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Third Periodical Test

English 8
Directions: Read each given item then choose the letter of the correct answer. SHADE the letter
of your answer on the answer sheet provided for you.
1. Throughout the world, about 900 million trees are cut down every year. And yet approximately
one billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year. If we recycled all of our paper, then
we would hardly have to cut down any more tree for paper at all. For every ton (900kg) of paper
we recycle, we can save 17 trees. Recycling should be legally mandated. Not enough people are
recycling of their own free will, and our planet is suffering because of it. The author is not in
favor of _____________.
A. cutting down trees C. saving Trees
B. recycling Papers D. legal Recycling
2. “In the age where people are in a hurry, it is important to pause from the face of life and
relax… we go to doctors to treat us from depression, insomnia, and anxiety. We ask for
prescriptions and medicines, while what we should be doing instead is turning to nature for
help. What can be more relaxing and stress-free than a cup of warm herbal tea with fresh honey
on a porch of a wooden country house with a view of a small natural lake or little green forest or
beautiful mountains.” The author shows bias for______________.
A. doctors to treat us if we are sick
B. nature and its healing power
C. a cup of warm herbal tea for calming
D. the porch of a wooden house of relaxation
3. “Aside from that, tablets cost 50%-60% less than textbooks. According to the FCC, the US
spends about $7 billion per year on textbooks, but many of them are seven to ten years out of
date. Advocates claim that using tablets instead will save money and improve learning.” The
author is biased against ________________.
A. textbooks B. advocates C. tablets D. US
4. New cars are not built as well as they used to be. Owners of new cars in 2010 have more
complaints about their automobiles than in past years. In fact, the recalling of new cars by their
makers is becoming a routine practice in a particular country. Instead of insisting upon safe,
well-designed products, carmakers seem more concerned with throwing together shoddy
automobiles and making profit. Invariably, new cars need parts replaced almost as soon as the
warranty expires. Unfortunately, people need transportation, so they continue to buy new
automobiles. The author shows bias against _______________.
A. new car owners C. car repair shops
B. foreign car manufacturers D. automobile manufacturers
5. Everyone who cooks should own a food processor. This marvelous invention is now being used
by over 12 million vegetarians, compared with only half that number a couple of years ago.
Vegetarians rarely have a weight problem since most vegetables are low in calories and contain a
little or no fats. They do not suffer a build-up of cholesterol in the bloodstream as they grow
older. Some doctors have suggested a link between vegetarianism and longevity. As human
become more health-conscious, vegetarianism will certainly become more popular. The author
show bias for __________.
A. eating more vegetables C. eating healthy foods
B. avoiding cholesterol D. becoming vegetarian
6. Citizens of the Green Park area look with alarm at the diabolical plot to change a beautiful
spot into a baseball park. If this malicious plan is carried out, the lovely trees in the park will be
chopped down. Values of the property within the area will drop sharply as the park fills with the
filth and debris of the bulldozers and other equipment. Later the shrieks of the young gangsters
who take over the park will destroy the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.
Obviously, no one cares about the poor citizen who has slaved to pay for his home and to
keep up with his taxes. In this passage, the author shows bias against ____________
A. citizens of the green park C. converting the park into baseball field
B. baseball players D. bulldozers and equipment
7. The entire so-called science of parapsychology is simply a clever fraud. The attention of
parapsychologists is focused on false claims that fall outside the bounds of normal human
experience, including extrasensory perception. These parapsychologists know about as much
about real science as the town drunk. In truth, their experiments have been shown to be
impossible to replicate, which is a fundamental qualification for a science. The author shows
bias against
A. science B. psychologist C. doctors D. parapsychology
8. Which of the following word is an example of name calling?
A. Majority B. Racist C. Democracy D. Sexism
9. “A recent survey indicates that 8 out of 10 Filipinos use social media sites.” What type
propaganda technique is this statement?
A. Bandwagon B. Transfer C. Glittering generalities D. Testimonial
10. Which among these propaganda techniques is used to convince the public that one’s views
reflect those of a common people?
A. Name Calling B. Plain Folks C. Testimonial D. Bandwagon
11. Which of the following words can be used for glittering generalities?
A. Terrorists B. Nazi C. Hope D. Dump
12. The statement “This is the voice of the people” is an example of what propaganda technique?
A. Plain Folks B. Glittering Generalities C. Name Calling D. Loaded Words
13. Buy one, get one free is a propaganda technique called _____________________.
A. Simplification B. Bandwagon C. Name calling D. Loaded words
14. This technique tries to persuade you by getting you to associate positive feelings with
something that is familiar to you with an unfamiliar product or idea by linking them together
A. Bandwagon B. Soft soap C. Transfer D. Testimonial
15. A famous person claims that something is good even though they are not experts. This
propaganda technique is __________________.
A. Bandwagon B. Testimonial C. Card Stacking D. Plain Folks
16. The strategy of showing the product’s best feature, telling half-truths and omitting or lying
its potential problem. This propaganda is ________________.
A. Card Stacking B. Loaded Words C. Glittering Generalities D. Testimonial
17. This is the use of flattery designed to get the audience on the side of the speaker. This
propaganda technique is _____________.
A. Soft Soap B. Loaded Words C. Plain Folks D. Testimonial
18. “A brand of snack food is loaded with sugar and calories; however, the commercial boasts
that the product is low in fat, implying that it is low in calories.” What propaganda technique is
A. Card stacking B. name-calling C. plain folks D. soft soap
19. The following are examples of moral issues EXCEPT one.
A. population control C. price increase
B. assisted suicide D. revenge
20. Which of the following situations is an example of a social issue?
A. Some Filipinos have no house to live and they lack proper sanitation
B. People with AIDS are often victims of discrimination
C. In China, one-child policy is strictly implemented so population can be controlled.
D. Farmers are complaining because businessmen are buying their products at low
21. Which of the following is an example of economic issue?
A. same sex marriage C. drug addiction
B. bullying D. dictating price increase
22. Big time oil price hike seen next week -Unioil. What issue is suggested in this newspaper
A. Economic Issue C. Moral Issue
B. Social Issue D. Personal Issue
23. Victims of Crime are pushing hard to bring back the death penalty in the country. This is an
example of what issue?
A. Social Issue C. Economic Issue
B. Moral Issue D. Personal Issue
24. A new student is regularly ridiculed by his classmates by calling him unpleasant words
because of his curly hair and black skin. What particular issue does this situation suggests?
A. Abortion B. Racism C. Bullying D. Discrimination
25. The workers cannot afford high prices of basic goods because they are receiving low
salaries. What particular issue does this situation suggests?
A. Inflation B. Corruption C. Poverty D. Unemployment
26. In a plot of the story, the logical arrangement of events is presented. It has 5 essential parts.
Which among the choices is not an element of plot?
A. Resolution B. Exposition C. Atmosphere D. Climax
27. Which of the following is an element of a short story?
A. Character B. Resolution C. Exposition D. Climax
28. What element of the short story shows the logical arrangement of events, with a beginning,
middle and end?
A. Exposition B. Character C. Plot D. Conflict
29. The point of view is defined as the angle in which a story is told. Which among the choices is
not a type of point of view?
A. First Person B. Third Person C. Omniscient D. Static
30. Conflict is the most important part of plot for a story. Which statement is TRUE about
A. Conflict is enhanced through the interplay of other elements like setting, theme and
B. Multiple conflicts are rarely seen in short stories.
C. External Conflict is the most commonly use type of conflict
D. Resolution is the highlight of conflict
31. “He found a large tree of duhat, taller and more massive that he had thought it would be, its
abundant black fruit hanging in juicy plumpness from sprays.” What element of local color is
present in this example?
A. Setting B. Character C. Imagery D. Conflict
32. Tatay appeared at the door carrying a buri umbrella of his own. He greeted Tia Orang with
much show of respect. What element of local color is present in this example?
A. Setting B. Character C. Imagery D. Conflict

II. DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct cohesive device from the choices given to make the flow of
thoughts smooth and effective. SHADE the letter of your answer on the answer sheet provided
for you.
33. __________ it was raining, I didn’t walk my dog this evening.
A. So B. Before C. Because D. Therefore
34. I love chocolates _________ I eat chocolate candy whenever I can.
A. although B. otherwise C. so D. in fact
35. He really loves reading. __________ he reads almost all the time
A. Despite B. In fact C. Although D. so
36. Shane needs to go to bed early. _________ she will be late for the module distribution.
A. Otherwise B. Although C. Because D. Thus
37. The summative test is easy. __________, all of us passed.
A. Hence B. Undoubtedly C. Then D. Therefore
38. Studying other culture is exciting ________ it gives understanding of their behavior.
A. however B. furthermore C. still D. but
39. He found his lost golden ring __________ he will rest.
A. meanwhile B. in other words C. finally D. first
III. DIRECTIONS: Each sentence contains either a single error or no error. None of the sentences
contain more than one error. If there is an error, it will be underlined and lettered. Select the
underlined portion that needs to be changed in order to make the sentence correct. If the
sentence is already correct, then select choice D. SHADE the letter of your answer on the answer
sheet provided for you.

40. The offices of the government is in the National Palace. No error

41. Everything about the concert were thrilling. No error.
42. Neither of the managers nor the workers agrees with negotiator. No error.
43. Either the puppies or their mother has torn a hole in that chair. No error
44. Marriane is a good writer, volleyball player and pianist. No error
45. The entourage will go Paris, to London and to Chicago. No error
46. James sang, performed and then he went outside. No error
47. He is throwing garbage, grabs wallet, and running away. No error
48. Jenny is in either the classroom or laboratory. No error
49. Michael anticipates both earning a salary and to get a bonus. No error
50. You can either go with family or friends. No error

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