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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


Malcolm Little once said, "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow

belongs to those who prepare for it today." Education is often referred to as the key to

success, providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their

future endeavors. But one thing is that, they are faced with the challenge of uncertainty.

Will their education or the school where they come from truly prepare them for the job

that await them upon graduation? Are they capable of handling the realities of the real

world? The student of Bachelor of Science in Criminology can see that today’s graduates

are constantly striving to achieve their dream job as they finish their studies especially in

this organization. This research will help current and future students to prepare

themselves for the challenges that lie ahead, and to equip themselves with the necessary

skills to succeed in their future careers based on the experiences of alumni and provide

valuable insights that will prepare the current students for their future careers.

Unemployment remains a significant challenge for many countries, including the

Philippines. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in January 2019, the

unemployment rate was estimated at 5.2%. Furthermore, the majority of the unemployed

are young people, with the age group of 15 to 24 years comprising 43.7% of the total

number of jobless individuals. Additionally, educational attainment is a factor that affects

employability, with 20.9% of the unemployed being college graduates, 8.2% college

undergraduates, and 28.2% completing junior high school.


“In the 21st century, employability skill is the most required skill besides

technical knowledge in an attempt to compete for employment and sustain job at the

industrial global market” (Ismail & Mohammed, 2015). Schools have to provide the

training that meets the standards employers set for their workforce. Industries may have

different standards, but they always have a set of characteristics they expect for their

applicants to possess that would boost institutional objectives. Whether employers seek

graduates whose skills are, either, related or not aligned to their field of specialization,

they will always look for their standards. According to a 2017 Harvard Business School

Study, The study found that employers believe that applicants with a college degree are

more “job-ready” than those without a degree. Specifically, employers feel that

candidates with degrees possess more hard and soft skills than non-degreed candidates.

While the range of “hard” skills varied by field, the desired soft skills were generally the

same across the board (including verbal communication skills and the ability to mentor

other staff).

Fresh graduates in the Philippines face significant competition in finding jobs,

especially given the growing population of young graduates. This challenge is

compounded by the age restrictions imposed by some organizations, such as the TRI

BUREAU, which makes it challenging for graduates to enter a career. Even if eligible,

graduates may still need to wait for a "kota" slot, which refers to a new uniformed

personnel opening. As a result, some graduates may need to take up temporary work to

sustain themselves while waiting for opportunities, while others continue to actively seek

employment. A graduate tracer study is a common research method used to track

graduates' career paths and destinations.


A tracer study is a thorough, objective, and evaluative study that tracks the

graduates' career that is mostly about their current employment situations and assessing

their qualitative job-related competencies. The assessment may determine its advantages

and disadvantages, particularly with regard to the worth and quality of the services they

give. Each assessment process's objective is to enhance the organization's operational

capabilities, policies, and programs by determining what must be modified in order to be

more ideal and successful. According to Pacatang, D.H. (2016). One of the objectives of

the institution is to determine the employment status of the Criminology graduates,

locally and abroad. The graduate's alma mater can use the data collected from survey

items, and in fact various education groups for the creation and modification of the


This tracer study for NC criminology graduates from academic year 2017 to 2022

provides feedback to the schools as to the employment status of their graduates

particularly in various field of law enforcement: The TRI BUREAU such as Philippine

National Police, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and the Bureau of Fire

Protection and Industrial Security and Private sectors. The researchers aim to conduct an

evaluation procedure to the alumni of the Northeastern College and evaluate the current

standing and performance of graduates in their endeavors, this is the most direct way to

assess an educational institution's performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study is geared towards finding the employment status of graduates of the

Northeastern College of Criminology and relevance of NC curriculum and students


competency received from the institution according to the current trends and demand in

the employment sector.

