views on slavery. It convinced a lot of people that slavery was

wrong and needed to be abolished. Still to this day, it gives people an insight on how slavery

affected people. It helped make the country what it is today.

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