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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item Assessment Questions

Owner/Creator Author
Site Found Author Created
Description of Item Content These were the questions I devised to pose for
pre and post assessment purposes. The
responses were on a Likert Scale.
Relation to Goals/Significance The questions were composed to reflect the goals
that had been set at the outset of the project.
The goals were assessed in the questions. The
survey was also created to satisfy the
requirements of evaluation and to determine the
level of success in attaining Goal #3. This survey
would become imperative in determining
whether my PL had actually accomplished any of
the goals I set out to accomplish.
Acquisition Challenge Level The only challenge in creating this artifact was in
1=Easy; 5=Difficult trying to make the questions clear, concise, and
relatable to the goals. I also had to determine
the form for the responses.

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