Specifically, this graduate tracer study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the Demographic Profiles of Northeastern College graduates with

regards to;

1.1 Gender;

1.2 Age bracket;

1.3 Marital status;

1.4 City of residence;

1.5 Region of origin; and

1.6 Ethnic group?

2. What are the educational, training, professional licensing qualifications and

competencies of the respondents in terms of;

2.1 Whether currently enrolled in another degree program;

2.2 Training/advance studies;

2.3 Reason for pursuing advance studies;

2.4 Professional Licensure or eligibility examination passed;

2.5 Enrollment situation during tenure at Northeastern College;

2.6 Regular or irregular;

2.7 Session and section;

2.8 Duration to complete BS Criminology;

2.9 If a transferee, school transferred from; and


2.10 Whether respondent was on a scholarship and if so, what type of


2.11 Reasons for pursuing B.S Criminology;

2.12 Competencies learned in college found to be useful on the job?

3. What is the employment status of the respondents in terms of:

3.1 Whether currently employed; and;

3.2 Reasons why if not yet employed;

3.3 Present employment status;

3.4 If self-employed, skills learned in college they are able to apply

3.5 Current employer;

3.6 Industry;

3.7 Place of work;

3.8 Income level;

3.9 Job level position;

3.10 First job; and

3.11 How found;

3.12 How long did it take to land their first job;

3.13 Reasons for accepting the first job;

3.14 Income level;

3.15 Job level position;

3.16 How long did they stay at their first job;

3.17 Reasons for staying on the first job; and

3.18 Reasons for leaving (if no longer at first job)


4. What suggestions may be forwarded to further improve the Northeastern

College B.S Criminology?

Objective of the Study

1. The study aims to survey the general profile of the respondents.

2. To know the educational, training, professional licensing qualifications and

competencies of the respondents

3. To investigate the employment profile of the respondents.

4. To look for the suggestions may be forwarded to further improve the Northeastern

College B.S Criminology.

Significance of the Study

The researchers provided information of the employment status of the Bachelor in

Criminology Graduates of Northeastern College Batch 2017-2022. Evaluating the current

standing and performance of graduates in their endeavors is the most direct way to assess

an educational institution's performance. Tracing the graduates will help to identify the

project components that are effective and ineffective. Moreover, it is necessary for NC to

find out the employment status of their alumni in order to help them determine if whether

the school is providing a quality education. The study is believed to be significant to the

following persons, group of persons and sectors;

Students of Criminology. This study will especially assist the students of aspiring

criminologist who are considering their next professional steps after getting their

bachelor's degree by examining the historical patterns of their alumni about their career

selections. This analysis will act as a guide for them as they make their own decisions.

The findings of this study will enable them to learn more about the curriculum's quality,

the school's suitability for their needs, the instructor of NC qualifications to prepare

students, and the kind of jobs that will be available to them once they graduate.

To the Alumni. The results and suggestions would be utilized objectively to motivate

and urge alumni to assist and refer their fellow grads to job openings since they have

objective knowledge indicating the graduates are well equipped for employment.

To the Deans and Instructors. The findings of this study may be used by the deans and

professors to help them in improving their teaching approaches so that the students would

be more interested in the course they have taken. It will help educators understand which

criminology lessons need to be improved and changed to meet the demands of the

modern criminology field. Additionally, to assess how well their training techniques

worked with the new technology and equipment in the program.

To the Parents. Parents who are thinking about enrolling their child in NC will help

them come up with parental advices for their child and the information derived from this

study can help parents became aware that their support in their children’s education is

paying off, while the community benefits with better trained students and employed


To the Future Researchers. The researchers will benefit from the result of this

study and can use this work as evidence for further study. This might serve as the

foundation for yearly tracer studies for graduates of criminology programs as well as

other programs with a similar interest.

And to the Administration of Northeastern College. The results of this study will

provide accurate information regarding the employability qualities of their graduates as a

school that provides criminology education. Especially to those in charge of

implementing modifications to the curriculum and school rules. This will act as a starting

point for improving the school's curriculum. Moreover, the result of the study could serve

as a basis for educational reforms, they can address the deficiencies in its curriculum by

offering development training to its instructors, addressing the ineffectiveness of its

faculty by purchasing equipment, notably in criminalistics, and updating outdated

reference materials.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on getting the data of the respondents by tracing the alumni or

graduates of Bachelor of Science in Criminology of Northeastern College and survey

their employment status after they graduate.

Furthermore, this study was limited to one hundred and sixty-eight (168)

respondents from the latest academic years started from 2017 to 2022 that has

approximately 296 graduates. As per faculty advice it has to be a 5 years bracket but we

started at year 2017 because there is a year where there is no graduates due to the new

curriculum or the “Enhance Basic Education Act of 2013” or most commonly called k to

12 (Republic Act of 10533). Also, the study was started during the first quarter of the

year, from September to May. The study was conducted at Northeastern College and in a

kind of a survey manner through a questionnaire and was analyzed using an inductive


Definition of Terms

The following have been used as follows:

Career. An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with

opportunities for progress.

