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Nama : Tara Amelia Putri

NIM : 049433541
Prodi : Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis


Please choose one of the topics below. Then,  write an essay consisting of 3 paragraph. Elaborate
your own opinion with the references related to the topic that you choose.

1. Indonesia has signed some Free trade agreement with some countries in Asia. Do you
think that this decision is beneficial for Indonesia economic? Explain your reason!
2. Inflation is a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy.
Although it can have a negative impact on society it also can give benefit to some people.
Who are they? Why?

Answer :

I choose the first topic to write an essay, which is about “Indonesia has signed some Free trade
agreement with some countries in Asia. Do you think that this decision is beneficial for
Indonesia economic? Explain your reason!“
Benefits of Free Trade Agreements for Indonesia

Indonesia's decision to sign a free market trade agreement is very beneficial for the
Indonesian economy because the free market is a system of economic exchange in which
taxation, quality control, quotas, tariffs and other forms of centralized government economic
intervention are minimal or non-existent. . So it can be concluded that the free market is a
transaction that is not regulated by a coercive body such as the government. In a free market,
taxes and duties on goods entering and leaving a country are usually eliminated.

The free market can open up economic opportunities by expanding the market. Products
originally produced for domestic sales can easily be sold overseas. There is no tax that makes the
market wider, because it is not constrained by expensive international taxes. Open markets allow
domestic producers to export large quantities of goods at lower export costs. This allows the
country to have quality exports that can boost the economy. Improving the economy The
implementation of the free market is aimed at increasing national income and the economy of the
population. The broad market provides domestic manufacturers with greater demand for their
products. The greater the market demand, the greater the economic growth. In addition, the wide
opening of the market invites foreign investors to do business in the country. Starting a new
business or developing a larger business can provide job opportunities. This can reduce
unemployment and increase people's per capita income. Improved technology Free markets
allow more advanced technology from abroad to easily enter the country. With a free market,
technological improvements can be carried out easily and evenly. In addition to technological
improvements, intense competition in the free market also demands an increase in a country's
human resources.

Meeting domestic needs Free markets help governments meet domestic needs. Not all
goods can be produced domestically, and some must be imported to meet demand. Thanks to the
free market, the absence of import costs and intense competition allow the government to meet
domestic demand at lower prices. Functions of the Free Market The main function of the free
market is to increase the economic activities of a region and to give freedom to its people to trade
without any coercion from the government. The free market can also function as a source of
information on supply, demand, and prices of goods, encourage business development,
encourage human resource development, increase productivity, and improve the economy.
Sumber Referensi

PPT Meeting 4

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