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Mora 1

Samantha Mora

ENGL 1301-210

Dr. Sharity Nelson

07 March 2023

The process of creating Tweety: Essay 2 Draft 2

A Facebook post was created on June 2, 2020 of a Tweety embroidery craft that was a

three-day process, the image was uploaded to Facebook to show my embroidery skills while

showcasing my talent to others online. There was a decision made to choose a small onesie

newborn to 3-month-old size. There was a picture chosen from google on the different versions of

the cartoon called “Tweety” only one seemed simple enough to trace. The tracing was done with

a pencil to create the outline of the image onto the onesie. After noting down that the tracing was

done correctly and the “Tweety” was symmetrical; then the next section of the tweety was traced

such as the facial features. The three main reasons for posting the tweety embroidery craft to

Facebook was to show my creative talent to Facebook friends and far away relatives, show that

I’m able to accomplish a skill such as handmade embroidery, and see my mom’s reaction to the

completion of the “Tweety” embroidery. Commented [s1]: I confused by the points "show my
creative talent" and "accomplish a skill such as embroidery."
Consider rewording the thesis to sound more clear. (Ex: I
I shared my creative embroidery project because this was the first time, I decided to try
posted a picture of the Tweety embroidery craft to
Facebook to show that…)
handmade embroidery. My friends tend to put comments that encourage me to post my various

talents. I have obtained these talents throughout the years. Comments such as “Cute!!” and “Well Commented [s2]: What talents are you talking about and
how does talking about them add to the thesis?
done!!” motivate me to continue sharing my projects. One main reason why I posted the

embroidery project of “Tweety” was because I would always struggle with completing my projects

from start to finish. I posted the image on Facebook with the intent of having my friends and

relatives see a complicated skill mastered. Some of my friends will post comments to ask if I sell
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my designs or projects I make. My relatives were amazed at how I’m able to learn the process of

new crafts. My relatives suggest that I should start a small business selling my projects. These

suggestions make me feel happy that my relatives and, friends see my projects as a good potential

to create or do something good in my life. With sharing my embroidery project, I realized that

when my friends ask for a handmade project they want and, are drawn to more with color fillings

rather than just the outside of the design having color. Commented [s3]: Consider removing or rewording this
sentence to demonstrate how your friends acknowledge
your creativity
I posted the “Tweety” embroidery because I never thought I would be able to accomplish

a skill as time consuming as handmade embroidery. Since handmade embroidery was something,

I didn’t fully become drawn to. I didn’t have inspiration to do a project based on the art of creating

embroidery projects by hand. It was till I decided to try tracing a drawing that I took the time to

go buy the supplies to begin the new project in mind. I took the time to note down everything

needed and, how I was planning to do the design such as size and, color. I knew I didn’t want to

do a large design so I choose an infant size clothing; so that I could start as a beginner in the art of

embroidery. I took pictures of the tweety process so that my friends and, relatives could see that

indeed the project took time. At the beginning I felt I wasn’t going to pull through with the

“Tweety” craft since the process required patience as well as tolerance. I decided to take breaks in

between so that I wouldn’t feel like rushing through destroying the “Tweety” craft. Once I finished, Commented [s4]: Explain why the embroidery took a long
time. Describe how the process of embroidery effects how a
design will look. Maybe talk about how you had to combine
I placed the design in a photo frame so the “Tweety” wouldn’t become damaged.
2 colors of thread(?) when embroidering the eyes.

My mom was the one who mostly wanted to see her reaction to the “Tweety” embroidery Commented [s5]: There is no concluding sentence

design. I told my mom to check her Facebook. My mom was very excited and proud that I decided Commented [s6]: Remember how topic sentences have
to explain how they connect to the thesis.
to complete the project and that it wasn’t like previous projects left half way. I was struggling with

my self esteem at the time and, my mom didn’t really know how to help me feel better. With the

completion of the “Tweety” design my mom was able to give me advice. My mom told me that I
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was going to be able to achieve any goal I set my mind too because, I took the challenge of

completing a project from start to finish. In my mom’s eyes I was able to tackle something small

which means that I will eventually be able to achieve my bigger goals. I just need to be patient

with myself and, take into consideration that I won’t be able to do things from one day to another.

My mom explained that the “Tweety” embroidery craft is symbolic to her in the sense that it has

helped her know I am getting towards my goals at my own time and pace. My “Tweety”

embroidery design has various other meanings yet, was posted to show my abilities to friends/Far Commented [s7]: What other meanings? Stick to the
meanings you listed in the thesis instead of introducing new
ones. Especially in the conclusion which is supposed to sum
away relatives, demonstrate I’m able to complete a handmade skill and, get my mom’s reaction
up/repeat what you talked about in the thesis.

towards a completed project.

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Appendix Commented [s8]: Add a textbox below the photo

describing what the photo is (Ex. Fig. 1….)
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Work Cited

Mora, Samantha. “The process of creating Tweety.” Facebook Post, 07 March. 2023,

Warner Bros. Looney Tunes. Image for Embroidery Craft “Tweety Cartoon.”

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