Criminology. Criminology is the study of crime and criminal behavior, informed by

principles of sociology and other non-legal fields, including psychology, economics,

statistics, and anthropology, Criminologists examine a variety of related areas, including

characteristics of people who commit crimes, reasons why people commit crimes, effects

of crime on individuals and communities and methods for preventing crime

Curriculum. Curriculum is a standards-based sequence of planned experiences where

students practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills.

Curriculum is the central guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and

learning, so that every student has access to rigorous academic experiences.

Employability. “a set of achievements skills, understandings and personal attributes that

makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen

occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the


Employment. Employment most generally means the state of having a paid job—of

being employed. To employ someone is to pay them to work. An employer provides

employment to employees.

Employment status. Employment status is the status of a worker in a company on the

basis of the contract of work or duration of work done. A worker may be a full-time

employee, part-time employee, or an employee on a casual basis

Evaluation. The process of judging or calculating the quality, importance, amount, or

value of something

Institution. An established organization or corporation (such as a bank or university)

especially of a public character

Tracer Study. Tracer studies can be defined as retrospective analyses of graduates

through a standardized survey, which takes place sometime after graduation (normally

between 6 months and 3 years). Tracer studies are also known as graduate surveys,

alumni surveys, or graduate tracking. Normally, the target population is a homogenous

group of students / trainees who finished their studies at the same time (generation or

graduation cohort).


This chapter presents the list of related literature and studies that serve as

guidelines to the proponents to pursue their topic entitled “Graduate Tracer of

Criminology Student of Northeastern College Year 2017- 2022”.

Related Literature

In this era of globalization and increasing competitiveness, fresh graduates face

immense pressure to land a job that aligns with their chosen field. Universities play a

crucial role in producing graduates who are work-ready and competent in their respective

fields. This is especially true for the Bachelor of Science in Criminology program offered

by the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, which was introduced in

2008. As a responsible institution, the university is obligated to identify the strengths and

weaknesses of its program and improve the quality of education it provides. Repoyo

(2021) study on the tracer study of Criminology graduates of A.Y. 2019 in Nueva Ecija

highlights the significance of such studies in identifying effective and ineffective

components in the program and enhancing the quality of graduates produced.

As per, Eusebio and Guadamor's (2017) research on the Bachelor of Science

Criminology program offered by Cagayan State University (CSU) sheds light on the

career paths of pioneer graduates from the Piat campus. Their findings revealed that a

majority of graduates were employed in the government sector, with their job preferences

varying based on their specialization. This can be likened to the Tri-bureau, where

graduates may end up in the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, or

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology based on their preference. Their study also

explored personal reasons for staying in their jobs and the relevant skills required to excel

in their roles.

These studies emphasize the importance of universities and the programs they

offer in shaping the career paths of graduates. By identifying areas of improvement and

building on strengths, universities can produce competent and work-ready graduates who

are equipped to succeed in their chosen fields. Different studies have been conducted on

tracer studies in various countries, including the Philippines, Ghana, and Indonesia. In the

Philippines, a study conducted by Pacatang (2020) on criminology graduates from Jose P.

Rizal Memorial State University found that the curriculum, faculty, student services, and

organization could influence graduates' perceptions of the effectiveness of their education

to their present occupation. The study also found that the choice of university plays a

significant role in graduates' future employment prospects.

Meanwhile, In Ghana, Nudzor and Ansah (2020) noted the importance of

reflective research exercises in improving the effectiveness of graduate tracer studies.

They argued that such research is crucial for addressing the challenges and lessons

learned from these studies in order to improve the quality of post-graduate programs.

Also, Hasibuan, Silaban, and Prayogo (2021) cited, found that conducting a tracer

study is important for obtaining information about the distribution of graduates, their

activities, positions, roles, and stakeholder opinions. They concluded that the

competencies possessed by graduates are in accordance with the needs of the world of

work and that the waiting period for graduates to work is only six months in their study at

Medan State University.


