1HA#6 EQ Self Assessment

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EQ Self-Assessment Checklist Rate each ofthe following statements by using the rating scale below according to how true itis of you. Write the appropriate number in the space before each question 1 2 3 4 5 Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Aways — 1. Lam aware ofthe physical reactions twinges, aches, sudden changes) that signal a “gutreaction.” _— 2 readily admit mistakes and apologize. = 3. Het go of problems, anger, or hurts from the past and I can move beyond these, = 4. I generally have an azcurate idea of how another person perceives me during a particular interaction _— 5. Ihave several important things in my lfe that | am enthusiastic about, and I lett show, 6. | can easily meet and inate conversation with new people when I have to 7. take a break or use another active method of increasing energy when | sense that iy energy levels getting low 8. Ihave ttle trouble tating prudent risks. 8. |open up" with people appropriately not oo much but enough so that I don't come ‘cross as cold and distant 10.1 can engage in an interaction with another person and pretty well size up that person's mood base¢ on nonverbal signals _—~11. Others usualy fee! inspired and encouraged atte talking to me, 12.1 have no trouble making presentations infront of groups or conducting meetings. — 13.| take time every day for quiet reflection 14. Itake the intiatve and move ahead on tasks that need to be done. 16.1 refrain from making up my mind on issues and expressing my opinion until | have all the facts, — 16.1 have a number of people I can turn to, and | ask for their help when I need it. “17 try to find the positive in any given situation, ~ 18.1 can deal calmly, srsitvely, and proactively withthe emotional displays of others “18.1 can usually identiy the emotion | am feeling at any given moment, 20. am generally comfortable in new situations. ——21.| neither bury my anger nor lett explode on others. ~ 22.1 can show empathy and match my feelings wit those of another person in an interaction, 23.1 can keep going on abig project, despite obstacles, _-24,| am respected and led by others, even when they don't agree with me 25.1 am clear about my own goals and values. 26. express my views honestly and thoughtfully, without being pushy. ‘27. am good at managirg my moods, and | seldom bring negative emotions to work 28. focus my fll attenticn on another person when I isten to him or her. 23.1 bolieve the work | do day-to-day has meaning and value to sociaty, 30.1 can effectively persuade others to adagt my point of view without coercing them. ‘Scoring the EQ Self-Assessment Checklist 1. Enter your ratings for each numbered question in the category where it appears. 2. Aad the ratings for each category to obtain a total fr that specific facet of EQ. ; : is 78 te PI | 25 28 Total: — Total: . 14 7 17 | "26 | | Total: Tot: 45 48 | Interpreting the Score Your score on each of these 8 components of EO can range from a low § to a high of 25. Any component where your score f below 188 an area in which you can Improve. EmotanalIntligene® Is learnable, Itcan Immensely improve your leadership sks f you master the ar

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