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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item Pre Assessment Results

Owner/Creator Author/Meredith Tongue
Site Found Created using Microsoft Forms Analysis
Description of Item Content These are the results from my pre assessment
survey completed by participants in my PL
sessions before getting started on Day 1.
Relation to Goals/Significance Since my goals were to increase awareness and
knowledge of characteristics of gifted learners
and of the NAGC standards, I needed to know my
participants’ level of awareness and knowledge
going in. This pre assessment data helped to
establish a baseline from which I hoped to
improve. This beginning point was also
imperative for determining my success in
reaching my third goal of measuring the impact
of my PL on my participants.
Acquisition Challenge Level I had to learn how to retrieve data from
1=Easy; 5=Difficult Microsoft forms. Meredith was very helpful in
setting up the surveys and teaching me in the
ways of this program. Once I figured it out, I had
no problems.

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