Related Studies

In the study by Aydinam (2019), the main goal of college students is to secure

employment after graduation. This is also true for Criminology graduates, who are

expected to have expertise and discipline that can be employed locally and globally. The

College of Criminology at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology aims to

produce high-quality graduates by continuously improving their curriculum content and

delivery, hiring competent professors, equipping with advanced instructional facilities,

delivering applicable student support systems, and cultivating a culture of quality and


More so, Refugia (2021) examined the employment status and challenges

encountered by Criminology graduates from Laguna State Polytechnic University - San

Pablo City Campus Batch 2014 to Batch 2016. The study found that many graduates

were not aware of the breadth of opportunities within and beyond the field of criminal

justice. The study also revealed that graduates faced challenges such as qualifications set

by the agency/institution, and took 1-3 years to be employed with the Tri-bureaus.

Despite these challenges, the majority of the employed respondents have permanent

status, and the salary and benefits of the agency/institution were significant factors for

them to apply for their first chosen career and stay in their current jobs.

As per Ruiz, Pioquinto, and Amparado (2020) determined the employment status

of the Criminology graduates of University of Cebu - Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue, Mandaue

City, Cebu, Philippines. The study found that most respondents were employed, holding a

regular or permanent position, with some employed less than a year after graduating.

Graduates were found to be efficient in disassembling and assembling firearms and


knowledgeable in collecting, preserving, and handling evidence, but weak in formulating

questions related to investigation. Graduates were also flexible and can adapt successfully

to changing situations and environment.

These studies highlight the importance of education in preparing Criminology

graduates for employment. Colleges and universities must continuously improve their

curriculum content and delivery, hire competent professors, equip with advanced

instructional facilities, deliver applicable student support systems, and cultivate a culture

of quality and excellence. Graduates must also be aware of the numerous career paths

available to them and be equipped with necessary skills and proper preparation for their

chosen careers. By doing so, Criminology graduates can contribute to the country's

development and have a successful future.

Also, Tracer studies are vital in determining the effectiveness of higher education

institutions Higher Education Institution in providing quality education and training to

their students. According to Maratas E. N.'s study in 2018, many HEIs in the Philippines

are responsible for developing human resources through long and short-term programs,

which includes keeping track of their graduates' performance in the workforce. In the

case of the study conducted in Jose Rizal Memorial State University-Main Campus,

Dapitan City, a sample of 77 criminology graduates from SY 2010-2011 to 2013-2014

was randomly selected to trace their employability and destinations.

The majority of the respondents were 22-24 years old, male, and had a good

average grade bracket of 2.0 to 1.6. Surprisingly, only a few pursued further studies after

obtaining their baccalaureate degree, with most doing so for promotion and professional

development reasons. Unfortunately, more than half of the graduates were unemployed or

laid off during the interview, and most of them did not take or pass the licensure exam.

This study emphasizes the importance of graduate tracer studies in understanding

the relationship between higher education and work. HEIs must align their efforts with

the industry's manpower needs to ensure that their academic programs and course

offerings reflect institutional goals and market niches. The study also suggests that the

curriculum, faculty, student services, and organization could influence the graduates'

perception of their relevance to their present occupation. Therefore, HEIs should focus

more on applied learning and functional skills to equip their students with the

competencies needed in the workforce.

Overall, this study highlights the crucial role of HEIs in producing highly

employable graduates. By tracing their graduates' employability and destinations, HEIs

can continually improve their academic programs and course offerings to align with

industry demands and produce graduates that are highly equipped with the necessary

skills and competencies to succeed in their respective fields.


Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework is a design that offers the reader a brief concept of how

various processes will work as well as explains the variables in a possible explanation to

the readers. The main focus of the research is to gather information about the

employment status of the graduates of Criminology students of Northeastern College.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Demographic profile of the

Respondents in terms of:

 Age;

 Gender; Employability
 Civil status;

 City residences;

 Year graduated;

 Employment profile;

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure 1 shows the independent and dependent variable in which the former

contains the demographic profile of the respondents regarding their age, gender, civil

status, City of residences, year graduated, and employment profile. While the latter it

contains the employability by the respondents.



This chapter provides the methods of research to be employed by the researchers

in conducting the study. This chapter describes the procedures used, the respondents, the

source of data, the research instrument used, as well as the analysis are used to treat the

data gathered.

Research Design

The research followed a descriptive quantitative approach. The study will employ

a survey method involving the use of a questionnaire. In survey method research,

respondents will answer questions through a survey questionnaire prepared by the

researchers. The questionnaire will be used to gather the needed data, particularly on

tracing the alumni or graduates of Bachelor of Science in Criminology of Northeastern

College and survey their performance especially in terms of their career especially their

employability status after they graduate.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents are composed of the 2017-2022 Graduates of Bachelor of

Science in Criminology students of Northeastern College

Sampling Techniques

The researchers used probability which is random sampling in selecting the

respondents of the study, which researchers will give all the members of an entire

respondents to have the chance of being selected. The respondents are containing of

minimum of one hundred and sixty-nine (169) respondents measured through the use of

sample size calculator by raosoft from academic years started from 2017 to 2022 that has

exactly 300 graduates.

Table 1 shows the total number of graduates for academic year 2017-2022 and the

total number of respondents thereof.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents Relative to the Number of Graduates

Academic Year Total Number of Number of sample

Graduates respondents

2017-2022 300 169

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Northeastern College at Barangay Villasis, Santiago

City Isabela. In 2003 Northeastern College started offering Bachelor of Science in

Criminology, located at Barangay Villasis, Santiago City Isabela. A 4-year degree

program in criminology and available to those who want to work in the criminal justice

system. The course is divided into six sections: criminal law and jurisprudence, forensic

science, sociology of crime and ethics, law enforcement administration, crime detection

and investigation, and correctional administration.

Figure 2 shows the map of Province of Isabela where selected respondents of

Northeastern College graduates are residing which composes of various cities. There are

also respondents from several places of Mt. Province.


Figure 2
Map of Province of Isabela

Research Instrument

A survey was used as an instrument of data collection to obtain information about

the views and experiences of the respondents through open-ended and close-ended

questions. The researchers adopted a questionnaire and will serve to gather the data of

alumni and were presented to respondents via online form. Questionnaires have two parts

which covered the profile of the respondents and the questions concerning the career

situation especially in their employment status of the Graduates of Criminology students

of Northeastern College from year 2017-2022.


Data Gathering Procedure

All information that will be collect through the use of questionnaire and survey form

will be keep confidentially. The researchers will undergo to the following steps and

procedure in order to have a systematic and organized gathering of data:

1. Prepare and construct the survey questionnaire containing the demographic

profile of the respondents as well as the main objective.

2. Ask permission. The researchers will obtain a written permit from Northeastern

College administrators allowing the student researchers to carry out this research


3. The survey questionnaire will be given to the respondents of Graduates of

Northeastern College from 2017-2022.

4. The researchers will collect the data gained from the online survey.

5. The researchers will organize and analyze the data that have been gathered

whether if the information that have been collected is reliable or not.

Statistical Treatment and Analysis of Data

In order to analyze the data gathered for this study, the researchers used the

following statistical tool:

1. Frequency and Percentage. This tool used to determine the number of cases under

each category. It determined the frequency of a particular results in a given survey while

percentage was used in analyzing the distribution of the respondents per category

2. Ranking. This was used to determine the category of depending on the magnitude of

the variable. The method of ranking comprised of assigning numbers (or rank) according

to their value relative to the others in array. The greatest value is ranked as ‘1’, the

next,’2’, and so forth. For variables that share the same ranked (duplicate ranks), the

subsequent rank adjusts down according to the total duplicate ranks. E.g., if there exist

two variables ranked as ‘5’, the subsequent rank assignment will be ‘7’.


Ismail, S., & Mohammed, D. S. (2015). Employability skills in TVET curriculum in

Nigeria Federal Universities of Technology. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,

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Guadamor, M. L., & Eusebio, J. E. (2017). A tracer study on the BS Criminology

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Management and Social Sciences, 6(12), 93-101.

Pacatang, D. H. Q. (2016). Tracer study of BS Criminology graduates of Jose Rizal

Memorial State University. Journal of International Academic Research for

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Nudzor, H. P., & Ansah, F. (2020). Enhancing post-graduate programme effectiveness

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Hasibuan, A. F., Silaban, S. M., Lubis, F., & Prayogo, R. R. (2022, January). Tracer

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Maratas, E. N. (2018). Graduate tracer study of BS Criminology of JRMSU Main

Campus Dapitan City: its employability and destination. International Review Of

Humanities And Scientific Research by International Scientific Indexing ISSN (Online),


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